Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Week of December 16

Winter break is rapidly approaching.  We have a festive week ahead with a concert, a dance, and many exciting learning opportunities.  Thank you for helping us make the most of it by delaying your winter break plans until after school is dismissed on Friday.  These days really do matter.  Our most recent attendance newsletter can be found here.

The holidays are a great time to reflect and connect with those we care about.  You can use the following conversation to jumpstart the process.  Describe this year in three words. Why did you choose those words? What is one thing you want to learn to do next year? What is your favorite memory from this year?

Our Holiday Dance is Thursday from 3:05-5:00 in the LMS gym.  All LMS students in good standing (not serving ISS or OSS) are encouraged to attend.  Admission is $5 and concessions will be available.  Students attending the dance must provide their own transportation and they need to be picked by 5:15.  Once a student has entered the dance, they cannot leave before 5:00 unless their caregiver is at the school to pick them up. We hope all of our students will come and show their holiday spirit at the dance this week. 

Our away for the day policy applies to cell phones, tablets, earbuds, and smart watches.  These items need to be powered down and stored in lockers from the time students enter the building until 3:05.  We are seeing more students bringing tablets and their Chromebooks to class. While students can provide their own device, that needs to be in place of their Chromebook, not in addition to.  Students cannot bring a personal device and their school device to class. If students wish to use a personal device, it must have the same functionality as the school device (i.e. a keyboard).  We strongly recommend that students use the Chromebook provided by the school.

A few final housekeeping items for your information before the break.  We will be cleaning out the lost and found at the end of the week.  Please have your student look for their missing items before the end of the school day on Friday.  There will be no Scout Learning Lab, after school activities, or late bus on Wednesday due to a staff meeting.  All students should go directly home after school on the 18th and students must be off campus by 3:15.

Thank you very much for your continued support and feedback as we close out 2024.  This year has been filled with joy, growth, and teamwork. We are looking forward to an even better year in 2025.  We wish you a safe and joyous holiday.  

Upcoming Events

  • 12/17              Choir concert 

  • 12/18              No SLL due to staff meeting

  • 12/19 Holiday Dance

  • 12/23 Winter break begins

  • 1/6 Classes resume

Monday, December 9, 2024

Week of December 9

Last week the 8th grade cooking classes held a cake decorating contest.  All of the cakes looked and tasted great. In first place with Chick-Fil-A were Myah Johnson, Leela Keller, Chloe Osborne, and Jessie Roylance.  Earning second place with their Bear Beach cake were Kash Athey, Tyler Beck, Addison Hennebry, and Isla Mahon. The third place cake was Christmas Mistake by Kimberly Almanza, Delaney Hardwick and Emma Montgomery. Congratulations to all of our contestants and especially to our winners.  

The weeks leading up to winter break are filled with activities and celebration.  Girls basketball will be concluding this week.  Band and choir have concerts, we have a dance next week, and students and teachers are working hard to address essential learning before the break.  Please check in with your student to make sure they are on track to finish assigned activities before break.  Our semester doesn’t end until January 17th, but winter break feels like the natural midpoint of the year.  The break will be so much more enjoyable if students go into it with no missing assignments.  Teachers are available during Scout Learning Lab Monday-Thursday to help students.  Let’s add to the holiday cheer this year by celebrating having every assignment possible completed before the break. 

A couple of housekeeping items for your consideration. We will be clearing out the lost and found on the 20th.  Please encourage your student to check for any missing items before winter break.  The December PAC meeting has been cancelled.  We will meet again in the new year on January 21st.  We would also appreciate your feedback on how we are doing in regards to creating and sustaining a welcoming environment in our school.  Please use this link to complete a quick survey.  It will only take a few minutes.  

The holidays are definitely something to look forward to.  I hope we can all take a moment this week to reflect on the good things that have happened this school year and on the great things to come.  As we dash towards winter break, let’s make the days count and not worry as much about counting the days. Make it a great week. 

Upcoming Events

  • 12/11              LMS presentation to ACSD1 School Board 

  • 12/12              Band concert

  • 12/17              Choir concert 

  • 12/18              No SLL due to staff meeting

  • 12/19 Holiday Dance

  • 12/23 Winter break begins

  • 1/6 Classes resume

Monday, December 2, 2024

Week of December 2

A new week and a new month begin on this frosty Monday morning.  We hope everyone had a safe and fulfilling Thanksgiving break. The next three weeks before the winter break are crucial to student learning.  When we return in January, there are only two weeks of school before the first semester ends.  It’s imperative that students are current on their learning before the break, as it will be very difficult for them to try and catch up in January.  Let’s work together to make these coming weeks productive and engaging. 

This month, we’re challenging your students to reflect on their experiences and take responsibility for how they choose to learn and grow from these experiences. We are partnering

with you to grow and develop your child’s sense of responsibility. As you reflect as a family, celebrate your accomplishments, identify areas you may want to improve, and consider new ways to serve others in the days ahead. One fun activity you could try is 100 Family Memories. Challenge your family to list 100 family memories from the year, big and small. As memories come to mind, add them to the list. At the end of the month, share and reflect on these memories as a family. Celebrate the good ones, talk about the lessons you may have learned from the hard ones, and think about how you have grown this year. Please read more about responsibility and building community in this month’s CKH newsletter. 

As we move further into winter and more consistent winter weather, please encourage your student to dress appropriately for the conditions.  We recognize that wearing a coat and putting the shorts away is totally cringe, but the Wyoming weather can be brutal.  Buses can get stuck and the roads can close during activity trips, so even if your student is only going from the bus or your car into the school, it’s still wise to be prepared.  Please also remember that our doors do not open until 7:30.  Students who arrive prior to 7:30 can wait in the front vestibule, but it’s best if they do not arrive on campus before our doors are open.

December is such a great time for reflection and celebration.  We’ve had a great school year so far with many accomplishments to celebrate.  Let’s continue to work together to improve and grow.  Thank you for your support and feedback. Make it a great week. 

Upcoming Events

  • 12/6 Parade of Lights

  • 12/17              PAC meeting

  • 12/18              No SLL due to staff meeting

  • 12/19 Holiday Dance

  • 12/23 Winter break begins

  • 1/6 Classes resume