The last week of this school is here and it’s off to a beautiful, sunny start. We’ve had so many successes this year. We couldn’t have done it without your support and feedback. Thank you. Our theme this year was ‘You Miss 100% of the Shots You Don’t Take.’ Our students took risks, made gains, learned things, and became better people this year because they put themselves out there and looked out for each other. We’ve successfully implemented new curriculum resources, won conference championships, performed great at concerts and contests, had some fun, and most importantly we grew as teachers and learners. We’re looking forward to a strong finish this week and of course there are a lot of logistics to take care of.
Students cleaned out their lockers during S4S today. Students should take home everything from their lockers and they should not use them after the end of the day on Tuesday. Students will also be checking in their Chromebooks and chargers on Tuesday and Wednesday during their math class. Loaner devices will be available in classrooms for students who need them to finish missing assignments. We have Scout Learning Lab on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week. Thursday is the last day for the late bus this year. All students will be dismissed at 11:23 on Friday.
All students are required to have a Tdap booster vaccine between 11-12 years of age. Please make sure that your child has received this mandatory vaccine and the school has been given a copy of an updated immunization record or you have requested a vaccination waiver through the State of Wyoming. If your student has medications in the nurse's office, please make sure to pick these up by the last day of school. All medication remaining in the nurse's office after the last day of school will be disposed of. The school nurse can be contacted at or by calling the school, for any questions, concerns, or assistance.
To celebrate the last week of school we are having a series of dress up days this week. Tuesday is Dynamic Duo Day, Wednesday is Celebrity Day, Thursday is Dress Up or Dress Down/Socks and Sandals Day, and Friday is the Last Luau so rock your beach gear. Spirit Week is a fun way to end this school season.
We are undergoing a major upgrade to our ventilation system over the next two summers. As a result the middle school will be closed June 9th through August 14th. LMS office staff will be working out of LHS over the summer. Our “office” will be open Monday-Thursday this summer and our phone numbers and other contact information will remain the same.
Make it a great summer!
- May 30-31 Chromebook check in
- May 30 Locker clean out
- June 1 8th grade ice cream social
- June 2 Last day for students