Monday, December 12, 2022

Week of December 12

It's hard to believe that it's almost time for winter break.  Counting this week, there are only 4 weeks left in the first semester.  If your student is missing work, has questions, or is earning a failing grade, we are here to help.  Teachers will be available in Scout Learning Lab (SLL) after school on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday this week.  A late bus is available when we have SLL.  There is no SLL or late bus on Wednesday or Friday this week.  Please talk with your student and their teachers to make a plan to address any academic deficiencies before the winter break so we can all start 2023 on the right foot.

TikTok, Instagram, Snap Chat, and Facebook (if you're old), what do these things have in common?  They are a big part of many peoples lives including LMS students.  We are restarting the LMS PTO with an in person meeting Tuesday at 6:00 pm in the LMS library.  We are moving to a topic based format, and Tuesday's topic is Tween, Teens, and Social Media.  All LMS families are cordially invited and we hope to see you there.  These meetings will be a two way conversation between our school and families to strengthen the vital home-school connection that is crucial to student success. 

At LMS we utilize tools from Capturing Kids' Hearts (CKH).  You may have heard your student talk about social contracts, good things, or the four questions, which are some of the CKH tools used at our school. Capturing Kids' Hearts helps us build relationships, create and sustain a culture of respect and belonging, and build self-managing classrooms. This is the third year we've been using tools from CKH at LMS and we feel they make a difference.  We'd like to know what you think.  Please use this link to complete a survey and let us know how things are going.  The link is pasted below as well. We value your feedback. 

The Student Leadership Team has designated three dress up days to send 2022 out with a bang.  Wednesday is Ugly Sweater Day, Thursday is Holiday Hat and Socks Day, and Friday is Holiday Colors Day.  Please encourage your student to show their Scout Pride and holiday spirit by participating.  

We have had a great first part of the school year.  We are looking forward to rest, relaxation, and reflection over the winter break before we come back and finish the first semester strong.  Thank you for your support, feedback, and encouragement.  We enjoying working with you to support your student.  Have a safe and happy winter break. 

Upcoming Events

  • December 13             PTO meeting 
  • December 19             Winter break begins 
  • January 3                   Classes resume
  • January 20                 Early release for students
  • January 20                 End of the first semester

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Week of November 28

Welcome back!  We hope you had a restful and fulfilling Thanksgiving break. We now begin the push to winter break.  The next three weeks are crucial and every day counts as we look to solidify student learning prior to the new year.  Please make every effort to have your student in school every day.  We know there are some illnesses working their way through our community, and we're not suggesting that you send your student to school when they are not feeling well, but we are averaging 5% below our target attendance and historical norms for this time of year.  That's an additional 35 students out of school every day than we're used to.  There is no substitute for first time instruction.  Please let us know how we can support your student's attendance.  We're here to help.

Along with the return from Thanksgiving break, Monday also marks the 12 week point in the semester.  Grade reports are being sent out to the families of all students who are currently earning a D or an F.  We have three weeks until winter break and then three more weeks after we return until the end of the first semester.  Our goal is to help all students earn passing grades before winter break. Teacher are available every day after school in Scout Learning Lab to assist students.  There is a late bus available during the week.  We have Saturday Scout Learning Lab on 12/3 and 12/10 from 8:00-11:00 to provide additional time and support for students.  Please review your student's grades with them and make a plan for improvement if necessary.

We will be having a winter dance this Thursday from 3:00-5:00.  All LMS students in good standing (not serving ISS or OSS) are encouraged to attend.  Admission is $5.00 and concessions will be available. Students who attend the dance must be picked up by 5:15.  Please watch the video below for more information.

Our first PTO meeting of the year will be on December 13th from 6:00-7:00 in the LMS library.  We are trying a new format with PTO meeting, they will be topic based.  Our first meeting will be Tweens, Teens, and Social Media. We hope you will join us on the 13th.  Make it a great week. 

Upcoming Events

  • November 28            Twelve week grade reports
  • December 1               Winter dance 
  • December 13             PTO meeting 
  • December 19             Winter break begins 

Monday, November 21, 2022

Week of November 21

We are starting off this short week celebrating with our wrestling team. This past Saturday they won the conference championship for the first time since 1998!  They've worked hard all season and it paid off. We crowned 7 conference champions and had 17 place winners on Saturday. Thank you to our coaches for all of their hard work.  Thank you to the families for supporting your wrestler and the team. Congratulations Scouts!

We hope to see everyone at Family Fun, Fitness, and Health Night tonight from 6:00-7:30 pm in the LMS cafeteria and gymnasium.  The purpose of this event is to build community by having fun participating in fun physical activities, learning about the benefits of healthy eating habits (we'll be making snacks!), and to provide families with information regarding healthy activities available for young people in our community. All LMS students and their families are cordially invited and encouraged to attend. 

There is no school on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday this week.  Classes will resume on Monday, November 28th.  There is no Scout Learning Lab on Tuesday and there is not a late bus tomorrow. We are thankful for the opportunity to work with you and your student.  We appreciate your continued support and feedback.  We wish everyone a happy and safe Thanksgiving!

Upcoming Events

  • November 21            Family Night
  • November 23-35       No school-Thanksgiving break
  • December 1               Winter dance 
  • December 6               PTO meeting 
  • December 19             Winter break begins 

Monday, November 14, 2022

Week of Novembmer 14

It was a great weekend for Scout cross country.  A large group of runners participated in the Nike Regional Meet in Boise, ID.  The girls team took first place for the second year in a row and many runners set a personal record on Saturday.  Congratulations to everyone who competed.  You did great!

Our food drive has been extended through the end of the day on Tuesday.  We are getting close to setting a new LMS record. Please participate in the food drive if you can.  We are also having a at day on Wednesday to support Laramie Interfaith.  For $1.00 students can wear a hat.  The proceeds will be used to buy Thanksgiving turkeys for those in need in our community. 

Our Physical Education Department and the Student leadership team are hosting a Family Fun, Fitness, and Health night on Monday, November 21st from 6:00-7:30 pm in the LMS cafeteria and gymnasium.  The purpose of this event is to build community in our school by having fun participating in physical activities, learning about the benefits of healthy eating habits (we'll be making snacks!), and to provide families with information regarding healthy activities available in our community. All LMS students and their families are cordially invited and encouraged to attend. 

