Monday, September 16, 2024

The Week of September 16

The back to school dance is today. All LMS students in good standing (not serving ISS or OSS) are encouraged to attend.  The dance is from 3:05-5:00 in the main gym. Admission is $5 and concessions will be available.  Students attending the dance cannot ride the late bus and must be picked up or off campus by 5:15.  Attendees must remain at the dance until 5:00 unless they are picked up by their parents or guardians.  The first dance is always a great time.  Please encourage your student to come to the gym and dance like no one’s watching.

As we move deeper into the school year, it is likely that students will need additional time and support to demonstrate their learning.  Scout Learning Lab (SLL) is available to all LMS students Monday through Thursday from 3:05 to 4:00. Occasionally, like this Tuesday, SLL is canceled due to a staff meeting or other school event.  Teachers are available to work with students in their classrooms from 3:05-3:30.  If students need additional time to work, or need to ride the late bus, they go to the west modular from 3:30-4:00.  Students can be picked up after SLL or ride the late bus.  In order to ride the late bus, students must be working with a teacher right after school so they can be added to the late bus list.  Students not on the late bus list will not be allowed to ride the last bus.  Students attending sporting events, dances, or socializing with friends after school are not allowed on the late bus.  Please encourage your student to take advantage of SLL. 

Picture day was last Tuesday. Pictures can be purchased by going to and using our Picture Day ID: EVTJP4ZRM.  All students had their picture taken even if they did not order pictures.  Retakes are in October for students who were absent or would like the opportunity to look even better the second time around. 

Our first PTO meeting of the year is on Tuesday at 6:30 PM in the LMS library.  We will discuss our vision and goals for the PTO and how to best involve as many people as possible.  A Zoom broadcast will be available as well. Use this link and the passcode 668101 to participate via Zoom.  All LMS families are encouraged to participate in the PTO.  Even if you can’t make it to our first meeting, please take this survey to help us make our PTO an effective vehicle for collaboration and two way communication. 

The year is flying by and our students are doing a great job.  Please remember that while we have tools such as Canvas and SLL to help students who are absent, there is no substitute for the excellent first time instruction our teachers and staff deliver every day.  Being in school is  critical for student success.  Please strive for 5 or less absences for the school year.  This will put your student in a prime position to be successful.  Let’s make it a great week!

Upcoming Events

  • 9/16       Back to school dance

  • 9/17       No SLL due to staff meeting

  • 9/17       PTO Meeting 

  • 9/27       No school- Professional development 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Week of September 9

Spirit Week is here!  We will be showing our Scout Pride through dress up days, activities at lunch, packing the stands at our home athletic events, and cheering the Plainsmen on to victory on Friday Night.  We encourage everyone in our school community to participate in Spirit Week

Picture day is this Tuesday, September 10th.  We do not send home picture packets.  Pictures can be purchased by going to and using our Picture Day ID: EVTJP4ZRM.  All students will have their picture taken on Tuesday even if they do not order pictures.  You can order pictures before or after picture day.  

The back to school dance is Monday, September 16th.  All LMS students in good standing (not serving ISS or OSS) are encouraged to attend.  The dance is from 3:05-5:00 in the main gym. Admission is $5 and concessions will be available.  Students attending the dance cannot ride the late bus and must be picked up or off campus by 5:15.  Attendees must remain at the dance until 5:00 unless they are picked up by their parents or guardians.  The first dance is always a great time.  Please encourage your student to come to the dance and bust a move. 

I’m excited to share that we are rejuvenating the LMS PTO.  Our first meeting will be Tuesday, September, 17th at 6:30 PM in the LMS library.  We will discuss our vision and goals for the PTO and how to best involve as many people as possible.  A Zoom broadcast will be available as well.  All LMS families are encouraged to participate in the PTO.  Even if you can’t make it to our first meeting, please take this survey to help us make our PTO an effective vehicle for collaboration and two way communication. 

As we enter the 3rd week of the school year, we want to thank you for sending your student to school ready to learn each day. Our attendance has been amazing.  Mornings can be hard, especially for middle schoolers.  Thank you for helping them get up and moving each day.  Being in school really makes a difference. Make it a great week.  Go Scouts!  Go Plainsmen!

Upcoming Events

  • 9/10       Picture Day

  • 9/13       Positive Thinking Day

  • 9/16       Back to school dance

  • 9/17       PTO Meeting 

  • 9/27       No school- Professional development 

Monday, September 2, 2024

The Week of September 2

Happy Labor Day!  After a successful first week of school, the long weekend was a nice time to rest, connect with friends and family, and prepare for another amazing week.  Our school has a modified block schedule where Tuesday and Wednesdays are ‘block’ days.  Tuesdays are generally ‘odd’ days and Wednesdays are usually ‘even’ days.  On these days students attend either their odd or even classes.  We have Scouts for Scouts (S4S) at the end of day on Wednesdays as well.  This Tuesday is our first block day so students will go to their ‘odd’ classes only.  You can find our odd and even calendar on our website.  

Cross county opened our fall athletic competition last Saturday.  They will be back in action this week along with football and volleyball.  Students have to have 9 practices before they can compete.  They also must have a completed online registration to travel.  Eligibility is checked on Thursdays at the middle school.  If students are earning one or more failing grades, they are ineligible the following Monday through Saturday.  Ineligible students can practice but they cannot complete.  Please encourage your students to monitor their grades closely and to complete every assignment to the best of their ability.  

To provide students with extra time and support to demonstrate their learning, Scout Learning Lab is held Monday through Thursday starting this week.  Teachers are available in their classrooms from 3:05-3:30.  Students riding the late bus, or needing more time to work, can stay with our proctors until 4:00.  A late bus is available at 4:00 for those students who need it.   Students cannot ride the late bus unless they are put on the list by the teacher they are staying with. 

One of the tools we use at LMS to create and sustain a culture of respect and belonging is Capturing Kids’ Hearts.  You may have heard your student talk about “good things” or building a social contract which are some of our CKH tools. Another tool is focusing on a character trait each month.  This month, we’re focusing on empathy and challenging students to make sure that everyone they interact with feels seen, heard, and valued.  One of the things you can do at home to encourage empathy is to, as a family, brainstorm a list of 3-5 individuals you typically encounter during the day who may not receive many notes or words of affirmation or appreciation. Consider people who make your day brighter or provide a needed service, like your mail carrier, the cashier at your local store, or a neighbor. Ask each person in your family to write a note thanking that person for “Being a Light.“  You can read more about building empathy in this month’s CKH newsletter. 

Every day something at school makes us smile at least once.  This is great practice for picture day on Tuesday, September 10th.  We do not send home picture packets.  You can purchase pictures by going to and using our Picture Day ID: EVTJP4ZRM.  All students will have their picture taken on picture day even if they do not order pictures.  You can order pictures before or after picture day.  

We only have four school days this week, so we need to make them count.  Thank you for sending your student to school every day ready to learn. Attendance matters and we appreciate you emphasizing this with your student and for entrusting us with them.  Make it a great week! 

Upcoming Events

  • 9/2         No school- Labor Day

  • 9/10       Picture Day

  • 9/13       Positive Thinking Day

  • 9/16       Back to school dance

  • 9/27       No school- Professional development