Welcome back! We hope you had a restful and fulfilling Thanksgiving break. We now begin the push to winter break. The next three weeks are crucial and every day counts as we look to solidify student learning prior to the new year. Please make every effort to have your student in school every day. We know there are some illnesses working their way through our community, and we're not suggesting that you send your student to school when they are not feeling well, but we are averaging 5% below our target attendance and historical norms for this time of year. That's an additional 35 students out of school every day than we're used to. There is no substitute for first time instruction. Please let us know how we can support your student's attendance. We're here to help.
Along with the return from Thanksgiving break, Monday also marks the 12 week point in the semester. Grade reports are being sent out to the families of all students who are currently earning a D or an F. We have three weeks until winter break and then three more weeks after we return until the end of the first semester. Our goal is to help all students earn passing grades before winter break. Teacher are available every day after school in Scout Learning Lab to assist students. There is a late bus available during the week. We have Saturday Scout Learning Lab on 12/3 and 12/10 from 8:00-11:00 to provide additional time and support for students. Please review your student's grades with them and make a plan for improvement if necessary.
We will be having a winter dance this Thursday from 3:00-5:00. All LMS students in good standing (not serving ISS or OSS) are encouraged to attend. Admission is $5.00 and concessions will be available. Students who attend the dance must be picked up by 5:15. Please watch the video below for more information.
Our first PTO meeting of the year will be on December 13th from 6:00-7:00 in the LMS library. We are trying a new format with PTO meeting, they will be topic based. Our first meeting will be Tweens, Teens, and Social Media. We hope you will join us on the 13th. Make it a great week.
Upcoming Events
- November 28 Twelve week grade reports
- December 1 Winter dance
- December 13 PTO meeting
- December 19 Winter break begins