Monday, October 29, 2018

Week of October 29

It's a spook-tacular week to be a Scout.  Students are allowed to wear costumes on Halloween.  They must meet the criteria laid out previously.  Which are basically: the student is identifiable, and excessive gore, excessive face paint, masks, and faux weapons are not permitted.  Students and their classmates must be able to participate in learning activities.  Students with costumes that do not meet these criteria will be asked to change.  Let's make this a fantastic Halloween.

One of the many great things about graduating from high school in Wyoming is that Hathaway Scholarship.  The Hathaway Scholarship is funded by a $400 million permanent endowment an all Wyoming students are eligible for the Hathaway Scholarship if they meet the criteria. This scholarship can cover significant portions  post-secondary education.  Please visit this website to learn more about the Hathaway Scholarship or email your questions in.

In order to make grades reflective of learning, the LMS staff has developed grading norms.  Some of our norms are related to late or missing work.  Students do not lose points if work is late.  Taking off points would be grade promptness, which is a behavior, as opposed to offering feedback on what the assignment was about.  However, turning in assignments on the last day of a semester from the first week of the semester is more about a grading game than a learning game. 

Late or missing assignments can be completed and submitted for credit in nine week intervals.  The first nine week interval ends this Friday.  Any work from the first part of the year will not be accepted for credit after Friday, November 2nd.  Assignments from Monday the 5th onward will be accepted through the end of the semester on January 18th.  Please check your student's grades in Powerschool and utilize Scout Learning Lab to help your student complete any missing work prior to this Friday.

Upcoming Events: 
  • November 5-9                LMS food drive
  • November 6                   No school-professional development 
  • November 9                   Fall dance
  • November 16                 Hathaway Scholarship Day
  • November 21-13            No school-Thanksgiving
  • November 29                 Nellie T. Ross' birthday 

Monday, October 22, 2018

Week of October 22

To begin this post, I'd like to share some of Dr. Yennie's words to frame why we have conferences. When I typed my first draft, I focused on the logistics of conferences, which are important and shared below.  But Dr. Yennie helped me remember the why of conferences.  Why we take the time to be intentional about discussing your student's growth, why we alter our busy schedules for conferences, and why in this age of digital communication, there is so much value in meeting face to face.

With parent-teacher conferences this week, we get the opportunity to connect in the presence of old and new friends. We get to share the stories about children and their amazing learning and growth.  We get to hear dreams and aspirations. Please take the time to make meaningful connections this week.  Parent –teacher conferences are a great celebration and an important milestone. 

And now for the nuts and bolts.  There are only three days of school for students this week.  Students do not attend school on Thursday, October 25th or Friday, October 26th. Conference are from 3:30-7:30 on Wednesday and 8:00-7:00 on Thursday.  There will be no Scout Learning Lab (SLL) on Wednesday, but we will have SLL on Friday from 8:00-11:00.  Classes will resume on Monday, October 29th.  Please use this link to sign up for conferences if you have not done so already.  Because of the short week, we will be following our 'all' schedule on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.

Attendance is crucial to student success.  Our attendance mantra for this year is "Strive for Five" meaning our goal for all students is five or less absences excluding those absences related to school activities.  There are many factors that influence school attendance, and at times students need to miss school for illness or other reasons, but students need to be in school as much as possible as there truly is no replacement for first time instruction and the learning that accompanies it.  You might wonder, what's the big deal about attendance?

A study in Maryland found that only 49% of chronically absent middle school students graduated from high school on time compared to 70% of students who attended faithfully.  Another study in Pennsylvania showed that students who struggled academically and who were habitually absent were significantly less likely to close the achievement gap than their peers who also struggled academically but attended school regularly.  This research confirms what we already know, being in school is important.  Please do everything you can to help your student be in school, on time, ready to learn every day. Certainly we will do everything we can to help students who are absent get caught up on what they miss, but there's just no substitute for being in school.

