Sunday, August 23, 2020

First Week of School 2020!

 We are eagerly anticipating the first day with students on Wednesday, 8/26.  We are excited to see our students in person again. Our building will be open to students at 7:45.  Please do not drop students off before then.  Students will head directly to their S4S classes unless they are eating breakfast.  Students who are eating breakfast can go to the cafeteria to eat before going to S4S.  Students will remain with their S4S classes all day building community and learning about expectations.  In person students will also be given their Chromebooks at this time. Online (CBVI) students will check out their Chromebooks on Friday. Both Wednesday and Thursday are early release days, so students will be dismissed from LMS at 11:23.  Students must be off campus by 11:40.  Everyone who enters an ACSD1 building is required to wear a face covering and practice social distancing. 

Because we are opening in Tier II, we have A and B cohorts.  Students in the A cohort will attend classes in person on Wednesday.  Students in the B cohort will attend classes in person on Thursday.  Friday is a virtual day.  We are asking all students to log into their classes on Friday morning during the times they would be in class based on the attached early release schedule.  There will be a short activity, such as a discussion post, for them to complete in each class.  The purpose of this is to determine which students can get into Canvas and which students cannot.  This will allow us to help those who are struggling when they are in the building the following week. Teachers will be monitoring Canvas and their emails on Friday morning to assist students as well.

In order for a student to receive their Chromebook this week, their online registration must be completed.  This is done through PowerSchool and must be completed each year.  The instructions can be found on the ACSD1 website.  Please call us if you are having problems completing your student's online registration.  

The structure of student passwords have changed.  If your student has tried to access their school email recently, they may have been locked out.  Student passwords now use the follow format: Myacsd####!

  • Passwords are case sensitive.
  • The #### represents the last for digits of a student's PowerSchool number, just like last year.
  • Usernames are the same as before
    • A student's username/email is comprised of their graduation year and usually their 1st initial and last name
    • There are times that a student needs to login to applications where you will only need a username vs. the entire email.
      • Username Ex: 19jsmith
      • Email Ex:
      • Password is the same for both: Myacsd####!
      • Logging into Classlink and accessing all needed applications from there is the best strategy. 

Thank you for sharing your student with us.  We are honored you have entrusted us with their safety and education.  It's going to be a different start to the school year, but it's going to be great nonetheless.  We appreciate your continued support and flexibility. The race for excellence begins on Wednesday.  We can't wait.

Upcoming Events:

  • August 26        First day for A cohort students
  • August 27        First day for B cohort students
  • August 28        Chromebook checkout for CBVI students
  • September 2     Virtual back to school night 
  • September 7     No School-Labor Day 
  • September 23   No School-professional development 

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