Monday, October 28, 2019

Week of October 28

Halloween is approaching quickly and many students would like to show their spooky spirit by wearing a costume to school.  This is something that has been done in the past and we will continue this year.  In order to accommodate learning, costumes must meet a few conditions.

Costumes must adhere to the district dress code.  Weapons, gore, face paint, and masks are prohibited.  Students must be able to participate in classroom activities and not disrupt the learning of others.  For example, a giant inflatable T-Rex costume makes it hard to sit and for others to see.  Students may have to change for certain classes such as PE and industrial arts.  We are looking forward to a safe and festive Halloween at LMS. If your student has any specific questions regarding their costume, please direct them to one of the principals.  

Also, this week is the cut off for late and missing work from the first part of the school year.  If your student has any late or missing assignments they need to be in by the end of the week in order to receive credit. Extra help is available during Scout Learning Lab after school daily and this Saturday from 8-11.  

The weather has turned colder in typical Wyoming fashion.  If the windchill is above zero, we will allow students to go outside during lunch.  Many middle school students continue to dress for the summer during the winter.  Please encourage your student to dress for the weather.  I know they often feel that they are only walking from the bus to the school, but buses break down, schools lose power, things happen.  Shorts and sandals certainly look cool, but they are not the best in an emergency situation. 

Upcoming Events
  • 11/5:            No school-professional development 
  • 11/27-29      No school- Thanksgiving
  • 12/23           Winter break begins

Monday, October 21, 2019

Week of October 21

Tonight, is our first family night of the year as the Student Leadership Team is hosting Family Bingo Night from 6:30-7:45 in the LMS cafeteria.  All LMS families and students are encouraged to attend.  There is no cost and prizes will be awarded.  Please join us for fun, games, and popcorn at bingo night!

Fall conferences and our first incentive day of the year are also this week. On Wednesday, students are to report to their S4S teachers first thing as we are having an incentive day.  The criteria for the incentive  are grades and tardies.  If students are earning a D or an F, they will have time to receive support to improve their academic standing.  Students who have excessive tardies will also receive support during the incentive time  to help them make it to class on time.  Students who earned the incentive will report to the gym for a movie.  Concessions will be available. At the end of the day, all students will report to the gym for a pep rally. Celebration is an important part of our school culture and we are looking forward to all of these activities on Wednesday. Students will be dismissed at 11:23 on Wednesday to give teachers time to prepare for conferences.

Fall conferences will be held on Wednesday and Thursday.   On Wednesday, conferences begin at 3:30 and go until 7:30.  Conferences on Thursday go from 8:00-7:00.  Please use this link to sign up for individual conferences with your student's teachers.  Conferences are 10 minutes in length. There is no school on Friday, October 25th. The LMS PTO is providing meals for teachers during conferences.  Please use this link or this link to sign up to help them out.

Hopefully we will see all of you at bingo night and conferences.  Please remember there is no school for students on Thursday or Friday.  There will be no Scout Learning Lab or late bus on Wednesday due to conferences and there is no Saturday Scout Learning Lab on the 26th.

Upcoming Events
  • 10/21: Family night 
  • 10/23: Fall conferences-students dismissed at 11:23
  • 10/24: Fall conferences-no school for students 
  • 10/25: No school
  • 11/5:   No school-professional development 

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Week of October 14

The LMS blog is back after a bit of a hiatus due to technical difficulties.  Six week grade reports were mailed out last week.  If you did not receive one, please contact the school at 721-4430 to make sure we have your correct address.  We mail home grade reports periodically to keep families informed of their students progress and to share other information.  In today's highly electronic world, it was discussed at the latest PTO meeting that  this might not be the most efficient way to share information.  Please click on this link to complete a short survey about how you would like to receive information.

Fall conferences are next Wednesday and Thursday.  Students will be dismissed at 11:23 on Wednesday, the 23rd, to give teachers time to prepare for conferences.  On Wednesday, conferences begin at 3:30 and go until 7:30.  Conferences on Thursday go from 8:00-7:00.  Please use this link to sign up for individual conferences with your student's teachers.  Conferences are 10 minutes in length. There is no school on Friday, October 25th. The LMS PTO is providing meals for teachers during conferences.  Please use this link or this link to sign up to help them out.

Certainly conferences are a great opportunity for us to share information with families, but it is also a great time for you to share information with us and to ask questions.  How does my student interact with the other students in class?  How does what my student is doing in class relate to their lives outside of school and their future studies?  What can we do at home to support our student's learning?  What soft skills can my student improve on?  Here are some things that would be helpful for you to know about my student.  These are all great talking points for a successful conference.  We hope to see you all next week.

Halloween is approaching and many students would like to know if they can wear costumes on the 31st. The short answer is yes with some conditions. Costumes may not distract or prevent learning.  For example, wearing a giant inflatable t-rex costume makes is hard to sit in a desk or for those behind you to see.  Students in PE or industrial arts need to be able to safely participate in those classes and may have to change out of their costumes.  Costumes must comply with the District dress code.  Masks, face paint, gore, and weapons (yes even light sabers) are not allowed.

Upcoming Events
  • 10/21: Family night 
  • 10/23: Fall conferences-students dismissed at 11:23
  • 10/24: Fall conferences-no school for students 
  • 10/25: No school-conferences
  • 11/5: No school-professional development