Monday, November 27, 2017

Week of November 27th

It's great to have the students back in the building.  Our halls are so empty without them.  I hope everyone had a restful Thanksgiving break and is ready to make the push until the end of the year.  Let's finish 2017 strong and roar into 2018.

Along those lines, our attendance goal for the year is 95%.  Last year, our overall attendance was 93%.  We can do better than that, but we need your help.  Whenever possible please schedule appointments, family trips, and other commitments outside of scheduled school days/times.  To put 95% attendance into perspective, we have 175 school days.   A student can miss 9 days and still have 95%attendance.  This does not include any absences for school related reasons such as activities.  There is no replacement for first time instruction, so when a student is absent it impacts their learning.  We understand that at times absences are unavoidable, but please do everything you can to have your student in school, on time, every day.

The next dance will be from 3:00-5:00 on Friday, December 8th.  All LMS students in good standing are encouraged to attend.  Dances are held in the main gym and admission is $4.  Concessions are available during the dance.  Celebrations such as dances are a great time to build community and have fun.  Please encourage your student to attend.  If you have any questions regarding the winter dance, please contact Mr. O'Dea in the main office.

A final reminder regarding slime, play-doh, and other nuisance items, please ask your student to keep these items at home. They are distracting to the learning environment and can be quite messy.  It's all about time, place, and manner.  There's nothing wrong with these things if you are OK with having them in your home, they just don't belong in school.  If students choose to bring them to school, they will be confiscated.

Upcoming Events
  • December 4                          PTO meeting 
  • December 8                          Winter dance
  • December 20-January 2        No school-winter break

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