Monday, March 29, 2021

Week of March 29

 Another exciting week is underway at LMS. Please remember that our students attend school each day from 8:00-3:05 in Tier I including Fridays.  Spring conferences are this Thursday from 3:30-6:00.  Conferences will be held via Zoom.  Teachers will be reaching out to families of students earning failing grades to schedule conferences on Monday and Tuesday.  General registration will open on Wednesday morning at 8:00 on the LMS website.  If you want to be sure to have a conference with a teacher, please contact them.  On Thursday, we will post Zoom links to the LMS website.  You will click on the appropriate teacher's Zoom link at the time of your conference to enter just like we did in the fall.  If you are unable to schedule a conference with a teacher you'd like to meet with, please email them and they will schedule another time to talk. The LMS administrative team will be on Zoom from 5:15-5:30 if you have anything you'd like to talk with us about. 

We will also be starting a 4:00 bus in support of Scout Learning Lab (SLL) this week.  Students can stay after school with their teachers Monday-Friday to get additional support from 3:05-3:35.  If they need to ride the late bus, they will go to the cafeteria and continue to work until 4:00 when the late bus departs.  Late buses will stop at normal bus stops.  Students and families need to communicate with teachers to stay for after school Scout Learning Lab. All students earning failing grades need to stay for SLL and students must be with a teacher to ride the late bus.  However, students do not need to ride the late bus in order to stay for SLL.  Any student who needs additional help or who would like to stay after and work with a teacher is encouraged to take advantage of SLL.  You can read more about it here.  Note: late buses will run Monday-Wednesday this week.  Thursday we have conferences after school and late buses will not run on Fridays. 

Our recent record breaking blizzard must mean it's time for track to start.  There will be an informational meeting this Wednesday at 6:00 in the LMS cafeteria. All students going out for track and their families are encouraged to attend.  Seventh and eighth grade boys and girls can participate in track. Students must have an athletic physical on file to participate and practice begins on Monday, April 5th. If you have questions related to track, please contact Mrs. Barham. 

It's hard to believe there are only 9 weeks left in this school year.  Our return to Tier I signifies an increased return to normalcy.  However, we must continue to be diligent as we battle this pandemic.  Please continue to fill out the health screener daily and to follow the guidelines that have allowed our school to remain open and be successful. Let's make it a great week.

Important Dates 

  • March 31 Track informational meeting

  • April 1 Spring conferences

  • April 5 Track practice begins

  • April 16 No school- professional development

Monday, March 22, 2021

Week of March 22

I hope everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable spring break and has recovered from shoveling snow. Starting Monday, all in-person LMS students will attend school every day Monday-Friday from 8:00-3:05.  Buses will run the same schedule and routes.  We will follow the same bell schedule that we have been using all year where students start their day in S4S and attend all 8 of their classes each day.  We ask that students not be dropped off before 7:45 to the maximum extent possible.  We will have limited space available for students in the cafeteria from 7:30-7:45.  To make the drop off process in Circle Drive go more safely and smoothly, please follow the procedures in the video below.

We will utilize many of the same procedures that helped us attend school safely in Tier I that we used in Tier II.  Everyone will continue to wear a face covering at all times, practice increased hand hygiene, and we will socially distance as much as possible.  To this end we will be using more exterior doors during passing periods to reduce crowding in the hallways and divide students between the cafeteria and small gym during lunch. 

The last day for submitting late assignments from the 3rd quarter is this Friday, March 26th.  Missing work from the second semester that is going to be submitted or credit must be in by the end of the day on the 26th.  Teachers are available to provide extra support to students after school if needed.  Please review your student's grades with them and check PowerSchool to determine if your student has late work that needs to be completed prior to the 26th.

Important Dates 

  • March 26 End of the quarter

  • April 1 Spring conferences

  • April 16 No school- professional development

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Week of March 8

It's spirit week at LMS.   Each day features a dress up theme and other activities will be held throughout the week.  Students who are current on their work will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of competitions and fun activities during I/E on Friday.  Please watch the video below for more information.

The last day for submitting late assignments from the 3rd quarter is Friday, March 26th.  Missing work from the second semester that is going to be submitted or credit must be in by the end of the day on the 26th.  Teachers are available to provide extra support to students during I/E this Friday and after school the week of the 22nd.  Six week progress reports are being mailed out this week.  Please review them with your student and check PowerSchool to determine if your student has late work that needs to be completed prior to the 26th.

We are prepared for the return to Tier I after spring break on Monday March 22nd.  All LMS students will attend school Monday-Friday from 8:00-3:05 in Tier I.  All LMS students will attend school from 8:00-3:05 on Fridays. Buses will run the same schedule and routes.  We will follow the same bell schedule that we have been using all year where students start their day in S4S and attend all 8 of their classes.  We ask that students not be dropped off before 7:45 to the maximum extent possible.  We will have limited space available for students in the cafeteria from 7:30-7:45.  

Important Dates 

  • March 8-12 Spirit week

  • March 15-19 No school-spring break

  • March 22 Return to tier I

  • March 26 End of the quarter

  • April 1 Spring conferences

  • April 16 No school- professional development

Monday, March 1, 2021

Week of March 1

This month we are thinking about courage.   Courage is not a magical remedy for fear. Instead, courage is a choice to push through fear, self-doubt, and anxiety to do things that feel hard or frightening. Courage may mean being kind to the new kid in class, trying something new, or speaking up for something or someone. Often, these things don’t come with fireworks or applause. In fact, they rarely do. But, with one courageous act at a time, kids can positively impact their school, community, and our world.  

Trying something new or different is a way to build courage. Risking failure often takes bravery. Ask each family member to share a recent failure and a lesson they learned from this experience. Learn from these experiences. Growth happens outside of our comfort zones. Celebrate courage by using these conversation starters at dinner this week and read more about courage in March's Capturing Kids' Hearts newsletter.  

  • Can you think of a person you consider to be courageous? 
  • What are some ways they show courage? 
  • Describe a time when had to be brave. What helped you to be courageous? 
  • What are some small, everyday brave acts that you can do this week?

Students will have the opportunity to demonstrate courage and their school spirit next week for spring spirit week.  Each day has a theme and students will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of enrichment competitions on Friday if they are current on their work.  Please encourage your student to participate. 

  • Monday: Decade Day
  • Tuesday: State Day
  • Wednesday: Twin Day
  • Thursday: Vacation Day
  • Friday: School Colors
    • 6th: White
    • 7th: Orange
    • 8th: Black 
We are making some changes to our morning procedures to accommodate the return to Tier I.  Beginning on Monday, March 22nd, students will be able to enter our building at 7:30.  Students entering before 7:45 must go directly to the cafeteria where they will remain.  At 7:45, students will be released to their S4S classes.  This will allow families an expanded drop off time and maintain social distancing.  We encourage families to drop off as close to 7:45 as possible. Morning routines for students who ride the bus will not change. 

Important Dates 

  • March 3 Six week progress reports

  • March 8-12 Spirit week

  • March 15-19 No school-spring break

  • March 22 Return to tier I

  • March 26 End of the quarter

  • April 1 Spring conferences