Upcoming Events

  • November 15            Food drive ends
  • November 16            Hat day for Laramie Interfaith 
  • November 21            Family Night
  • November 23-35       No school-Thanksgiving break
  • December 1               Winter dance 
  • December 6               PTO meeting 
  • December 19             Winter break begins 

Monday, November 7, 2022

Week of November 7

Our fall food drive is underway. We are collecting nonperishable food items to help those in need.  All collected items will be donated to Laramie Interfaith.  Students who donate will receive raffle tickets and a chance to win a prize.  We are hoping to beat our record from last year when we collected 1052 items.  Please support our community by participating in our fall food drive.

It's never too early to think about ordering your copy of the award winning LMS yearbook.  Go to to purchase your copy. 

Veterans Day is this Friday.  We thank all who have served.  Freedom isn't free and we are grateful to all veterans for their service.  A special shout out to our veterans on staff, Mr. Brenneman and Mr. Lally.  We hope everyone will take a moment to recognize the veterans in their family and in our community on Friday.

Scout Learning Lab (SLL) is available every day after school. All teachers are available until 3:30 and students can work with teachers until 4:00.  A late bus is available.  We are bringing back Saturday Scout Learning Lab beginning this Saturday from 8:00-11:00.  LMS administrators will be contacting the families of students who are recommended for Saturday SLL.  We want to give students every possible opportunity to demonstrate their learning and SLL is part of that process. 

We hope everyone has a great week. We're thankful for the opportunity to work with you and your student.  Thank you for your continued support and feedback. 

Upcoming Events

  • November 7-11         Food drive
  • November 8              No school-professional development 
  • November 21            Family Night
  • November 23-35       No school-Thanksgiving break
  • December 1               Winter dance 
  • December 6               PTO meeting 
  • December 19             Winter break begins 

Monday, October 31, 2022

Week of October 31

Happy Halloween!  There are a variety of costumes on display at LMS today.  It's a spook-tacular cornucopia of seasonal spirit.  We hope everyone has a safe and fun time trick or treating tonight and that you don't eat too much candy.  It seems like once you eat that first piece, it's hard to stop. 

Our Capturing Kids' Hearts focus this month is teamwork. We’re challenging students to work together toward a common goal and shared purpose. We are partnering with you to grow and develop teamwork in your child. We can do this by modeling gratefulness, acknowledging positive moments, and affirming each other. You can help create a culture of appreciation and gratitude at home by celebrating the best in each family member all month. What you give attention to grows! On a sticky note or small piece of paper, write one thing you appreciate each day about your child and post it on their bedroom door. Doing this will plant seeds in their heads and hearts to help them see good things about themselves. Read about this and more in this month's CKH newsletter. 

There will be no school for students on Tuesday, November 8th due to professional development.  We will have classes every day next week except for Tuesday.  Each day we have school next week will be an 'all' day.  

Thank you to everyone who attended conferences last week. We appreciate your continued support and feedback.  We are having a great school year and it takes an effective school to home connection to make that happen.  If you haven't completed the School Culture and Climate Survey, please do so before November 4th. Make it a great week.

Upcoming Events

  • November 4              School Culture and Climate Survey closes 
  • November 8              No school-professional development 
  • November 23-35       No school-Thanksgiving break
  • December 19             Winter break begins 

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Week of October 24

Fall conferences are Wednesday from 3:30-7:30 and Thursday from 8:00-7:00.  You can sign up using the link in the upper right hand corner of our website until 3:00 tomorrow. After 3:00, please contact teachers directly to schedule a conference.  We encourage all families to meet with all of their student's teachers during conferences.  Students will be dismissed at 11:23 on Wednesday to allow teachers to prepare for conferences.  Classes will resume on Monday, October 31st.  There will be a resource fair in the library during conferences and we encourage all families to stop by.  Items from our lost and found will be on display during conferences.  Unclaimed items will be disposed of after conferences.  We hope to see all of you over the next couple days.  

It's spook-tasktic that we return to school on Halloween and students are allowed to wear costumes on the 31st. Costumes must generally comply with the LMS dress code.  Weapons, excessive gore, masks, and face paint are prohibited.  Costumes must allow students to participate in learning.  Large blowup costumes, or those limit movement, are not allowed.  Costumes must not inhibit the learning of others and students may need to change out of their costumes to participate in certain classes such as PE and industrial arts.  We encourage students who plan to wear costumes to talk with their teachers in advance to see if what they are planning to wear is acceptable. 

We would appreciate it if you would take the time to complete the culture and climate survey that was shared by Dr. Goldhardt.  The results of this survey will be used to identify areas of celebration and growth for our school and to help establish the goals in our new strategic plan.  The survey is anonymous and we are looking forward to your feedback. 

We are so excited to meet with as many of you as possible over the next couple of days.  Your feedback and support are crucial to the success of our students and school.  Make it a great week!

Upcoming Events

  • October 26:          Early Release 
  • October 26-27:     Fall Conferences
  • October 27-28      No school
  • November 8         No school-professional development 

Monday, October 17, 2022

Week of October 17

Fall Conferences are Wednesday, October 26th from 3:30-7:30 and Thursday, October 27th from 8:00 - 7:00. The deadline to sign up is Wednesday October 26th at 3:00 p.m. If you need to schedule a conference after the deadline, please contact the teacher directly. If you are unable to connect with all of your student's teachers during conferences, please email them directly to see if there is a time you can get together.  Families will use PTCFast to schedule conferences. Middle school conferences are 10 minutes long to allow teachers to meet with the families of all of their students.  In addition to meeting with teachers, there will be a resource fair in our library during conferences and we encourage all families to stop by when they are at the school.  Students will be dismissed at 11:23 on the 26th to provide teachers with the time necessary to prepare for conferences.  There is no school for students on the 27th or 28th.  Classes will resume on Monday, October 31st.

Speaking of Halloween, many students and staff are excited to wear costumes to school.  That is permissible under certain conditions.  Costumes need to generally comply with the LMS dress code.  Weapons, excessive gore, masks, and face paint are prohibited.  Students must be able to participate in learning.  Large blowup costumes, or those limit movement are not allowed.  Costumes must not inhibit the learning of others and students may need to change out of their costumes to participate in certain classes such as PE and industrial arts.  We encourage students who plan to wear costumes to talk with their teachers in advance to see if what they are planning to wear is acceptable. 

