Monday, May 20, 2019

Week of May 20

It's the last Monday of the year at Laramie Middle School.  It's been an exciting roller coaster ride and we are planning to finish strong.  Thank you for your support and dedication throughout the year, it is appreciated.  Unfortunately, if you were hoping to purchase an award-winning LMS yearbook to commemorate the school year, they are sold out. 

A huge congratulation to Mrs. Simmons in the PE department.  Mrs. Simmons was the lead on a successful grant application for the Specialized Riding for Focus grant from the @thespecializedfoundation. We could not be more excited about this opportunity to get more kids on bikes and bring a cycling program to our physical education classes. LMS will be receiving 26 mountain bikes and helmets as a result of Mrs. Simmons' efforts that will be put to use beginning in the 2019-2020 school year.

The last dance of the school year is this Wednesday, May 22nd from 3-5 in the LMS gym.  Please note the time change.  This dance was originally scheduled for 6-8 but was moved by student request.  All LMS students in good standing (not suspended) are welcome to attend.  Admission is $4.  Please email me if you are interested in chaperoning. 

The LMS PTO is sponsoring the 8th grade ice cream social on Wednesday, May 29th at 2:00 pm.  All 8th grade students will be treated to a delicious bowl of ice cream with all of the toppings.  Please visit the LMS PTO Facebook page for more information or if you can help out.

The 8th grade class will be going to LHS on the afternoon of the 30th for transition activities.  Students will be boarding buses at approximately 12:30 to head to the high school.  They will eat lunch there and the LHS staff will lead students through a variety of transition programming.  Students will return to LMS prior to dismissal.  If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Kern at the high school.

Upcoming Events:
  • May 22                       Last dance of the year
  • May 27                       No school-Memorial Day
  • May 29                       8th grade ice cream social
  • May 31                       Last day for students (1/2 day) 
  • June 3                         First day of summer school

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Week of May 6

The Hapi-ness 5K is this Saturday!  If you pre-registered great.  If not, there is still time to register.  You can do so in the main office or on the morning of the race.  Registration opens at 8 am and the race starts at 9.  Please join us for a fun run that supports a great cause. 

LARAMIE MIDDLE SCHOOL YEARBOOKS ARE IN!!! Anyone who pre-ordered a yearbook has received their copies, and at this time we still have 150 left to sell. Those will go quick, so make sure to grab one before they are gone. Books will be available for purchase during lunch. They are still only $40, and we can accept cash or check.

Please join me in congratulating Mr. Nate Reitzel on being selected as the 2019 LMS Teacher of the Year.  Mr. Reitzel is an art teacher at LMS.  He teachers graphic design, pub photo (yearbook), and other art classes.  Under Mr. Reitzel's direction, the LMS Scout has been recognized as an award winning yearbook for the last four years.  Mr. Reitzel also proctors the Scout Studio after school providing students with another opportunity to create art.  Mr. Reitzel is a positive, student-centered teacher who loves working with middle level students.  Congratulations Mr. Reitzel on being named the LMS Teacher of the Year.

There will be no Scout Learning Lab or late bus after school on Thursday, May 9th due to professional development.  All students should go directly home after school. 

Upcoming Events:

  • April 16- May 10       WYTOPP testing
  • May 9                         No SLL or late bus
  • May 22                       Last dance of the year
  • May 27                       No school-Memorial Day
  • May 29                       8th grade ice cream social
  • May 31                       Last day for students (1/2 day) 
  • June 3                         First day of summer school