Wednesday, January 24, 2024

First Semester Round Up

The first semester was fantastic.  We appreciate our students’ hard work and dedication.  Thank you for helping them make school a priority and supporting their achievements.  It takes a strong partnership between home and school to effectively support students.  We appreciate your continued support and feedback as we move into the second half of this school season. 

Our theme for this school year is: Some people want it to happen, Some people wish it would happen, Scouts make it happen.  I can confirm that Scouts are making it happen in the classroom, on the stage, and in the athletic arena. There are many celebrations related to student behavior and attendance from the first semester:

  • 76% of our students did not earn an office referral 

  • 87% had one office referral or less

  • 33% of students did not have any tardies in the first semester

  • 95% of students had less than 5 tardies in the first semester 

  • Overall attendance improved from 92% last year to 93%

During the first semester the Scouts were successful athletically.   Highlights include winning conference championships in boys and girls cross country and girls basketball.  We also had great choir, band, and orchestra performances, an amazing art show, and fantastic community events such as Family Fitness Night.  Our school has also been active in the community conducting a successful food drive and hat day fundraiser for Laramie Interfaith. Our Student Leadership Team and staff also supported families in need over Christmas. 

We are looking forward to report cards going out on Wednesday.  They will be mailed to families.  Please take the time to review them with your student and celebrate.  If there are areas for improvement, please develop a plan with your student for the second semester.  We will be recognizing students for academic achievement and attendance at our first semester recognition night on the 30th.  We can’t wait to celebrate our students who made the honor roll and those with perfect attendance.  

We will continue to make it happen at LMS in the second semester.  Students have started their new schedules and we are looking forward to a great second semester.  We want to focus on improving attendance, making connections, and developing improved academic, artistic, social, and athletic skills this semester. Together we can, and will do great things between now and the end of the year.  Make it a great second half!

Upcoming Events

  • January 30               First Semester Recognition Night

  • February 15              NAEP Testing

  • February 16              Early Release

  • February 19              No School 

  • February 27              Rising 6th Grade Information Night

Monday, January 15, 2024

Week of January 15

Today is a virtual day due to the weather and our building is closed. Teachers have posted activities in Canvas for students to complete.  Students must go into the Canvas page for each of their classes today and complete the posted activities.  This is how attendance will be calculated.  If a student does not complete the posted activity in each class, they will be counted absent.   LMS staff are available via email.  Please reach out if you need assistance. 

The first semester ends on Friday, which is a professional development day, so there is no school for students.  Thursday is an early release day which means students will be dismissed at 11:23.  All first semester work to be completed for credit must be turned in by 11:23 on Thursday.  Students who need extra time and support, should attend Scout Learning Lab after school Monday through Wednesday.  Please communicate with your student’s teachers to arrange Scout Learning Lab.  We are looking forward to finishing the semester on a high note. 

If students are interested in requesting a schedule change for the second semester, they can do so using this link.  We try our best to honor all schedule change requests, however space is limited and some changes may not be able to be granted.  Please remember we do not change schedules based on teacher preference, to be with a friend, or to have classes at a certain time of the day.

Winter activities are in full swing.  Boys basketball and nordic skiing are underway.  If your student would like to participate in these activities, but hasn’t yet started, that’s OK.  Interested students should see Mrs. Clay in the main office to sign up and talk to the coaches. Students must have a signed code of conduct and a current athletic physical on file in order to practice or compete.  Students must complete nine practices before they can compete. 

Stay safe and warm today.  We hope to be back in person tomorrow.  Let’s make it a great week as we finish up the first semester. Thank you for sharing your student with us. 

Upcoming Events

  • January 15         Virtual day for students 

  • January 18               Early release for students 

  • January 19               Professional development- no school for students

  • January 19               End of the first semester

  • January 30               National Bubble Wrap Day

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Week of January 8

Happy New Year!   We hope your break was fulfilling and relaxing. It is very exciting to have our students back and to finish the first semester strong.   The first semester ends on Friday, January 19th, which is a professional development day, so there is no school for students.  Students will be dismissed at 11:23 on Thursday, January 18th.  All first semester work to be completed for credit must be turned in by 11:23 on the 18th.  Students who need extra time and support, should attend Scout Learning Lab after school Monday through Thursday.  We will also be hosting Saturday Scout Learning Lab on the 13th from 8:00-11:00 to support students.  Please communicate with your student’s teachers to arrange Scout Learning Lab.  We are looking forward to finishing the semester on a high note.

If students are interested in requesting a schedule change for the second semester, they can do so using this link.  We try our best to honor all schedule change requests, however space is limited and some changes may not be able to be granted.  Please remember we do not change schedules based on teacher preference, to be with a friend, or to have classes at a certain time of the day.

Winter activities are in full swing.  Boys basketball and nordic skiing are underway.  If your student would like to participate in these activities, but hasn’t yet started, that’s OK.  Interested students should see Mrs. Clay in the main office to sign up and talk to the coaches. Students must have a signed code of conduct and a current athletic physical on file in order to practice or compete.  Students must complete nine practices before they can compete. 

This month, we’re focusing on respect, which comes in many forms: respect for our community, for property, for family, for elders, for nature, and for the beliefs and rights of others. Respect includes being courteous and polite, as well as respecting yourself by avoiding self-criticism. Respect is not only an important character trait, but it can also be a source of real joy. Respect implies a certain appreciation, which makes us more aware of other people’s needs and feelings. Part of being respectful is demonstrating forgiveness. Everyone makes mistakes. An activity you can do as a family is to ask each family member to share a story about a time they made a mistake and discuss what lessons they learned. Share this quote: “Mistakes don’t define us, but how we respond to mistakes will.” Ask, “How can we show honor for each other, even when we make a mistake or disagree?” Challenge each other to respond to mistakes this week with love and respect. You can read more about this activity and respect in this month’s CKH Newsletter. 

It’s going to be a great week and a great year as we dive into the second part of this school season.  We are very grateful for your support and feedback during 2023 and we are looking forward to working alongside you in the coming year.  Make it a great week!

Upcoming Events

  • January 8                 Classes resume

  • January 18               Early release for students

  • January 19               Professional development- no school for students

  • January 19               End of the first semester

  • January 30               National Bubble Wrap Day