Monday, August 28, 2017

Week of August 28

The energy in the building is palpable as we kick off the first full week of the 2017-18 school year. Our students and staff are ready to dig in and set the stage for a very successful semester and school year.  Thank you for your support in making the start of the year fantastic and we appreciate your continued support throughout the year by maintaining open communication, offering input, and having your student in school, one time, every day, ready to learn.

One of the things we accomplished during our recent professional development was creating a definition for our ideal school community.  As we cultivate and maintain a culture of respect and excellence at LMS, it's important the we are all on the same page when it comes to the school community we desire.  Staff members collaborated to develop a definition for our ideal school community.  The words in the picture below make up that definition.  The larger the word, the more times it showed up during the activity.  We will use this image as a visual clue to act in a way that supports a student-centered community with high expectations for all.

All LMS families are cordially invited to back to school night on Tuesday, August 29th from 5:30-7:00 pm.  At this time, you will be able to rotate through your student's schedule and learn about each of their classes and meet their teachers.  Due to space limitations in our classrooms, we ask that students do not attend.  Here is the schedule for Back to School night.

Tuesday, August 29th is also picture day at LMS.  Students were given packets in their planners when they picked up their schedules.  You can also order pictures online.   The picture day ID for ordering online is CG217395Y0. All students will have their pictures taken on Tuesday.

There have been some updates to the Food Service Meal Charge Policy.  Please review the information below and contact the school if you have any questions.

  1. When a student’s balance reaches $0.00, no ala carte charges will be allowed, only regular breakfasts or lunches can be charged beyond $0.00.
  2. If a child is properly on free or reduced status but has a negative balance they will continue to be served regular meals as normal. Letters from the food service office will continue to be sent in an attempt to collect the deficit balance.
  3. Full Pay deficit accounts over $100 will be subject to being sent to collections. The collection process will start with a certified letter from the business manager to the parents indicating that they must set up a payment plan with the food service office within two weeks of the letter or their accounts will be sent to the collections agency.
  4. If no payment plan is set up or if the parents fail to follow the payment plan, their account information will be sent to the collection agency for that organization to collect the balance.

Upcoming Events:
        August 29                          Picture Day
        August 29                          Back to School Night
        September 4                      No school-Labor Day
        September 8                      Back to school dance


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Week of August 21

The time has finally come for students to return to Laramie Middle School.  This is one of the most exciting times of the year as students and staff reconnect and we dive into another school year.  We are looking forward to building on our past successes and finding ways to be an even more effective school in the coming year. Students have a half day on Thursday.  They will be dismissed at 11:30. Students will attend all of their classes for a shortened period on Thursday.  On Friday all students should report to their first period classes and will then rotate through a series of PBIS (positive behavioral intervention and support) lessons where they learn and review the expectations for all  areas of our school in support of building and maintaining a culture of respect and excellence at LMS.  It will be a fun day that will set students up for success for the rest of the year by giving them explicit expectations and support. 

Activities are in full swing as well.  Volleyball, cross country, and football have been practicing for over a week now and will have their first competitions soon.  If your student would like to participate in one of these activities, they can still join.  All students must have an athletic physical on file and a signed code of conduct in order to practice or compete.  Activities are an important part of the school community and I hope all students will participate in at least one each year.  More information related to activities can be found on our website

Picture day is Tuesday, August 29th.  All students received a picture packet in their planner when they picked up their schedules either during orientation or in the main office.  If your student has not picked up their schedule, please come by the main office between 8:00-3:00 before Thursday.   Pictures can also be ordered online at  Our picture day ID is CG217395Y0.  

Back to school night is Tuesday, August 29th from 5:30-7:00.  All LMS  families are strongly encouraged to attend. Limited classroom size does not permit student attendance. During back to school night you will visit each of your student's classes following her/his schedule.  The periods will be 7 minutes in length with a 5 minute passing period. Each teacher will provide you with a brief overview of their course and will have time to answer a few questions.  We hope you will all join us on the 29th.

