Monday, August 27, 2018

Week of August 27th

It's great to be starting our first full week at Laramie Middle School for the 2018-19 school year.  We will follow our regular bell schedule this week.  Monday, Thursday, and Friday are 'all' days.  On 'all' days students attend periods 1-8.  Tuesdays are 'odd' days.  On 'odd' days students attend their advisory class Scouts for Scouts (S4S) and periods 1,3,5, and 7.  Wednesday are 'even' days.  Students attend S4S and periods 2,4,6, and 8.  Classes begin at 8:00 and students are dismissed at 3:00 every day.

Tuesday the 28th is picture day.  All students will have their pictures taken even if they are not ordering pictures.  This is the picture we use for student IDs and the yearbook.  Picture packets will be handed out at lunch and pictures can be ordered online at Our picture day ID is GC218385Y0.  Tuesday night is also back to school night.  All families are encouraged to attend from 5:30-7:30.  You will be following your students schedule so you get a chance to meet all of her/his teachers.  Your student will be given a copy of this form to fill out for you so you know where to go.  Please be in your students S4S class at 5:30 on Tuesday so you don't miss out.  Drop in childcare is available.  Please check your child in front of the main office if you need child care during back to school night.

As a school we have set an attendance goal of 95% this year.  To help students and families work towards this goal, we are asking folks to Strive for Five.  This means we're encouraging all students and families to strive for 5 or less absences this year.  This number does not include absences for school related activities such as volleyball games or a band contest.  This does include any absences related to appointments, vacations, illness, or other non-school reasons.  We understand that students may get sick and we encourage students to stay home when they are ill.  We also understand that there may be times when a student does need to miss school for family reasons.  What we are asking is that to the maximum extent possible, have your student in school, ready to learn every day.  If it's possible to make an appointment at 3:30 or 4:00 instead of during the school day, please do so.  If a student can come and before and after a 10:00 appointment, we'd love to have them.  If you can adjust your vacation plans so they do not extend school holidays, that would be great.  Despite your and our best efforts, there is no replacement for first time instruction and the support our teachers give students every day and when students are absent it impacts their learning. We're excited to work with you as we Strive for Five!

Scout Learning Lab (SLL) will begin next Tuesday, September 4th.  Scout Learning Lab is an opportunity for students to receive additional time and support to demonstrate their learning. All teachers are available to work with students from 3:00-3:30.  Students who walk or are picked up, are free to go at 3:30.  If a students needs to ride the late bus, a teacher is available to work with them from 3:30 until 4:00 when the late bus arrives.  Scout Learning Lab is also offered on select Saturday mornings from 8:00-11:00.  If your student is recommended for SLL either after school or on a Saturday, you will be contacted by a teacher or administrator. Please click here to learn more about SLL.

Wyoming state law requires all students attending public school to have their vaccinations up to date or to obtain the appropriate waiver.  Students who do not meet this requirement are not permitted to attend school more than 30 calendar days after the beginning of the school year.  For this school year, students will not be allowed to attend beginning on September 25th if their vaccination paperwork is not up to date.  More information on vaccination requirements can be found at  If you have questions regarding vaccination requirements you can contact school nurse Mrs. Woodhouse.

Upcoming Events: 

  • August 28                      Picture day
  • August 28                      Back to school night
  • September 3                   No school-Labor Day
  • September 5                   PTO meeting
  • September 6                   Band and orchestra instrumental rental night
  • September 7                   Back to school dance
  • September 24                 No school-professional development 

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