Picture retakes are on October 18th.  If your student missed picture day, or would like a retake, they will have their picture taken on the 18th.  To order pictures go to and enter EVT4ZFQXJ for the picture day ID.  If your student is having a retake, please have them bring their pictures with them on the 18th. 

It's hard to believe the end of October is just around the corner.  This school year is flying by.  Thank you for your continued feedback and support.  You are appreciated. 

Upcoming Events

  • October 18:          Picture Retakes
  • October 26:          Early Release 
  • October 26-27:     Fall Conferences
  • October 27-28      No school
  • November 8         No school-professional development 

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Week of October 10th

It's said that time flies when you're having fun.  That must be true because last Thursday marked the six week mark of the first semester.  Where did the time go? Grade reports have been mailed so families can see how their student is doing.  Teachers will be contacting the families of students who were earning a D or an F on their six week reports to schedule a meeting during fall conferences on October 26th and 27th.  General registration for conferences will open up to everyone on Monday, October 17th.  The registration link will be sent out next week  and it will also be posted on our website. 

Also included in your student's six week report are their WYTOPP scores from last Spring.  Please review those with your student.  Overall our students did quite well.  Our school report card ranking from the state is meeting expectations which we are happy with.  WYTOPP is an important measure of school and student progress, but not the only measure.  The hard work your students and their teachers are doing each day and the information on student learning found there is very valuable as well.  If students continue to work hard and families keep supporting our school, we'll keep growing on WYTOPP and other important measures.  

Scout Learning Lab (SLL) Is available from 3:05-4:00 Monday through Friday and a late bus is available.  We encourage all students who need additional time and support to demonstrate their learning to take advantage of SLL.  

Picture retakes are on October 18th.  If your student missed picture day, or would like a retake, they will have their picture taken on the 18th.  To order pictures go to and enter EVT4ZFQXJ for the picture day ID.  If your student is having a retake, please have them bring their pictures with them on the 18th. 

Upcoming Events

  • October 18:          Picture Retakes
  • October 26:          Early Release 
  • October 26-27:     Fall Conferences
  • October 27-28      No school
  • November 8         No school-professional development 

Enjoy your evening and thank you for your continued feedback and support.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Week of September 26

It's homecoming week at LMS  We hope everyone will show their Scout Pride by participating.  Please watch this awesome video from the student leadership team about spirit week.

We've had a great start to the school year, but many students have been struggling with those back to school germs and have been sick.  Hopefully, we're getting to the on the other side of that.  Please remember there are no virtual days this year and LMS does not have a soft start.  Classes begin at 8:00 every day and it's important that your student is here as much as possible.  Please schedule appointments, vacations, and other non-school commitments outside of school days whenever you can.  Also, please email the attendance office at or call 721-4553 if your student must be absent. 

Drs. Cynthia Hartung (Psychology) and Derek Smith (Kinesiology & Health) at UW are conducting a research study looking at the benefits of exercise on academic performance and mood in middle school students. Students will attend three 1-hour sessions at LMS or UW. During one of the sessions, they will use an exercise bike for 16 minutes. They will also complete some verbal and computer tasks. Parents will complete some online questionnaires at various points throughout the study (total time is less than 1 hour). Drs. Hartung and Smith would like to invite you and your child to participate in their study. If you participate, your child will receive a $30 gift card and you will receive a $25 gift card. If interested, please contact Tamara Abu-Ramadan at or call 307-316-4783.

Remember, there is no school this Friday, September 30th for students due to professional development for staff.  Make it a great week!

Upcoming Events

  • September 26:      Winter sports night for nordic skiing, girls basketball, and wrestling 
  • September 30:      No School-Professional Development
  • October 2:            School Custodian Appreciation Day 
  • October 18:          Picture Retakes
  • October 26:          Early Release 
  • October 26-27:     Fall Conferences
  • October 27-28:     No School-Conferences

Monday, August 29, 2022

Week of August 29

Tuesday, August 30th is a big day at Laramie Middle School. Students will receive their Chromebooks in S4S Tuesday morning as long as their online registration is complete.  If your student is new to our district, please click on this pre-registration link. Once you have submitted the required information, you can set up a PowerSchool account and formally register your student.  If your student is a returning student, and you know your PowerSchool login, go there to update your student's information.  The PowerSchool account link can be found in Parent Resources on the ACSD1 website under the PowerSchool section.  If you have forgotten your PowerSchool login credentials, click on "Forgot Username or Password" form the PowerSchool account section and your credentials will be sent to your email.  Online registration is not available through the mobile app. If you need assistance with completing the online registration, please call the school at 721-4430. 

Tuesday is also picture day.  All students will have their picture taken. If you would like to order pictures, please go to and use the picture day ID of: EVTHN9FQZ.  Students will not receive a paper picture packet.  All pictures need to be ordered online. 

Back to school night is Tuesday as well from 5:30-7:15.  At back to school night, you follow your student's schedule and attend each of their classes for seven minutes to meet their teachers and learn about what they will be doing in their classes.  You will start in your student's S4S class at 5:30 and proceed to 1st period and so on from there. Your student will be given a schedule to fill out in S4S tomorrow so you know where to go.  If that schedule is misplaced, you can use this link to print out another one.  

Wyoming state law requires that students who attend public school are vaccinated against certain diseases or have an approved immunization waiver on file.   Please to to the Wyoming Department of Health website to view the list of required vaccinations.  State law requires students to be current on their immunizations by Friday, September 23rd.  Students who are not current on their immunization, or have an approved immunization waiver on file, may be excluded from attending school starting on Monday, September 26th.  If you have any questions regarding your child's vaccination status, please contact LMS school nurse, Mrs. O'Brien at 

We are off to a great start.  We hope you are as excited as we are for the shared experiences to come.  It's going to be our best year yet.  Make it a great week.

Upcoming Events

  • August 30          Chromebook check out
  • August 30          Picture day
  • August 30          Back to school night
  • September 5       No School-Labor Day 
  • September 13     Back to school dance 

Thursday, August 18, 2022

First Week 2022

We are getting dangerously close to the first day of school and the excitement is palpable.  Sixth grade orientation is tomorrow from 8:00-11:30 and orientation for 7th and 8th graders new to LMS is tomorrow from 11:00-12:30. Sixth graders and 7th and 8th graders new to LMS will receive their schedules at orientation.  Schedules for returning 7th and 8th grade students were mailed out today.  If a student is unable to attend orientation, we will mail their schedule out tomorrow. Schedules can also be viewed on PowerSchool.  To request a schedule change, please use this form.  We do our best to honor all schedule requests, however we are not always able to do so based on the availability of seats and course requirements. 

