We'd like to kick off this week's blog post by recognizing the veterans in our school and boarder community. Thank you for your service and your sacrifice. We are forever grateful. Please be aware that there will not be Scout Learning Lab or a late bus after school on Wednesday. We have a staff meeting.
Our attendance rate, excluding absences related to COVID, is lower than our historical average. Right now it's trending around 90% and our goal is for an attendance rate of 95% or higher. The attendance rate is important because students are more likely to succeed in academics when they attend school consistently. It’s difficult for the teacher and the class to build their skills and progress if a large number of students are frequently absent.
A 2008 study conducted by the Rodel Community Scholars at Arizona State University that tracked students from kindergarten through high school found that dropout patterns were linked with poor attendance, beginning in kindergarten. Gregory Hickman, director of the Rodel Community Scholars program and former director of the Arizona Dropout Initiative, notes they discovered that as early as kindergarten, behavioral differences are apparent between those who go on to graduate and those who drop out, with dropouts missing an average of 124 days by eighth grade.
We understand that students need to stay home when they are sick and from time to time things come up that require students to miss school. Family events, appointments, and other outside commitments are important and enhance students' lives. However, any time a student misses school it impacts their education. Please schedule appointments, vacations, and other activities outside of school days as much as possible. A student can miss 8 days over the course of the year and still have a 95% attendance rate. Please support your student and our school by helping them get to school each and every day.
The Student Leadership Team is hosting a family night on Monday, November 22nd from 6:00-7:30 in the LMS cafeteria and gymnasium. All LMS families are encouraged to attend. We will be playing bingo, corn hole, and knock out. Prizes will be given to the winners. Everyone attending family night will need to follow all current health and safety guidelines. We hope to see everyone there!
Upcoming Events
- November 10 No Scout Learning Lab or late bus
- November 11 Veterans Day
- November 14-20 American Education Week
- November 22 Family night
- November 24-26 No school
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