Another exciting week is underway at LMS. Please remember that our students attend school each day from 8:00-3:05 in Tier I including Fridays. Spring conferences are this Thursday from 3:30-6:00. Conferences will be held via Zoom. Teachers will be reaching out to families of students earning failing grades to schedule conferences on Monday and Tuesday. General registration will open on Wednesday morning at 8:00 on the LMS website. If you want to be sure to have a conference with a teacher, please contact them. On Thursday, we will post Zoom links to the LMS website. You will click on the appropriate teacher's Zoom link at the time of your conference to enter just like we did in the fall. If you are unable to schedule a conference with a teacher you'd like to meet with, please email them and they will schedule another time to talk. The LMS administrative team will be on Zoom from 5:15-5:30 if you have anything you'd like to talk with us about.
We will also be starting a 4:00 bus in support of Scout Learning Lab (SLL) this week. Students can stay after school with their teachers Monday-Friday to get additional support from 3:05-3:35. If they need to ride the late bus, they will go to the cafeteria and continue to work until 4:00 when the late bus departs. Late buses will stop at normal bus stops. Students and families need to communicate with teachers to stay for after school Scout Learning Lab. All students earning failing grades need to stay for SLL and students must be with a teacher to ride the late bus. However, students do not need to ride the late bus in order to stay for SLL. Any student who needs additional help or who would like to stay after and work with a teacher is encouraged to take advantage of SLL. You can read more about it here. Note: late buses will run Monday-Wednesday this week. Thursday we have conferences after school and late buses will not run on Fridays.
Our recent record breaking blizzard must mean it's time for track to start. There will be an informational meeting this Wednesday at 6:00 in the LMS cafeteria. All students going out for track and their families are encouraged to attend. Seventh and eighth grade boys and girls can participate in track. Students must have an athletic physical on file to participate and practice begins on Monday, April 5th. If you have questions related to track, please contact Mrs. Barham.
It's hard to believe there are only 9 weeks left in this school year. Our return to Tier I signifies an increased return to normalcy. However, we must continue to be diligent as we battle this pandemic. Please continue to fill out the health screener daily and to follow the guidelines that have allowed our school to remain open and be successful. Let's make it a great week.
Important Dates
March 31 Track informational meeting
April 1 Spring conferences
April 5 Track practice begins
April 16 No school- professional development