The first day of school is Thursday, August 25th.  It is a half day for students which means they attend school from 8:00-11:23. Breakfast will be served on the first day, but not lunch.  Our normal school day is from 8:00-3:05.  Our doors open at 7:30.  Students are not able to get into the building before 7:30 unless they are participating in a school activity. Students who do not ride the bus, need to be off campus 10 minutes after the end of the school day unless they are participating in a school activity.  

Students will be charged for breakfast and lunch this year.  If you might qualify for free and reduced lunch, we strongly encourage families to complete the free and reduced lunch application. The application can be completed online or you can download a paper copy.  Copies are also available at our school. Even if your student does not eat breakfast or lunch often at school, the number of students who qualify impacts our funding so please take the time to complete the application. If you need assistance completing the application, please come by the school, and we'd be happy to help you. More information on free and reduced lunch can be found here

August 30th is a big day at LMS.  It is picture day for starters. All students will have their picture taken. There are no picture packets.  If you would like to order pictures, please go to and enter the picture day ID: EVTHN9FQZ. Back to school night is also on the 30th from 5:30-7:30.  At back to school night, families attend each of their student's classes for a few minutes to meet teachers and ask questions.  All families are encouraged to attend back to school night.  

Finally, LMS students will check out Chromebooks during Scouts for Scouts (S4S) on the 30th.  In order to receive a Chromebook, students' online registration must be completed. If your student is new to our district, please click on this pre-registration link Once you have submitted the required information, you can set up a PowerSchool account and formally register your student.  If your student is a returning student, and you know your PowerSchool login, go there to update your student's information.  The PowerSchool account link can be found in Parent Resources on the ACSD1 website under the PowerSchool section.  If you have forgotten your PowerSchool login credentials, click on "Forgot Username or Password" form the PowerSchool account section and your credentials will be sent to your email.  Online registration is not available through the mobile app. 

We are gearing up to kick off what is going to be an amazing year at Laramie Middle School.  Our teachers and staff will be working hard next Monday through Wednesday to prepare for our students.  I know many students want to come in and put things in their lockers or walk their schedule for before the first day.  Students and families can take self-guided tours on the 24th from 3:00-5:00 if they'd like to do so.  

Upcoming Events

  • August 19          6th grade orientation
  • August 24          Self-guided school tours 
  • August 25          First day of school
  • August 30          Chromebook check out
  • August 30          Picture day
  • August 30          Back to school night
  • September 5       No School-Labor Day 
  • September 13     Back to school dance 

Monday, August 8, 2022

Back to School 2022

The first day of school is approaching quickly, and we couldn't be more excited.  Our amazing custodial staff is putting the finishing touches on our summer deep clean and the building looks great.  Teachers and other staff are preparing classrooms and lessons for the first week of school and activities are about to get underway.  Our theme for this school year is 'You Miss 100% of the Shots You Don't Take.'  Learning and growing require courage, effort, and taking risks.  Trying a new activity, learning a new song, and growing as a student, friend, brother, sister, athlete, artist, and person all involve putting yourself out there and giving your best effort.  Failure and setbacks are inevitable, but by putting in work, supporting each other, and giving our best each and every day, we'll make more shots than we miss and together we will create an amazing school year.  

There are lots of important activities and dates as we prepare for the start of another school season.  Sixth grade orientation is Friday, August 19th from 8:00-11:30.  Incoming sixth grade students check in from 8:00-8:30 and participate in orientation from 8:30-11:00 with our student leadership team.  Families return and join their students for a joint informational session from 11:00-11:30 in the LMS gym.  All incoming sixth grade students are strongly encouraged to attend orientation.  Students will meet classmates, receive their schedules, and learn about middle school during orientation.  The schedules of sixth grade students who cannot attend orientation will be mailed out. There is a shorter orientation session for new 7th and 8th grade students on the 19th as well. 

There is not an orientation session for returning 7th and 8th grade students.  Schedules for returning students will be mailed on August 17th.  Our building will be open to any student who wishes to come and find their classrooms or put things in their locker on Wednesday, August 24th from 3:00-5:00 pm.  Back to school night is Tuesday, August 30th from 5:30-7:30.  At back to school night, families attend each of their student's classes for a few minutes to meet teachers and ask questions.  All families are encouraged to attend back to school night.  

Our fall activities begin practice on Monday, August 15th.  Cross Country is open to 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students.  Volleyball and Football are open to 7th and 8th grade students.  There is an informational meeting for these activities this Thursday, August 11th from 6:30-7:30 in the LMS gym. All students planning to participate in these activities and their families should attend the meeting on the 11th.  Students must have a signed code of conduct  and a current physical on file in order to practice or compete.  

LMS students will check out Chromebooks during Scouts for Scouts (S4S) on Tuesday, August 30th.  In order to receive a Chromebook, students' online registration must be completed. If your student is new to our district, please click on this pre-registration link.  Once you have submitted the required information, you can set up a PowerSchool account and formally register your student.  If your student is a returning student, and you know your PowerSchool login, go there to update your student's information.  The PowerSchool account link can be found in Parent Resources on the ACSD1 website under the PowerSchool section.  If you have forgotten your PowerSchool login credentials, click on "Forgot Username or Password" form the PowerSchool account section and your credentials will be sent to your email.  Online registration is not available through the mobile app. 

Tuesday, August 30th is also picture day at LMS. All students and staff will have their picture taken. There are no picture packets.  If you would like to order pictures, please go to and enter the picture day ID: EVTHN9FQZ.  

The first blog post of the year is definitely packed with information as there is a lot happening over the next few weeks as we prepare to kick off the year.  Please refer to our website and Facebook page as well for additional updates and information.  Thank you for sharing your student with us.  It's an honor and responsibility that we don't take lightly. By working together, listening, and supporting each other we can make this year your student's best yet!

