Monday, November 16, 2020

Week of November 16

Twelve week progress reports will be mailed out at the end of the week.  Please review your student's report with them and discuss their progress up to this point.  Teachers are available after school and from 8:00-11:00 on most Fridays to assist students who need extra support and enrichment.  We are committed to the learning of all students, even during this pandemic.  Let's continue to work together in support of students.

It is imperative that students shut down their Chromebooks each night and bring them fully charged to school each day.  This gives the Chromebook the chance to install updates, new features, and any new programs that ACSD#1 has added.  Students use their Chromebooks throughout the day and if it's not updated, or charged, it's not very useful. 

The Student Leadership Team is hosting a food drive this week to benefit Laramie Interfaith.  Students are encouraged to bring nonperishable food items to Mr. Miller's room before school.  Hero points will be awarded for each item and the grade that brings in the most items will earn Scout Cup points.  Bonus points are given from items related to Thanksgiving, but all donations are appreciated. 

With holiday breaks right around the corner ACSD#1 Central Kitchen has been working hard to put together a couple of extended meal options for students in order to ensure that they are still able to receive meals even while schools are closed for the holidays. 

For Thanksgiving, students will receive their regular weekend food bag as usual and will also receive an additional backpack with non-perishable food items. For winter break, students will receive their regular weekend food bag as they go into the break. Then on December 22nd and December 29th families have the option to pick up meal bags on either or both days from Central Kitchen. Meal bags will consist of both perishable and non-perishable food items. There is a meal delivery option if needed. 

If you would like for your student/s to participate in these meal options please fill out the bottom half of this form and return it to Laramie Middle School or you can contact Lisa Theis at or 721-4430 with your information. Please be sure to sign up by November 20, 2020 in order to help Central Kitchen know how many meals to plan for. 

COVID is on the rise in our community and state.  So far, the measures we've put in place have limited transmission in the school setting.  Please continue to do your part by social distancing, using face coverings in and out of school, practicing good hand hygiene, and modifying your routines, plans, and activities to reduce transmission.  If you have not done so already, please complete the stakeholder wellness survey that Dr. Yennie sent out and let us know how you're doing. 

Upcoming Events
  • November 18           12 week progress reports
  • November 25-27     No school 
  • November 30           Virtual family night 
  • December 2             Choir concert
  • December 7             Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day 
  • December 7             Band concert 
  • December 10           Wyoming Day
  • December 17           Orchestra concert 
  • December 21           Winter break begins

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