WYTOPP continues this week with the science test for 8th grade students on Tuesday. We will follow a modified block schedule on Tuesday to accommodate testing. Sixth and seventh grade students will also report to their S4S classes on Tuesday and participate in alternative activities to accommodate testing. During testing, 6th and 7th grade students will be outside doing fun activities and they will also listen to a presentation on suicide prevention. Students who were absent during any of the tests will be pulled throughout the week to complete make up testing. Please have your students in school well-rested and ready to do their best. It is also very important that students bring their fully charged Chromebooks each day but especially on testing days.
The 39th annual Hapi-ness 5K will be held on Saturday, May 18th. This event was created in 1987, by the LJHS 9th grade class to raise money for Hapi Patterson, a student who unfortunately passed away that year from Leukemia. In addition to the proceeds from race registrations, It has been a long-established mission of the Student Leadership Team to collaborate with our community to raise money for families confronted by financial and medical hardships. In the past few years, we have raised thousands of dollars to support families in need from our amazing town. This year’s goal is to raise $17,000.
Our recipient this year is a student from Harmony School, Wyatt Haas, who has been diagnosed with Medulloblastoma. This is a life threatening cancer that is located in the lower back part of the brain, which affects the nervous system. Wyatt has relapsed from this cancer twice before, and has made two incredible comebacks. The Student Leadership Team has been inspired by Wyatt’s Journey. In support of our goal to help Wyatt and his family in this time of need, we invite everyone to come out and participate in this year’s race. Registration information can be found on the LMS website or picked up at our school. You must register before May 6th in order to receive a t-shirt. Racers who register after the 6th can still participate, but they may not receive a t-shirt. Please consider supporting this worthy cause.
Don’t forget to visit yearbookforever.com and order your copy of the award winning LMS yearbook before they sell out. Make it a great week.
Upcoming Events
April 30 Science WYTOPP
May 6-10 Educator Appreciation Week
May 13 UW 2024 Women in STEM Conference
May 18 Hapi-ness 5k
May 27 No school-Memorial Day