February is kindness month. We are challenging students to be kind to others, even when it’s hard. We are partnering with you to help your student grow in kindness. Most children learn new behaviors by copying those around them; we have a powerful opportunity and responsibility to teach kindness by example. This month, model kindness and empower your student to show compassion to those around them. As a family, make a list of 25 random acts of kindness you can accomplish this month. Then, make a plan for how you’ll do each act. You can find some ideas on how to spread kindness in the 28 days of kindness challenge. Read more about kindness in this month’s Capturing Kids’ Hearts newsletter.
We are celebrating National School Counseling Week. Our counselors are amazing people dedicated to student success. Thank you Mrs. Bares, Ms. Bisaga, Mx. McCurdy, and Mrs. Sommerfeld. We appreciate you!
It is time to start planning for the coming school year. We have visited all of the elementary schools and met with the rising 6th graders. Our current 6th and 7th graders reviewed the elective choices for next year in S4S this week and should have brought home either a list of 7th grade electives or 8th grade electives with them. You can learn more about our course offerings in the draft 2024-2025 curriculum guide. Rising 7th and 8th graders will make their elective selections in S4S next week. More information about LMS scheduling can be found on our website under the Registration Information/Handbook link.
Rising freshman met with Mrs. Dale, LHS counselor, last week in S4S to start the process of registering for high school. There is a parent meeting on February 12th at 6:30 in the LHS theater that all rising freshmen and their families should attend. Rising freshmen should turn in their registration forms to the LMS office between February 13th-16th. If you have any questions regarding high school registration, please contact Mrs. Dale.
Selected 8th grade students will be participating in in the National Assessment of Educational Progress on February 15th. The NAEP test is given every two years and used to determine how well students are performing across the nation. Generally, Wyoming students do quite well on the NAEP. Results are calculated by state, so we won’t receive any student or school level results. If you like to learn more about the NAEP, please click here.
Upcoming Events
February 12 Rising Freshman Information Night (at LHS)
February 15 NAEP Testing
February 16 Early Release
February 19 No School
February 27 Rising 6th Grade Information Night
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