Upcoming Events

  • August 11          Fall sports night
  • August 15          Practice begins for volleyball, cross country, and football
  • August 19          6th grade orientation
  • August 24          Self-guided school tours 
  • August 25          First day of school
  • August 30          Chromebook check out
  • August 30          Picture day
  • August 30          Back to school night
  • September 5       No School-Labor Day 

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Week of May 30

It's the last week of school! There are many culminating activities this week as we close out the school season.  Fine cards will go out to students today.  If your student has an outstanding fine, they will receive one.  Please have your student pay all fines in the main office before the end of the week. 

Students will turn their Chromebooks and chargers in during math class on Thursday.  All students need to bring their cleaned Chromebooks and chargers on Thursday to check them in.  Students who do not check in their Chromebook and/or charger will be assessed the replacement cost. 

If your student has medication in the nurse's office, please pick it up before the end of the day on Monday, June 6th.  Also, the state of Wyoming requires all students to have the Tdap vaccine prior to their 13th birthday.  For most students this means before the start of their 7th grade year.  More information on required vaccinations can be found at 

The last day for students is this Friday and it's an early release day.  All students will be dismissed at 11:23.  Students not riding the bus need to be off campus by 11:45.  Students will be participating in a field day on Friday.  Students are strongly encouraged to bring a water bottle and sunscreen as we will be outside for the majority of the morning.  Our offices will be closed from 12:00-2:30 on Friday as well. We're looking forward to a fun last day.

Thank you for your support and feedback this year.  We've faced many challenges, but by working together we've been successful.  Our theme for this year was "Don't wish for it, work for it."  Our students, faculty, and families have worked extremely hard this year and the results speak for themselves.  Our students' grades are the best they've been in the last five years, we showed great growth on WYTOPP, our music classes rocked at various contests and concerts, our sports teams won many conference championships, and the list goes on and on.  Enjoy the summer break and thank you for a great school year.

Upcoming Events

  • June 1                  8th grade ice cream social 
  • June 3                  Last day for students 
  • August 30            Picture day 

Monday, May 23, 2022

Week of May 23

Did you miss out on the yearbook?  We may be able to order more if we meet the minimum order size.  Please complete this survey if you'd like to order a yearbook.  If more than 25 people are interested, we will set up a link for folks to place an order.  

The last day of school is rapidly approaching, but we still have a lot to do.  Every day between now and then is crucial.  If students are absent during this time, they will have very little time to make up the work they miss.  All students are responsible for all assignments even if they are not here. Please make finishing the school year strong a priority.  Students have until the end of the day on June 1st to turn in any missing work.  The first is the last day of Scout Learning Lab and the late bus.  Please let us know how we can help get your student over the finish line.

There are a lot of celebrations and activities between now and the end of the year.  The last dance is this Thursday after school until 5:00.  Admission is $4.  All students not serving ISS or OSS are encouraged to attend.  Friday is Cowboy Day.  Students should wear their favorite Western or UW gear.  The last day of school, June 3 is a field day.  Students will be in their S4S groups all day and will be dismissed at 11:23.  No lunch will be served on the last day.  This Friday, May 27th, is a full day of school for LMS.  Students will be dismissed at the normal time of 3:05 on Friday.  

Thank you for helping us finish out the school year.  It's been a successful year and we are looking forward to a great finish. 

Upcoming Events

  • May 26                End of the year dance 
  • May 30                No school-Memorial Day
  • June 1                  8th grade ice cream social 
  • June 3                  Last day for students 

Monday, May 16, 2022

Week of May 16

As we wrap up this school season, our focus word for the month is Integrity.  Integrity is not just about honesty or trustworthiness. Integrity involves every decision we make. It is about making the right choice for the right reason — not because of the praise we receive, but because it’s the right thing to do. And it isn’t only about what we do in front of others; it’s about how we respond even when no one sees or knows. It demands that we hold moral principles so dear that we stand for them when others walk away. Raising our students to become people of integrity won’t “just happen.” They won’t learn if we don’t intentionally model and teach them. Please read this month's CKH newsletter to learn about some activities you can do as a family to promote integrity. 

Current 7th graders interested in building their leadership capacity should apply to attend the Rotary Young Rotary Youth Leadership Awards. Young RYLA is a leadership-training program sponsored by Rotary International that promotes, encourages and rewards outstanding young people. An all-expenses-paid five-day conference that brings together a special group of boys and girls from Colorado and Wyoming to share ideas about becoming better leaders. An action-packed program of activities that helps build confidence and leadership skills (like problem-solving games, challenge course, zip-line skits, group discussions and teambuilding activities). Please read this flyer and watch this video to learn more.  Contact Tim Eisenhauer at (307) 630-6413 to apply. 

If you have a current 8th grade student and are looking to expand cultural opportunities for your family, consider hosting a French exchange student for two weeks in October.  LHS French teacher, Dianne Thompson is hosting an informational meeting on Wednesday, May 25th at 5:30 in room 2026 at LHS.  You can attend in person or via Zoom.  More information and the application can be found here

It's the last call for the award winning LMS Yearbook!  Remaining copies are available on a first come, first served basis in the main office.  Yearbooks are $40 and it's cash or check only. Don't miss out on your chance to own a piece of history. 

Upcoming Events

  • May 26                End of the year dance 
  • May 30                No school-Memorial Day
  • June 1                  8th grade ice cream social 
  • June 3                  Last day for students 

Monday, May 9, 2022

Week of May 9th

Theodore Roosevelt is credited as the original orator of the line, but John C. Maxwell made it relevant to education when he added the word students instead of people, stating, “students don’t care what you
know, until they know that you care.” For the last two years Laramie Middle School has been utilizing
practices from Capturing Kids’ Hearts to create and sustain a culture of respect and belonging. As a
result of these efforts, Laramie Middle School has been named a Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase School. This award spotlights campuses that go above and beyond in creating a safe and welcoming environment where students are relationally connected to school and eager to learn. There are over 1700 schools that are eligible for this recognition and LMS was one of only 376 U.S. campuses selected as a 2021-2022 Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase School. Because of the rigor of the evaluation process, the Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase School award is both a high aspiration and an exemplary recognition of excellence.  Please read more about this recognition here

Thank you to everyone who participated in and supported the 2022 Hapi-ness 5K.  It was a beautiful day for a run/walk and the student leadership team did an amazing job organizing the race.  We are so proud of their work and humbled by the outpouring of support from our community.  The funds raised will be used to help Laramie families in need.