Upcoming Events

  • August 24          First day of school
  • August 29          Picture day
  • August 29          Back to school night 
  • September 4      No school-Labor Day
  • September 8      First dance of the year 
  • September 25    No school-professional development 

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Week of August 14th

We have completed sixth grade orientation and the new student lunch for 7th and 8th graders new to LMS.  We had a great turnout and the Web Crew did a fantastic job.  Thank you to all the students and families who attended. A special shout out to Mr. Miller, Mrs. Theis, and Ms. Wood for leading the charge.  Mr. Stender and Mrs. Anfinson did a great job of leading the presentation for incoming students and families.  They really kept the crowd going as they shared a lot of useful information for the coming year.  All returning 7th and 8th graders can now pick up their schedules in the LMS main office.   If you have any questions or concerns related to the coming school year, please contact the office at 721-4430.

The LMS staff has been working hard preparing for the coming school year and laying out our scope of work as a professional learning community.  During 2017-18, we will continue to develop and refine our curricula, create and utilize common formative assessments, explore and utilize high leverage instructional practices, and develop and implement common grade norms.  That's a broad scope of work with a a lot of educational jargon, but what it really means is that as a school we are always looking for ways to serve students better.  We are thoughtful in our instructional design and delivery, we look at student data to determine what we can do better and how we can help students learn more effectively, and we truly believe that student learning is not optional.  We will do whatever it takes to help students be successful.  It's going to be an exciting ride and we ask for your input and support at every step of the way.

Students have a half day on the first day of classes next Thursday, August 24th.  They will be dismissed at 11:30.  Students will attend all of their classes for a shortened period on the first day.  On Friday, August 25th, all students should report to their first period classes and will then rotate through a series of PBIS (positive behavioral intervention and support) lessons where they learn and review the expectations for all  areas of our school and what is expected of them to build and maintain a culture of respect and excellence at LMS.  It will be a fun day that will set students up for success for the rest of the year by giving them explicit expectations and support.

Back to school night is Tuesday, August 29th from 5:30-7:00.  All LMS  families are strongly encouraged to attend. Limited classroom size does not permit student attendance. During back to school night you will visit each of your student's classes following her/his schedule.  The periods will be 7 minutes in length with a 5 minute passing period. Each teacher will provide you with a brief overview of their course and will have time to answer a few questions.  We hope you will all join us on the 29th.

Upcoming Events

  • August 24         First day of school
  • August 29         Picture day
  • August 29         Back to school night 
  • September 4      No school-Labor Day
  • September 8      First dance of the year 
  • September 25    No school-professional development 

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Back to School 2017

The 2017-18 school year is finally here and we are excited to get started at Laramie Middle School. My name is Kevin O’Dea and I’m the new LMS principal.  I came to Laramie from Rawlins where I served as the middle school principal.  I have also worked as a middle school assistant principal and activities director, middle school and high school teacher, and in the non-profit and retail sectors.  My wife Kerry and I both attended the University of Wyoming and we have one son who will be in the first grade.  We couldn’t be more excited to be back in Laramie. 

Our theme for the school year is If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.  LMS is a great school by any measure, but we are never satisfied.  We will embrace new challenges as opportunities to become better.  We want to be better teachers, principals, coaches, and paraprofessionals than we were a year ago.   We want to develop better lessons and supports to improve student learning.

The students of LMS will be embracing this challenge as well.  Middle school is a time of tremendous physical, emotional, and intellectual development.  We desire that all LMS students will embrace the challenge to become better students, friends, athletes, artists, musicians, sons, and daughters and to embrace the struggle required to improve because if it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you.

As we continue the transition from Laramie Junior High School to Laramie Middle School, we will be examining how to best support middle school learners on their educational journey as they prepare for high school and beyond.  Families are an integral part of this process and our school community.  I ask that you engaged in open, two-way communication with the school as a whole and your student’s teachers and coaches.  Your input is needed to support our continued growth. 

Let’s work together to make the 2017-18 school year the best yet at LMS!

Upcoming Events
  • August 14: Football, Cross Country, and Volleyball practice begin
  • August 16: 6th grade orientation
  • August 24: First day of school (early release) 
  • August 29: Picture day
  • August 29: Back to school night
  • September 4: No School-Labor Day