Monday, March 26, 2018

Week of March 26

Please join me in congratulating Mr. Nick Bauman, 6th grade social studies teacher, on being recognized as one of the Kiwanis Teachers of the Year.  Mr. Bauman was nominated by 13 LMS students.  In their nominations students stated Mr. Bauman cares about them and their learning, develops interesting and engaging lessons, and that his class is one of the highlights of their school day.  Congratulations Mr. Bauman on your well-deserved award.  Another example of the great things happening at LMS.

Spring conferences are next Tuesday, April 3rd from 3:30-7:30 pm.  Students will be dismissed at 11:30 on the 3rd. Teachers will be preparing for conferences from 11:30-3:30.  LMS conferences will follow an open house format.  Teachers will be available in their rooms to meet with students and families. All families and students are encouraged to come in and check in with teachers on a first come, first serve basis. There is no need to make an appointment.  Please join us at conferences to  discuss your student's hard work and growth and answer any questions you may have.

WYTOPP (Wyoming Test of Proficiency and Progress) is the new state accountability test.  The testing window runs from April 16th to May 11th.  LMS students will be testing the weeks of April 23rd and April 30th.  Testing will occur in students regularly scheduled classes.  We will have four block days the week of the 23rd.  Other than that, student schedules will not change.  More information and a detailed schedule will be shared as the testing window approaches.

Upcoming Events
  • April 2                                   No school-professional development
  • April 3                                   Spring conferences 
  • April 23-May 11                    WYTOPP testing
  • May 12                                   Hapiness 5K 

Monday, March 19, 2018

Week of March 19

We're excited to welcome back all LMS students and staff after spring break. I hope you all had a restful week and were able to spend some time with family and friends. We are excited to begin the push to the end of the school year.  It's a bit crazy to think that we are approaching summer break this quickly, but it will be here before we know it.  Let's continue to work together to finish the school year strong.

There is no Scout Learning Lab this Wednesday, March 21st.  The middle school is having a staff meeting after school on Wednesday and are not available to work with students.  There will not be a a late bus on Wednesday. All students should plan on leaving right after dismissal. 

The elementary schools have an early release this Friday, March 23rd.  The middle school will follow our normal Friday schedule that day dismissing at 2:55.  Middle school students are expected to attend the entire school day this Friday.  Please contact the school if you have any questions. 

Spring conferences will be held on Tuesday, April 3rd from 3:30-7:30.  We are piloting an open house format at the middle school this Spring.  Teachers will be available in their rooms during conferences.  Families and students can drop in and visit with teachers during conferences on a first come, first serve basis. You do not need to make an appointment for conferences. All LMS students and families are encouraged to attend. 

Upcoming Events
  • March 21                               No Scout Learning Lab
  • March 23                               Elementary early release-full day at LMS
  • April 2                                   No school-professional development
  • April 3                                   Spring conferences 

Monday, March 5, 2018

Week of March 5

We are already at the six week point in the second semester.  We will be sending out progress reports to families this week.  Please review your student's progress report with them and identify areas for celebration and discuss any areas for growth.  There is still a lot of time left in the school year to demonstrate academic competency.  We are here to work with you and your student to support their learning.  If you have any questions, or concerns, regarding your student's progress report, please don't hesitate to contact the school.  

It is Spirit Week at Laramie Middle School.  Each day has a dress up theme.  The grades (6,7,8) are also engaged in a friendly competition with penny wars.  Each grade will have a jar in the cafeteria.  Pennies count toward a grade's total and any other denominations count against.  All funds raised will be used to support service members overseas.  As a part of Spirit Week, all LMS students and families are cordially invited to our second family night on Wednesday, March 7th.  The student leadership team is hosting the Bermuda Triangle Escape Room from 7:00-8:15.  There is no cost to attend.  Please join us for fun, popcorn, and community building.  

Occasionally students need to be checked out of school for appointments such as the dentist or orthodontist.  While it is preferable that these are taken care of outside of school hours, we recognize that is not always possible.  It is helpful if you call ahead before coming to pick your student up whenever possible.  If a student is in PE or at lunch when you come to get them, it may take us a few minutes to get them down to the attendance office and released to you.  Often families are on a tight timeline when checking students out and trying to make an appointment.  Calling ahead helps us have your student ready to go so that you are not late.

There will not be any Scout Learning Lab after school on Friday, March 9th or Saturday, March 10th due to spring break.  Scout Learning Lab will resume it's normal schedule on Monday, March 19th.  As a reminder, teaching staff are available to work with students from 3:00-3:30 Monday-Friday and there is a late bus at 4:00 for students who need it.  Saturday Scout Learning Lab takes place on most Saturdays from 8:00-11:00 for students who need a larger chunk of time to demonstrate their learning.

Upcoming Events
  • March 5                                 Six week grade reports 
  • March 5-9                              Spirit Week
  • March 7                                 PTO meeting
  • March 7                                 Family night-Bermuda Triangle escape room 
  • March 12                               Spring break begins
  • March 23                               Elementary early release-full day at LMS