The last class at LMS dismisses at 3:00 every day.  Unless your student is staying for SLL, or participating in an activity that starts right after school, they need to be out of the building by 3:10.  Some students are staying long after that creating supervision issues.  If your student is being picked up, their ride should be at the school by 3:10 or other arrangements need to be made.  If your student participates in an activity that has late practice, they need to make arrangements to go somewhere after school until practice begins.  They can not remain at the middle school until late practice starts.  There is no one available to supervise students during that time.  Thank you for your support.

Upcoming Events: 
  • October 24                     No SLL conferences 
  • October 24-25                Fall conferences
  • October 25-26                No school-conferences
  • November 6                   No school-professional development 
  • November 29                 Nellie T. Ross' birthday 

Monday, October 15, 2018

Week of October 15

Fall conferences are Wednesday, October 24th from 3:30-7:30 and Thursday, October 25th from 8:00-7:00.  Conferences are a great time to check in with your student's teachers and to offer feedback to help us support students more effectively.  Use this link to schedule your conferences.  If you can't remember everyone's name from back to school night, please review your student's schedule on Powerschool, consult the six week grade report that was mailed home last week, or view the staff listing page on our website.  If you are unable to schedule a conference with all of your student's teachers on the 24th or 25th, please contact teachers via email to set up another time to meet.  We hope to see you all on the 24th or 25th.  Spanish translation services are available all day on the 25th.

Halloween is approaching quickly.  In fact, based on the displays in the stores, we've been ready for Halloween since late August. Students are allowed to wear costumes on Halloween, however, there are guidelines for costumes.  Please review the video below from the student leadership team for more information.

There will be no Scout Learning Lab (SLL) this Wednesday due to a staff meeting.  There will also be no late bus.  All students not participating in school activities should leave right after school on Wednesday.  Also, please remember that while the elementary schools have an early release this Friday, the middle school will dismiss at our regular time of 3:00.

As you can see from the picture below, the LMS lost and found is way more lost than found at this point.  Please encourage your student to look for their missing items in the lost and found.  It is located in the cafeteria.  All items remaining after conferences will either be donated or disposed of.

Upcoming Events: 
  • October 17                     No SLL-staff meeting 
  • October 24-25                Fall conferences
  • October 25-26                No school-conferences
  • November 6                   No school-professional development 

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Week of October 1st

It's homecoming  spirit week at Laramie Middle School.  There are a variety of activities planned including dress up days, a football game, a volleyball games, and family bingo night.  Homecoming spirit week concludes with the LHS football game on Friday night. Please see the LMS Events Calendar for a complete listing of events.  The themes for the dress up days are:

  • Movie Monday
  • Twinning Tuesday
  • White Out Wednesday
  • Throwback Thursday
  • School Spirit Friday
Family Bingo Night is today, October 2nd, from 6:45-8:00 pm in the LMS cafeteria.  All LMS students and their families are encouraged to attend. There will be prizes, popcorn, and plenty of fun.  There is no cost to attend.  We hope to see you all tonight n the cafeteria.  It's the place to be!

Families whose students have a negative lunch balance began receiving text messages last Friday, September 29th.  These texts will be sent weekly to keep families informed of their student's balance. Lunch payments can be made online under the resources tab on the LMS website. If you have questions regarding your student's account, or feel you have received a text message in error, please contact food service at 721-4482. 

The State Department of Education has released WYTOPP scores from last Spring.  WYTOPP is the state mandated test students take each fall and spring to measure their progress and growth.  We use WYTOPP scores to examine our instructional effectiveness and to identify areas of celebration and areas of growth.  Students in all grades take the math and English Language Arts (ELA) tests.  Eighth grade students take a science test and seventh grade students take a writing test as well.  Our scores, as measured by the percentage of students who scored proficient or advanced, were higher than the state average in all areas.  We are excited for these results and look forward to working together to improve in the future.  Families will receive a copy of their student's scores with the six week grade report that is being mailed out this Friday.

State Average
LMS Scores

Upcoming Events: 

  • October 1-5                    Homecoming spirit week                      
  • October 2                       Picture retakes 
  • October 2                       LMS family night 
  • October 24-25                Fall conferences
  • October 25-26                No school-conferences