Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Week of May 22

The end of the school year is upon us and it has been an amazing ride.  Thank you for your support and feedback during this school season.  We've had a lot of success and we wouldn't have been able to do it without your help.  As we head into summer break, we have a lot of celebrations and logistics to take care of. 

Our end of the year dance is tomorrow from 3:05-5:00.  Admission is $5.00 and all students in good standing (not serving ISS or OSS) are encouraged to attend.  Concessions will be available as well. Students attending the dance need to stay until the end unless they are picked up by a parent or guardian and all students need to be picked up by 5:15.

We will be having an assembly at the end of the day on Friday to celebrate the success of the Hapi-ness 5K and for teachers to pay their debts related to Hapi-ness 5K incentives.  Heads will be shaved, beards will disappear, and hair will be dyed.  To accommodate our assembly lunches will be at slightly different times. On Friday 6th grade lunch is from 10:44-11:19, 7th grade lunch is from 11:26-12:01, and 8th grade lunch is from 12:08-12:43. It's going to be a great end to the week. 

Students will be checking in their Chromebooks next week on either the 30th or 31st during their math class.  Students need to remove any stickers they have placed on their Chromebooks prior to checking them in.  They must leave their name sticker and the school asset tag on their devices.  If students need a Chromebook to complete missing work after check in is completed, they can use a classroom loaner device. Students will also be cleaning out their lockers during S4S next week.  They should be prepared to take home all materials from their locker on on the 30th and students will not be allowed to use their lockers after clean out.

The last day of school for students is Friday, June 2nd and students will be dismissed at 11:23.  Breakfast will be served but there will be no lunch service.  All missing work must be turned in before students leave on the 2nd.  We have a great day of celebration planned and we hope all students will attend class each day through the end of the year. It's been an honor working alongside your student this year.  Thank you for sharing them with us.

Upcoming Events:
  • May 24 End of the year dance
  • May 30-31 Chromebook check in
  • May 30 Locker clean out
  • June 1 8th grade ice cream social
  • June 2 Last day for students

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