Summer is here! Thank you for helping us make the 2023-2024 school year an amazing one. We are so pleased with how hard our students worked and what they accomplished. We will miss our 8th graders, but we are excited to follow their accomplishments in high school and beyond. We are looking forward to welcoming the Class of 2032 in the fall. There are only 10 Fridays until 6th grade orientation on August 20th. Sixth graders, and new to the building 7th and 8th graders will receive their schedules at orientation. Schedules for returning 7th and 8th graders will go live at that time as well.
Report cards and fine statements were sent out through PowerSchool last week. If your student has an unpaid fine, please take care of it as soon as possible. Our students did an excellent job last semester and we are overjoyed to recognize 49% of our students on the Laramie Middle School Honor Roll for the Spring Semester of the 2023-2024 school year. We are proud of their hard work and dedication. We recognize that achievements such as these are not possible without your support. Thank you for helping your student achieve academic excellence.
Our building is getting an upgrade to HVAC system again this summer and will be closed starting this Friday. Our summer office hours are Monday-Thursday from 7:00-2:30 and we will be working out of Laramie High School until August 5th. Our extended school year classes are being held at LHS as well. Our phone number will remain the same. Please call us or come by if we can be of any assistance.
Our theme for this school year was: 'Some People Want It To Happen, Some People Wish It Would Happen, Scouts Make It Happen.' Our Scouts made it happen in the classroom, on the stage, in athletics, and throughout the community this year. A sincere thank you to you and your student for making it an exceptional school year. Make it a great summer!
Upcoming Events
June 17 LMS office opens at LHS
August 5 LMS office reopens
August 19 Practice begins for cross country, football, and volleyball
August 20 Sixth grade orientation
August 26 First day of school