I can't believe there is less than a month left in this school year.  It's been a whirlwind and we are looking forward to finishing strong.  Don't miss out on commemorating this school year with an award winning yearbook.  There are less than 30 yearbooks left.   Use this link to order your yearbook before it's too late!

Upcoming Events

  • May 11                No Scout Learning Lab-staff meeting
  • May 26                End of the year dance 
  • May 30                No school-Memorial Day
  • June 1                  8th grade ice cream social 
  • June 3                  Last day for students 

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Week of May 2

It's Teacher Appreciation Week!  We have amazing teachers at LMS and across ACSD1.  We are so thankful for the effort they put in each and every day helping our students learn and grow.  They are dedicated, knowledgeable, and passionate. Thank you to all teachers! If you get a minute, please send an email to a teacher who has made a difference for your student this year and tell them how much they mean to you, your student, and our community.

We will be finishing up WYTOPP testing this week.  Thank you to our students for doing their best on their tests and to our families for helping students come to school prepared and focused.  Our preliminary results are encouraging and reflect the hard work students, teachers, and families have been doing.

It is my pleasure to share that Mrs. Hammond, 8th grade ELA teacher, has been selected as the 2022 LMS Teacher of the Year.  Mrs. Hammond is an amazing teacher who designs engaging lessons, builds relationships with students, and is always willing to help out students and colleagues with whatever they need.  Congratulations Mrs. Hammond!

The 8th grade cooking classes had a cake decorating contest last week. The cakes were all amazing and tasted even better than they looked.  Our winners were: 1st Place-Scottie Pippen, 2nd place-Mint Chocolate, and 3rd place-The Lorax.  Congratulations to all students who participated and to Mrs. Heggie for helping our students prepare to take over the Food Network.

Upcoming Events

  • May 2-6               Teacher Appreciation Week
  • May 7                  Hapi-ness 5K 
  • May 30                No school-Memorial Day
  • June 3                  Last day for students 

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Week of April 11

Thank you to everyone who made it out for spring conferences last Thursday. It was great seeing everyone.  Please remember there is no school for students on Monday, April 11th.  We have professional development.  Students will return to school on Tuesday which is an odd day at LMS.

Tuesday was the first day of the WYTOPP testing window. WYTOPP stands for Wyoming Test of Proficiency and Progress and it is our state-mandated summative assessment that LMS students take each year.  All students take a reading and math test.  Seventh grade students take a writing test and 8th grade students are also tested in science.  Students will take their tests during regularly scheduled classes over the next three weeks.  Science and writing are this week.  Reading is next week and math is the week after that.

WYTOPP results are used to measure individual student progress as well as our progress as a school and a district.  This test is important.  We ask that you help your student do their best by making sure they are well rested and in school each day.  Please encourage them to do their best.  We also recognize that our students are defined by more than their results on one test.  Teachers, students, and families having been working hard all year.  If students come in and try their best, it will be enough, and our results will reflect the hard work everyone has been doing.  Thank you for your support. 

Spring also brings the Hapi-ness 5K and the award winning LMS yearbook. The Hapi-ness 5K is held every year in memory of a Hapi Patterson we lost to cancer and is used to raise funds for those in need.  Please watch the video below to learn more and make sure to bust out your running/walking shoes on May 7th.  Our publication photo students do an excellent job on our yearbook and it sells out every year.  Use this link to order yours now to make sure you get a copy. 

Thank you for your continued support and feedback.  We are looking forward to a great finish to this school year.  Make it a great week.

Upcoming Events

  • April 11               No school-professional development 
  • April 15               LMS Teacher of the Year nominations close 
  • April 22               12 week progress reports
  • May 7                  Hapi-ness 5K 

Monday, April 4, 2022

Week of April 4

Spring conferences are this Thursday from 3:30-7:30.  Thursday is a normal day of school for students and we will dismiss at our normal time of 3:05.  There will not be Scout Learning Lab or a late bus on Thursday due to conferences.  Please use this link to sign up for conferences.  All conferences are in person.  If you are unable to schedule a conference with all of the teachers you would like to meet with, please reach out to teachers to schedule another time to meet.  We hope to see as many families as possible this Thursday. 

It is also time to select a Middle School Teacher of the Year.  We have many deserving candidates in our school and across our district.  The LMS Teacher of the Year will be considered for ACSD#1 Teacher of the Year.  Please use this link if you wish to nominate an LMS Teacher for this honor.  Nominations will be accepted through April 15th and a selection will be made between April 16-22.   

Thank you for your continued support and feedback. We are looking forward to a great finish to the school year.  WYTOPP testing begins next week and continue for the following two weeks. Students will take the WYTOPP during their regularly scheduled classes and our schedule will proceed normally.  Make it a great week and we hope to see many of you on Thursday night. 

Upcoming Events

  • April 7                 Spring conferences
  • April 11               No school-professional development 
  • April 15               LMS Teacher of the Year nominations close 

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Week of March 28

The Student Leadership Team is hosting a Chili Cookoff this Wednesday from 6:30-7:45 in the LMS cafeteria.  The event is free and if you'd like to enter, bring a crockpot of your favorite chili.  There are prizes for the best overall chili, the hottest chili, and the most unique chili.  You don't have to enter the cookoff to attend. Everyone is encouraged to come to sample the chili, vote for your favorite, and play games in the cafeteria and gym.  Please watch the video below to learn more about the Chili Cookoff.  We hope to see everyone on Wednesday. 

Spring conferences are Thursday, April 7th.  That day is a normal day of school for students.  Teachers will be available for in-person conferences from 3:30-7:30.  Teachers will be reaching out to schedule conferences for students who are struggling next week and we will open the registration link for conferences to everyone Monday, April 4th.  

Drs. Cynthia Hartung (Psychology) and Derek Smith (Kinesiology & Health) at UW are conducting a research study looking at the benefits of exercise on performance and mood in middle school students. They are looking for volunteers to participate. Participating students will attend three 1-hour sessions at LMS or UW. During one of the sessions, they will use an exercise bike for 16 minutes. They will also complete some verbal and computer tasks. Parents will complete some online questionnaires at various points throughout the study (total time is less than 1 hour). Drs. Hartung and Smith would like to invite you and your child to participate in their study. If you participate, your child will receive a $30 gift card and you will receive a $25 gift card. If interested, please contact Tamara Abu-Ramadan at or call 307-316-4783.

