The student leadership team has declared this week is Unplugged Week. Excessive cell phone use can lead to increased off task behavior, elevated levels of anxiety, and interrupt healthy sleep patterns. The SLT has challenged students to moderate their phone use this week and connect with their classmates in more traditional ways. Each grade level has been challenged to stay off their devices during class (except for educational purposes). The grade level with the smallest number of infractions will earn a pizza party and Scout Cup points. Thursday will be unplugged lunch where we're going to eat like it's 1991 and no phones or other devices will be allowed during lunch.
Next Wednesday, most 8th graders will be participating in
NAEP testing. Randomly selected districts and students are required to take this test every three years. The results are used to compile the Nation's Report card. Students and schools do not receive scores. As a state we've traditionally done quite well on NAEP. This is very useful information as it shows Wyoming's investment in education is paying dividends. Students who are testing complete a reading or math test in a morning (8:30-10:30) or afternoon (12:30-2:30) session. Students only take one test. Selected students will receive appointment cards in
S4S tomorrow that list their testing sessions. Please
contact Kevin O'Dea if you have questions regarding NAEP testing.
Upcoming freshman students (8th graders) and their families had the opportunity to attend a registration night at LHS on Monday. If you were unable to attend, or have questions, the high school has posted the information from Monday and the
curriculum guide on their website. You can also contact the
LHS counseling department for information. Eighth grade students should return their completed registration cards to the LMS office by the end of the day on Thursday.
Upcoming Events:
- February 20 No Scout Learning Lab due to staff meeting
- February 21 8th grade registration cards due
- February 27 NAEP testing
- March 18-22 No school-spring break
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