Monday, December 2, 2024

Week of December 2

A new week and a new month begin on this frosty Monday morning.  We hope everyone had a safe and fulfilling Thanksgiving break. The next three weeks before the winter break are crucial to student learning.  When we return in January, there are only two weeks of school before the first semester ends.  It’s imperative that students are current on their learning before the break, as it will be very difficult for them to try and catch up in January.  Let’s work together to make these coming weeks productive and engaging. 

This month, we’re challenging your students to reflect on their experiences and take responsibility for how they choose to learn and grow from these experiences. We are partnering

with you to grow and develop your child’s sense of responsibility. As you reflect as a family, celebrate your accomplishments, identify areas you may want to improve, and consider new ways to serve others in the days ahead. One fun activity you could try is 100 Family Memories. Challenge your family to list 100 family memories from the year, big and small. As memories come to mind, add them to the list. At the end of the month, share and reflect on these memories as a family. Celebrate the good ones, talk about the lessons you may have learned from the hard ones, and think about how you have grown this year. Please read more about responsibility and building community in this month’s CKH newsletter. 

As we move further into winter and more consistent winter weather, please encourage your student to dress appropriately for the conditions.  We recognize that wearing a coat and putting the shorts away is totally cringe, but the Wyoming weather can be brutal.  Buses can get stuck and the roads can close during activity trips, so even if your student is only going from the bus or your car into the school, it’s still wise to be prepared.  Please also remember that our doors do not open until 7:30.  Students who arrive prior to 7:30 can wait in the front vestibule, but it’s best if they do not arrive on campus before our doors are open.

December is such a great time for reflection and celebration.  We’ve had a great school year so far with many accomplishments to celebrate.  Let’s continue to work together to improve and grow.  Thank you for your support and feedback. Make it a great week. 

Upcoming Events

  • 12/6 Parade of Lights

  • 12/17              PAC meeting

  • 12/18              No SLL due to staff meeting

  • 12/19 Holiday Dance

  • 12/23 Winter break begins

  • 1/6 Classes resume

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