Thank you for your continued feedback and support.  Make it a great week.

Upcoming Events

  • March 29             Spring choir concert
  • March 30             Chili cookoff
  • March 31             Spring orchestra concert
  • April 7                 Spring conferences
  • April 11               No school-professional development 

Monday, March 7, 2022

Week of March 7

Last Friday was the 6 week point of the second semester.  Students have been working hard and are making great progress.  We will be mailing out progress reports this week.  Please review these with your student and identify areas of celebration and places where additional work is required.  Teachers are ready and willing to assist students in Scout Learning Lab after school and a late bus is available.  Please emphasis to your student the importance of completing all assignments.  Providing a dedicated space free of distractions (especially phones!) for students to do school work is a great way to support your student.  We also recommend that students have a set time each day to work on school work.  By working together we can make sure that every student is prepared for the next step on their educational journey.

This week is spirit week at LMS. The student leadership team (SLT) has selected the themes below for dress up days.  Hats will only be allowed on Friday.  Please remind your student to show their Scout Pride by participating in spirit week.

  • Monday: Camo Day
  • Tuesday: Pink Out
  • Wednesday: Vacation Day
  • Thursday: USA Day
  • Friday: Hat Day

In addition to dress up days, the SLT is hosting a dance after school on Wednesday from 3:05-5:00 in the main gym.  All LMS students in good standing (not serving ISS or OSS on Wednesday) are encouraged to attend.  Admission is $4.00.  Students attending the dance must be picked up by 5:15.  There is no school transportation for students to get home after the dance. 

We have one week to go until spring break.  Please support your student's learning by helping them be in school, on time, every day.  Students miss so much when they are gone.  Make it a great week and if you are traveling during spring break, be safe and have fun.

Upcoming Events

  • March 7               Six week progress reports
  • March 14-18        No school-spring break
  • April 7                 Spring conferences
  • April 11               No school-professional development 


Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Week of February 28

This Friday is the 6 week point of the second semester.  Students have been working hard and are making great progress.  We will be mailing out progress reports next week.  Please review these with your student and identify areas of celebration and places where additional work is required.  Teachers are ready and willing to assist students in Scout Learning Lab after school and a late bus is available.  Please emphasis the importance of completing all assignments to your student.  Providing a dedicated space free of distractions (especially phones!) for students to do school work is a great way to support your student.  We also recommend that students have a set time each day to work on school work.  By working together we can make sure that every student is prepared for the next step on their educational journey.

Another way you can support your student is by making sure they are in school each day prepared to learn.  Certainly there will be times they are sick or can't attend school for other reasons.  Our goal is for all students to be in school 95% of the time.  To accomplish this, they need to miss 8 or less days per year. Not considering quarantines, that is doable!  Please do help us reach this goal by scheduling appointments and other commitments outside of school whenever possible. With spring break coming up, please don't add a day or two onto the vacation.  Each day counts and it's way more difficult for students to get caught up after being gone than it is to stay current.

Kindergarten registration for Albany County School District #1 elementary schools, including rural schools, will be Monday, April 11 - Friday, April 15, 2022. Per Wyoming Statute 21-4-302, children must be five (5) years old on or before August 1, 2022 to enter kindergarten in 2022-2023. Parents who wish to request a waiver to this requirement must do so at their neighborhood school during the week of registration (per School Board Policy 4001). Please click here to learn more about kindergarten registration. 

Upcoming Events

  • March 3               Freshman football meeting in LMS cafeteria
  • March 4               Six week progress reports
  • March 14-18        No school-spring break
  • April 7                 Spring conferences
  • April 11               No school-professional development 


Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Week of February 21

One of our greatest hopes is that our kids will be kind to others. But let's face it. It's not always easy. The good news is that kindness is a behavior that can be learned. Most children learn new behaviors by copying those around them; we have a powerful opportunity and responsibility to teach kindness by example. We have a variety of activities in S4S and across our school that teach and encourage kindness.  Please read about how you can encourage kindness at home and more in this month's CKH newsletter. 

There is an informational meeting for all rising freshmen and their families in the LHS theater at 6:00 pm on Tuesday. All current 8th graders and their families are encouraged to attend.  Students will be making their course selections on Wednesday during S4S with help from LHS counselor Mrs. Dale, our counseling staff, and their S4S teachers.  If you have any questions regarding scheduling, you can contact the LHS counseling department at 307-721-4488 or

Students planning to play football at LHS next year as Freshman should also plan on attending an informational meeting after school on Thursday in the cafeteria.  The LHS coaching staff will be there to discuss what to expect as a Freshman, offseason workouts, summer camps, sportsyou, and the upcoming fall season.  All 8th graders interested in football next year should attend. 

Drs. Cynthia Hartung (Psychology) and Derek Smith (Kinesiology & Health) at UW are conducting a research study looking at the benefits of exercise on performance and mood in middle school students. Students will attend three 1-hour sessions at LMS or UW. During one of the sessions, they will use an exercise bike for 16 minutes. They will also complete some verbal and computer tasks. Parents will complete some online questionnaires at various points throughout the study (total time is less than 1 hour). Drs. Hartung and Smith would like to invite you and your child to participate in their study. If you participate, your child will receive a $30 gift card and you will receive a $25 gift card. If interested, please contact Tamara Abu-Ramadan at or call 307-316-4783.

Even though it's a short week, it's action packed.  Our students and staff are working so hard to gain all of the essential skills necessary to be successful this year and beyond.  Please take the time to fill out the school climate and culture survey that was sent out last week.  We appreciate your continued feedback and support. 

Upcoming Events

  • February 21              No school 
  • February 22              Rising freshmen informational night at LHS 
  • February 24              Freshman football meeting

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Week of February 7

Randomly selected 8th grade students will be taking the NAEP test on Friday.  NAEP  stands for National Assessment of Educational Progress and is often referred to as the nation's report card.  NAEP is mandated by Congress and students in all 50 states participate.   The results are anonymous and students' grades are not affected. Selected students will either take a test in the morning or afternoon on Friday.  To learn more about NAEP, please visit this website. 

