Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Week of February 21

One of our greatest hopes is that our kids will be kind to others. But let's face it. It's not always easy. The good news is that kindness is a behavior that can be learned. Most children learn new behaviors by copying those around them; we have a powerful opportunity and responsibility to teach kindness by example. We have a variety of activities in S4S and across our school that teach and encourage kindness.  Please read about how you can encourage kindness at home and more in this month's CKH newsletter. 

There is an informational meeting for all rising freshmen and their families in the LHS theater at 6:00 pm on Tuesday. All current 8th graders and their families are encouraged to attend.  Students will be making their course selections on Wednesday during S4S with help from LHS counselor Mrs. Dale, our counseling staff, and their S4S teachers.  If you have any questions regarding scheduling, you can contact the LHS counseling department at 307-721-4488 or lhscounselors@acsd1.org

Students planning to play football at LHS next year as Freshman should also plan on attending an informational meeting after school on Thursday in the cafeteria.  The LHS coaching staff will be there to discuss what to expect as a Freshman, offseason workouts, summer camps, sportsyou, and the upcoming fall season.  All 8th graders interested in football next year should attend. 

Drs. Cynthia Hartung (Psychology) and Derek Smith (Kinesiology & Health) at UW are conducting a research study looking at the benefits of exercise on performance and mood in middle school students. Students will attend three 1-hour sessions at LMS or UW. During one of the sessions, they will use an exercise bike for 16 minutes. They will also complete some verbal and computer tasks. Parents will complete some online questionnaires at various points throughout the study (total time is less than 1 hour). Drs. Hartung and Smith would like to invite you and your child to participate in their study. If you participate, your child will receive a $30 gift card and you will receive a $25 gift card. If interested, please contact Tamara Abu-Ramadan at uwyoall@gmail.com or call 307-316-4783.

Even though it's a short week, it's action packed.  Our students and staff are working so hard to gain all of the essential skills necessary to be successful this year and beyond.  Please take the time to fill out the school climate and culture survey that was sent out last week.  We appreciate your continued feedback and support. 

Upcoming Events

  • February 21              No school 
  • February 22              Rising freshmen informational night at LHS 
  • February 24              Freshman football meeting

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Week of February 7

Randomly selected 8th grade students will be taking the NAEP test on Friday.  NAEP  stands for National Assessment of Educational Progress and is often referred to as the nation's report card.  NAEP is mandated by Congress and students in all 50 states participate.   The results are anonymous and students' grades are not affected. Selected students will either take a test in the morning or afternoon on Friday.  To learn more about NAEP, please visit this website. 

There is a registration night for swimming and track on Wednesday at 6:00 pm in the LMS cafeteria. Students interested in track or swimming and their families should attend.  Students in 7th and 8th grades can participate in track and students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades can participate in swimming.  Students must have a current athletic physical and signed code of conduct on file to practice or compete. Students planning to participate in swimming or track and their families should attend registration night. 

Staff from Laramie High School will meet with LMS 8th grade students during S4S on February 15th and 16th to discuss registration for next year.  LHS is hosting an informational meeting for all rising freshman and their families in the LHS theater on Tuesday, February 22nd at 6:00 pm.  There will be a presentation about the transition to high school and the opportunities to engage with faculty and explore the building.  Rising freshmen and their families should review the freshman registration card.  If you have questions, please contact Kimberly Dale at 721-4420 or kdale@acsd1.org. 

The LMS Student Leadership Team is planning an incentive day for Friday, February 18th.  All schools have an early release that day.  For the incentive day, students will report to S4S.  Students earning C's or higher in all of their classes will participate in enrichment in the morning and students that need help will work on missing assignments.  All students will end the day at a pep rally before being released at 11:23 for the long weekend.

Upcoming Events 

  • February 9                Swimming and track registration night 
  • February 13              NAEP testing
  • February 18              Incentive day 
  • February 18              Early release for students and staff
  • February 21              No school 
  • February 22              Rising freshmen informational night at LHS 

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Week of January 31

It's already February and the love of learning is in the air as our students are working diligently to start the semester on the right foot.  As we dig into the semester, please monitor your student's progress.  It's better for learning and easier to stay current on grades and assignments as opposed to trying to dig out of a hole later in the semester.  Teachers are available after school in Scout Learning Lab to help students who are behind and we have a late bus every day of the week.  

We are excited to recognize students who earned a place on the honor roll this Thursday from 7:00-7:45 in our gym.  Our student leadership team has planned a fun evening with prizes and celebration.  Students who earned a GPA of 3.5 or higher will be recognized.  Students' GPAs are on their report cards which were mailed out last week.  Please watch the video below for more information on honor roll recognition night this Thursday. 

Scout Studio is an after school opportunity for students to practice their art skills and express their creatively.  It is held Monday-Thursday from 3:05-4:00 in Mr. Reitzel's room.  Interested students should stop by and see Mr. Reitzel for more information and to sign up. 

Upcoming Events 
  • February 3                Prevention needs assessment 
  • February 3                Honor roll family night
  • February 9                Swimming and track registration night 
  • February 13              NAEP testing
  • February 18              Early release for students and staff
  • February 21              No school