Sunday, October 17, 2021

Week of October 18

It's a short week for students, but a full week for teachers and families as we prepare for fall conferences.  All families are encouraged to schedule a conference with all of their student's teachers.  Conferences  are Wednesday from 3:30-7:30 and Thursday from 8:00-7:00.  Families sign up for conferences using PTCFast.  Families can attend in person or over Zoom.  Please let us know when signing up if you are coming in person or via Zoom by putting either in 'in-person' or 'Zoom' after your last name.  For example, John Smith-Zoom.  

In person attendees will be required to follow all current COVID guidelines and procedures which includes wearing a mask while inside.   We hope to see everyone in person or through Zoom during conferences.  Please contact the school if you need any assistance signing up. Due to conference students will be dismissed at 11:23 on Wednesday and there is no school for students on the 21st and 22nd. 

Use This Link to Sign Up For Conferences

Use This Link to Access Teacher Zoom Links for Conferences

The LMS mental health team would love the opportunity to chat with you during conferences.  Learn more in the video below. 

Retakes for fall pictures are on Tuesday.  Any student who missed pictures the first time around or who would like a retake can have their picture taken Tuesday morning.  Tuesday is also picture day.  To order pictures, please go to and enter our picture day ID: EVT3W2R36.

Halloween is just around the corner.  I know many LMS students get excited about their costumes, trick-or-treating, and other Halloween activities.  Since Halloween falls on a Sunday this year, we will not be allowing costumes at school.  Students should save their Halloween spirit for the 31st so they are ready to go.  Hopefully we get good weather on the 31st.  I know growing up most of my costumes consisted of a superhero wearing a coat and snow boots.

Upcoming Events

  • October 19                Picture retakes
  • October 20                Early release for students 
  • October 20-21           Fall conferences 
  • October 21-22           No school for students
  • November 2              No school 
  • November 24-26       No school 

Monday, October 11, 2021

Week of October 11

Another great week is underway at LMS.  The air is crisp and the forecast says winter weather is on it's way. Please encourage your student to dress appropriately.  Remember our doors open at 7:30. Please do not drop your student off before that.  Wrestling and girls basketball get underway this week.  The first practice for wrestling is an informational meeting in our cafeteria tonight at 5:30.  After tonight, wrestling practices from 5:30-7:30 at Laramie High School. Girls basketball practice starts after school today in the LMS gym.  Seventh grade practices from 3:15-5:00 and eighth grade practices from 5:15-7:00.  Students must have current sports physical and code of conduct on file in order to practice or compete. 

Fall conferences are Wednesday, October 20th from 3:30-7:30 and Thursday, October 21st from 8:00-7:00.  Families sign up for conferences using PTCFast.  Families can attend in person or over Zoom.  Please let us know when signing up if you are coming in person or via Zoom by putting either in 'in-person' or 'Zoom' after your last name.  For example, John Smith-Zoom.  In person attendees will be required to follow all current COVID guidelines and procedures.   We hope to see everyone in person or through Zoom during conferences.  Please contact the school if you need any assistance signing up. Due to conference students will be dismissed at 11:23 on the 20th and there is no school for students on the 21st and 22nd. 

Use This Link to Sign Up For Conferences

Use This Link to Access Teacher Zoom Links for Conferences

While this Friday is an early release for our elementary schools, it's a regular, full day at LMS.  LMS students will be dismissed at our normal time (3:05) on Friday.  Also, if your student is one of our budding entrepreneurs that has been selling candy to their classmates, please praise them for their industriousness and ask them to stop.  Unfortunately the wrappers are ending up all over our school.  

Thank you for your continued support and feedback. We are looking forward to meeting with all of you next week. We are excited for the opportunity to collaborate in support of your student.  Make it a great week!

Upcoming Events

  • October 15                End of the first quarter 
  • October 19                Picture retakes
  • October 20-21           Fall conferences 
  • October 21-22           No school for students
  • November 2              No school 

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Week of October 4

The morning air is crisp and fall is upon us as we approach the six week mark of the first semester.  Progress reports will be generated on Friday and sent out to families on Monday.  We will also include 2021 WYTOPP report with progress reports.  Please review your student's report with them and discuss areas of celebration and areas for growth.  Scout Learning Lab (SLL) is available Monday-Friday from 3:05-4:00 for students who need additional time and support to demonstrate their learning.  Please contact your student's teachers to make arrangements to stay for SLL. 

Fall conferences are just around the corner.  The will be held on Wednesday October 20th and Thursday, October 21st. Teachers will be available to meet with families from 3:30-7:30 on the 20th and from 8:00-7:00 on the 21st.  Conferences will be held in person and via Zoom.  In person attendees will be required to follow all current health guidelines.  Families sign up for conferences using PTCFast.  Our registration link will go live on Monday, October 11th.  When registering, please indicate if your are attending in person or via Zoom by adding "in person" or "Zoom" in the special request box. We strongly encourage all families to participate in conferences.  It's a great time to check in on your student's progress and to share your thoughts with us on what is going well and suggestions for how we can collaborate effectively in support of your student.  There is no school for students on the 21st and 22nd due to conferences and the 20th is a half day so students will be dismissed at 11:23. 

Some of our industrious students have been applying their entrepreneurial skills during the school day by selling candy to their classmates.  While I applaud their initiative and support the free market, candy is not part of our healthy snack guidelines and unfortunately the wrappers from the item of choice, pixie sticks, are ending up all over our school. Please review the healthy snack guidelines found in our handbook and encourage your student to make smart choices when bringing snacks to school.

Let's continue to work together and make it a great week. Amazing things are happening in our classrooms, on our athletic fields, and across our community.  We face obstacles of course, but by continuing to work together we can sustain our momentum and have continued success.  Go Scouts!

Upcoming Events

  • October 6                  Six week mark of the first semester
  • October 15                End of the first quarter 
  • October 19                Picture retakes
  • October 20-21           Fall conferences 
  • October 21-22           No school for students
  • November 2              No school