Monday, September 21, 2020

Week of September 21

It's Homecoming Spirit Week at LMS.  The student leadership team has planned a series of dress up days to show our school spirit. Monday and Tuesday are socks and sandals.  Wednesday and Thursday are Scout Pride.  On Wednesday and Thursday, 6th graders should wear white, 7th graders wear orange, and 8th graders should wear black.  Students may also wear a hat during Spirit Week if they pay $1.00.  Please note that hoods are not hats. We hope all students will show their Scout Pride by participating in Spirit Week.

In the past we were able to open the school prior to 7:45.  However, due to COVID, we cannot let students in the building earlier.  This has caused traffic to back up in circle drive more than usual.  We ask all drivers to model our community core values by being safe, respectful, and responsible when picking up or dropping off.  This means please have your student ready to quickly and safely exit the vehicle when you enter the circle.  Circle drive is not a place to say long goodbyes, park, gather materials, or do anything besides quickly exiting the vehicle.  Lingering here delays students and causes unsafe conditions.  If you are anywhere in circle drive, please have your student promptly exit the vehicle.  Don't wait until you are directly in front of the door.  Have instruments, lunches, and other materials ready to go.  Don't drive around parked cars.  If you need more time to exit your vehicle or take care of other business, please pull forward into 15 minute parking just past the flag pole.

Friday, September 25th is the deadline for all students to have current vaccinations or an approved exemption on file.  This is state law.  Students without current vaccination, or an approved exemption, will not be able to participate in school after 9/25 until their records are current.  Please contact Mrs. O'Brien, LMS nurse, if you have questions or need assistance. 

Upcoming Events

  • September 21-25   Homecoming Spirit Week
  • September 25         Vaccination deadline
  • September 28         No School-professional development 
  • October 12              PTO Meeting 
  • October 21-22        Fall conferences 

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Week of September 14th

It's great to start a week off with a smile, and since Monday and Tuesday are our picture days, we're able to do that this week.  All students will have their picture taken even if they didn't pre-order pictures.  CBVI students can come in for pictures on Tuesday from 1:30-2:30.  Please enter the back gym through the doors off of the bus lane. Pictures can be ordered by going to even after pictures are taken. Our picture day ID is EVT4PJSVR.  If students missed pictures, or don't like their picture, retakes are on 10/27/20. 

The window for first semester schedule changes has closed.  Students can request second semester schedule changes at the end of the first semester or the first two weeks of the second semester. We understand that students may have not gotten all of their first choice electives, but due to necessary changes related to COVID-19 we had to approach scheduling differently this year.  All LMS classes are valuable and who knows, students might just find a passion they didn't know they had by taking a class they didn't sign up for.

Friday, September 25th is the deadline for all students to have current vaccinations or an approved exemption on file.  This is state law.  Students without current vaccination, or an approved exemption, will not be able to participate in school after 9/25 until their records are current.  Please contact Mrs. O'Brien, LMS nurse, if you have questions or need assistance. 

If your student needs assistance on their virtual days, we can help.  An ACSD1 staff member is at Big Brothers Big Sisters to work with students on virtual days.  Students can go to BBBS from 8:00-11:15 or 11:45-3:00.  District transportation is not available at this time.  If your student would benefit from working at BBBS on their virtual days, please call Kevin at 721-4430 or email me. 

Next week is homecoming!  We will have dress up days throughout the week.  Monday and Tuesday are socks and sandals and Wednesday and Thursday are school spirit days.  On School Spirit Day, 6th grade wears white, 7th grade wears orange, and 8th grade wears black.  We will also be introducing the Scout Cup next week.  Students may wear a hat on in person days for $1.00.  Adjusting to blending learning is difficult.  Please continue to communicate with your student's teacher and ask for help when you need it.  We are here for you and your student.  

