- Monday: Odd/Reading Test (6,7,8)
- Tuesday: Even/Reading Test (6, 7, 8)
- Wednesday: Odd/7th Writing Test/8th Science Test
- Thursday: Even/7th Writing Test/8th Science Test
- Friday: All/No Testing
Students will only complete one test per day. Please make sure your student is well rested and prepared for testing. Students do not need any materials for testing other than a writing utensil. If your student brings an electronic device to school, such as a cell phone, they must power down the device and give it to the teacher during testing. When their test session is complete, their device will be returned to them. Devices are mandated to be collected by the Department of Education to ensure test security. If you have any questions about WYTOPP testing, please contact us.
Twelve week progress reports will be sent out soon. It's hard to believe that we are at the 12 week point of the second semester already. It really has been a great school year and the LMS staff are excited to help students finish the school year on a high note. Sixth and eighth grade students will receive information regarding the Wyoming Prevention Needs Assessment (PNA) with their progress reports. The State of Wyoming has students complete this survey every three years to provide information used to plan and evaluate drug, alcohol, tobacco, and violence prevention programming in Laramie and across the state. All results are anonymous. Families only need to return the consent form if they do not want their student to participate in the survey. A hard copy of the survey is available in the main office and can be viewed online at www.pnasurvey.org.
As the end of the school year approaches, summer school is getting closer and closer. Summer school will be held Monday-Thursday, June 4th-21st. June summer school is intended for students who need to remediate failing grades from the 1st or second semester and those students who need extra time and support to prepare for the next step on their educational journey. June summer school is separate from extended school year (ESY) or the transitions program held in July. Those programs will continue as in past years. June summer school is an additional intervention to support the learning of LMS students.
There is no Scout Learning Lab after school on Wednesday, April 18th due to a staff meeting. There will not be a late bus on Wednesday. All students not participating in activities should head home right after school on Wednesday.
Upcoming Events:
- April 18 April staff meeting
- April 23-May 11 WYTOPP testing window
- May 3 PTO meeting
- May 17 PNA survey for 6th and 8th graders
- May 28 No school-Memorial Day
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