There is a registration night for swimming and track on Wednesday at 6:00 pm in the LMS cafeteria. Students interested in track or swimming and their families should attend.  Students in 7th and 8th grades can participate in track and students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades can participate in swimming.  Students must have a current athletic physical and signed code of conduct on file to practice or compete. Students planning to participate in swimming or track and their families should attend registration night. 

Staff from Laramie High School will meet with LMS 8th grade students during S4S on February 15th and 16th to discuss registration for next year.  LHS is hosting an informational meeting for all rising freshman and their families in the LHS theater on Tuesday, February 22nd at 6:00 pm.  There will be a presentation about the transition to high school and the opportunities to engage with faculty and explore the building.  Rising freshmen and their families should review the freshman registration card.  If you have questions, please contact Kimberly Dale at 721-4420 or 

The LMS Student Leadership Team is planning an incentive day for Friday, February 18th.  All schools have an early release that day.  For the incentive day, students will report to S4S.  Students earning C's or higher in all of their classes will participate in enrichment in the morning and students that need help will work on missing assignments.  All students will end the day at a pep rally before being released at 11:23 for the long weekend.

Upcoming Events 

  • February 9                Swimming and track registration night 
  • February 13              NAEP testing
  • February 18              Incentive day 
  • February 18              Early release for students and staff
  • February 21              No school 
  • February 22              Rising freshmen informational night at LHS 

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Week of January 31

It's already February and the love of learning is in the air as our students are working diligently to start the semester on the right foot.  As we dig into the semester, please monitor your student's progress.  It's better for learning and easier to stay current on grades and assignments as opposed to trying to dig out of a hole later in the semester.  Teachers are available after school in Scout Learning Lab to help students who are behind and we have a late bus every day of the week.  

We are excited to recognize students who earned a place on the honor roll this Thursday from 7:00-7:45 in our gym.  Our student leadership team has planned a fun evening with prizes and celebration.  Students who earned a GPA of 3.5 or higher will be recognized.  Students' GPAs are on their report cards which were mailed out last week.  Please watch the video below for more information on honor roll recognition night this Thursday. 

Scout Studio is an after school opportunity for students to practice their art skills and express their creatively.  It is held Monday-Thursday from 3:05-4:00 in Mr. Reitzel's room.  Interested students should stop by and see Mr. Reitzel for more information and to sign up. 

Upcoming Events 
  • February 3                Prevention needs assessment 
  • February 3                Honor roll family night
  • February 9                Swimming and track registration night 
  • February 13              NAEP testing
  • February 18              Early release for students and staff
  • February 21              No school 

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Week of January 24

As many of you may have noticed, some nefarious characters appear to have hacked our email system and are trying to get you to buy them Apple gift cards.  While our wonderful attendance administrative assistant, Mrs. Woelk, probably has a niece and her niece would most certainly enjoy Apple gift cards (I mean who wouldn't?), I promise you that we will never ask you to buy anything for us.  I apologize for the inconvenience and spam in your inboxes.  Our technology department is aware of the situation and is taking steps to make sure our system is safe and secure. 

Our sixth and 8th grade students have the opportunity to complete the Wyoming Prevention Needs Assessment (PNA) on February 3rd. Since the 2001-2002 school year, the PNA has tracked critical indicators of health and well-being of students in Wyoming. Conducted every other year in nearly all the middle and high schools in the state, the PNA gathers information about substance use and abuse, attitudes on risky behaviors, and other beliefs of Wyoming's young people.  Students were provided with information to take home to their families.  If you would like to learn more about the PNA, please visit You can also view a copy of the survey in the LMS main office. If you do not want your student to complete the PNA, please have them return the form they were provided with to their English teacher or to the LMS main office. 

Selected 8th graders will be taking the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) on February 11th. NAEP is the largest nationally representative assessment of what students know and can do. It is administered by the National Center for Education Statistics, within the U.S. Department of Education.  NAEP is different from WYTOPP because it is a common measure of achievement across the country.  The results are released as the Nation's Report Card, which provides information about student achievement to educators, parents, policymakers, and the public.  Our school was randomly selected to participate and the participating students were also randomly selected.  Participating students will either take a test in the morning or afternoon on the 11th.  No student or school level results are provided.  The scores of all of the tested students in Wyoming are lumped together for comparison with other states and the national average.  Please read this letter for more information regarding NAEP. 

The first semester ended last Friday.  Teachers will finalize their grades Monday and report cards will be mailed out towards the end of the week. Our student leadership team is planning a family night to recognize students who made the honor roll on February 3rd. More information will be coming soon regarding this event.  Thank you for supporting your student and our school during the first half of this school year.  Everyone else in our school is working very hard to be their best and their efforts are paying off.  It's been a great start to the school year and we are excited to make the second half even better. Make it a great week.

Upcoming Events 

  • February 3                Prevention needs assessment 
  • February 3                Honor roll family night
  • February 13              NAEP testing
  • February 18              Early release for students and staff
  • February 21              No school 

Monday, January 17, 2022

Week of January 17

I can hardly believe it, but the first semester ends this Friday, January 21st.  Friday is a full day of school at LMS and we will dismiss at our normal time, 3:05. Students have until the end of the school day on Friday to turn in missing work.  Teachers are available to provide assistance in Scout Learning Lab after school each day this week. Please talk to your student about their grades and work with them to make up any missing assignments. Report cards will be mailed out next week.

Students will receive their second semester schedules in Scouts for Scouts (S4S) on Tuesday.  If necessary, students can request a schedule change using the schedule change form located on our website and on posters around the school. Please know that we will do our best to grant schedule changes, but we may not be able to accommodate all requests. 

Last week our students participated in a kindness challenge. Each S4S class decided what they would like to do to spread kindness in our school community.  Some classes wrote encouraging notes, some hung up posters, while others did something else.  It was a really fun way to show support for each other. Please use this link to see some of the ways our students have been spreading kindness in our school. 

Thank you for helping to make the first semester a successful one.  There have been many challenges and we will face more obstacles before the end of the year, but our students are doing a great job because of your support, their hard work, and the efforts of our teachers and staff. It takes teamwork for our students to be successful and we are succeeding. Thank you for your continued support and feedback. 

Upcoming Events 

  • January 17                No school-professional development
  • January 21                End of the 1st semester  
  • February 3                Prevention needs assessment
  • February 13              NAEP testing
  • February 18              Early release
  • February 21              No School