Monday, February 26, 2024

Week of February 26

Scheduling for the 2024-2025 school year has begun.  Rising freshmen should have turned their LHS course selection forms into the LMS main office last week.  Rising 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students should use the appropriate link to complete their schedule choices for next year if they haven’t already done so.  LMS course descriptions can be found in our curriculum guide.  When scheduling, we try our best to place students in the classes they have selected.  However, that’s not always possible so it’s very important that students select alternative courses that they are interested in.  If students do not complete the course request form, or fail to select alternative courses, they will be placed in whatever classes are available. 

Our 7th grade students will be taking the writing portion of WYTOPP next Monday, March 4th.  All other WYTOPP tests will take place at the end of April. We will follow a modified 'even' day schedule next Monday to accommodate testing.  All students will report to S4S on Monday.  Seventh grade students will take the writing test during a two hour testing block.  Sixth and eighth grade students will complete other activities in their S4S classes.  Due to testing, our schedule next week will be Even, Odd, Even, Odd, All.  We are looking forward to our students rocking the WYTOPP writing test next week. 

We are celebrating Kindness Week this week. Our Student Leadership Team has a variety of activities planned to encourage kindness in our school and community.  Please talk to your student about ways they can show kindness to themselves and others this week and beyond.

Spring break is quickly approaching.  We have a number of exciting activities between now and then including music contests and festivals, swim meets, a school dance, and Spring Spirit Week. Every day matters.  Please support your student by having them in school every day, on time, and ready to learn between now and Spring Break.  Make it a great week. 

Upcoming Events

  • February 27              Rising 6th Grade Information Night 

  • February 29              LMS Festival Concert

  • March 1                     Make up NAEP Testing

  • March 4                    7th Grade WYTOPP Writing Test

  • March 5                    All City Choir Concert

  • March 6                    Spring dance 

  • March 11-14             Spring Break

Monday, February 12, 2024

Week of February 12

 The Student Leadership Team and PE department have organized a variety of activities this week to support the American Heart Association.  We kick off on Monday with penny wars. Penny wars is a competition between each grade and teachers. Each grade level and staff have a bucket.  Adding  pennies to your bucket increases your group’s total value. However, you may also sabotage other groups by adding larger currencies (nickels, dimes, quarters, and dollar bills) to subtract points from their total.  The winning grade level will receive a prize at lunch. You can also donate by bringing a dollar to wear a hat on Tuesday. On Wednesday if you donate any money towards penny wars, you will receive a Hershey's kiss.

We are continuing the scheduling process for the coming school year.  There is an informational night for rising freshmen at Laramie High School Monday at 6:30.  All current 8th graders and their families should attend to learn about the scheduling process and course options for next year.  The meeting will be held in the LHS theater.  Rising freshmen should turn in their course selection sheets to the LMS main office by the end of the week.

Rising 7th and 8th graders will be making their elective selections in S4S on Tuesday.  Students should have brought home a list of electives last week to review with their families.  Detailed course descriptions can be found in the 24- 25 draft curriculum guide posted on our website.  We make every effort to place students in their desired courses, however this is not always possible.  The best way for students to get the classes they want is to complete the course selection form and choose alternatives in case they are not able to get their first choices.  

Valentine’s Day falls on a school day this year.  While we are always spreading love and happiness at LMS, please remember that students are not to receive deliveries during the school day.  It is disruptive and there isn’t room in classrooms, lockers, or on buses for delivered items.  Anything that is delivered will be held in the attendance office until the end of the school day. We will make our best effort to inform students of any deliveries, but we can’t guarantee they will be received.  Please save all of your special gifts for home. Make it a great week! 

Upcoming Events

  • February 12              Rising Freshman Information Night (at LHS)

  • February 15              NAEP Testing

  • February 16              Early Release

  • February 19              No School 

  • February 27              Rising 6th Grade Information Night 

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Week of February 5

 February is kindness month. We are challenging students to be kind to others, even when it’s hard. We are partnering with you to help your student grow in kindness. Most children learn new behaviors by copying those around them; we have a powerful opportunity and responsibility to teach kindness by example. This month, model kindness and empower your student to  show compassion to those around them.  As a family, make a list of 25 random acts of kindness you can accomplish this month. Then, make a plan for how you’ll do each act.  You can find some ideas on how to spread kindness in the 28 days of kindness challenge.  Read more about kindness in this month’s Capturing Kids’ Hearts newsletter

We are celebrating National School Counseling Week.  Our counselors are amazing people dedicated to student success.  Thank you Mrs. Bares, Ms. Bisaga, Mx. McCurdy, and Mrs. Sommerfeld. We appreciate you!

It is time to start planning for the coming school year. We have visited all of the elementary schools and met with the rising 6th graders.  Our current 6th and 7th graders reviewed the elective choices for next year in S4S this week and should have brought home either a list of 7th grade electives or 8th grade electives with them.  You can learn more about our course offerings in the draft 2024-2025 curriculum guide.  Rising 7th and 8th graders will make their elective selections in S4S next week. More information about LMS scheduling can be found on our website under the Registration Information/Handbook link.  

Rising freshman met with Mrs. Dale, LHS counselor, last week in S4S to start the process of registering for high school.  There is a parent meeting on February 12th  at 6:30 in the LHS theater that all rising freshmen and their families should attend.  Rising freshmen should turn in their registration forms to the LMS office between February 13th-16th.  If you have any questions regarding high school registration, please contact Mrs. Dale. 

Selected 8th grade students will be participating in in the National Assessment of Educational Progress on February 15th.  The NAEP test is given every two years and used to determine how well students are performing across the nation. Generally, Wyoming students do quite well on the NAEP.  Results are calculated by state, so we won’t receive any student or school level results.  If you like to learn more about the NAEP, please click here

Upcoming Events

  • February 12              Rising Freshman Information Night (at LHS)

  • February 15              NAEP Testing

  • February 16              Early Release

  • February 19              No School 

  • February 27              Rising 6th Grade Information Night