 Upcoming Events

  • September 14-15   Picture days
  • September 21-25   Homecoming 
  • September 25         Vaccination deadline
  • September 28         No School-professional development 
  • October 12              PTO Meeting 
  • October 21-22        Fall conferences 

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Week of September 7

Another great week is underway at LMS.  Our schedule for this week is B, A, B, A.  We will follow a similar schedule the week of September 28th due to professional development on Monday of that week.  The A/B schedule for the first quarter can be found in the school calendars section of the LMS website.  In the event we are in Tier II longer than 9 weeks, an updated A/B schedule will be placed in the same location.

There are changes to our foods service program this week.  Our district has been approved to change from the National School Lunch Program to the Summer Food Service Program.  Because of this change, there will only be one entree at breakfast and lunch.  Breakfast will consist of a cold entree, white milk, and a juice.  Lunch will consist of either a cold or hot entree with a fruit and vegetable and a chocolate milk.  Students will not be charged for breakfast or lunch as long as we are in this mode.  If you qualify for free/reduced lunch, you still need to complete the application. We are unsure of how long we will be in the Summer Food Service Program.  It depends of funding. We'll let families know if anything changes. 

Friday, September 25th is the deadline for all students to have current vaccinations or an approved exemption on file.  This is state law.  Students without current vaccination, or an approved exemption, will not be able to participate in school after 9/25 until their records are current.  Please contact Mrs. O'Brien, LMS nurse, if you have questions or need assistance. 

Picture day is next Monday and Tuesday.  CBVI students can come in on Tuesday from 1:30-2:30 for pictures.  CBVI students should enter the back gym directly through the door on the bus lane.  CBVI students, please do not come to the front door for pictures.  We will not be handing out picture packets to students.  You can order pictures by going to  Our picture day ID is EVT4PJ2VR. 

Let's work together to make this week the best we possibly can.  The weather has thrown us for a loop, but at least the fire danger is down.  Please remember to complete the health check for your student each morning before they come to school.  It's an important part of keeping everyone safe and our schools open. 

 Upcoming Events:

  • September 14-15   Picture day
  • September 23        No School-professional development 
  • September 25        Vaccination deadline 
  • October 21-22       Fall conferences 

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Week of August 31

It's going to be a great week at LMS.  Tuesday is the first virtual day for A cohort students and Wednesday will be the first virtual day for B cohort students.  All classes will be on Canvas this year and students can access all of the necessary resources for learning through Classlink.  This is helpful because everything is in one place and students only have to log in once.  Students who didn't receive their Chromebooks last week will get them this week as long as their online registration is complete.  

We are hosting virtual back to school night on Wednesday.  LMS staff have created welcome videos that will be posted on the faculty and staff page on the LMS website.  We will also be live on the LMS Facebook page from 6:00-7:00 to talk about the start of the school year and answer questions.  

Blended learning presents unique challenges and opportunities for students and families.  If you want to learn a bit more about Classlink, Canvas, or other tools there are two main places to go.  The student resources page on the district website is a great place to start.  The technology help center has a lot of helpful information as well.  We're all learning together and we're here to help you and your student be successful.  

Students are encouraged to come in on Friday mornings from 8:00-11:00 for extra support or enrichment activities.  Students need to sign up with their teachers in advance.  If they need to ride the bus, students need to be on the list by the end of the day on Wednesdays.  Students sign up by talking with the teacher(s) they will be working with.  Teachers may also sign up students who they feel would benefit.  Students who do not need to come in for extra support on Fridays are to work remotely on any activities posted to Canvas they still need to complete or activities assigned in class not yet completed.  If students are current on their learning, they are available to do all of things at home that you'd like them to do. 

Picture day is coming up on Monday, September 14th for A cohort students and Tuesday, September 15th for B cohort students.  CBVI students can come in on Tuesday from 1:30-2:30 for pictures.  CBVI students should enter the back gym directly through the door on the bus lane.  CBVI students, please do not come to the front door for pictures.  We will not be handing out picture packets to students.  You can order pictures by going to  Our picture day ID is EVT4PJ2VR. 

Upcoming Events:

  • September 2          Virtual back to school night 
  • September 7          No School-Labor Day 
  • September 14-15   Picture day
  • September 23        No School-professional development 
  • October 21-22       Fall conferences