Monday, January 25, 2021

Week of January 25

Welcome to another week at LMS. We started off with some snow this morning. Please adjust your travel time during inclement weather so you are not rushed on icy roads.  Also, please remember that students are not allowed in the building until 7:45, so they shouldn't be dropped off before then.  

First semester report cards are going in the mail today.  We will calculate the honor roll and share that celebration with students and families later this week.  We are very proud of what our students accomplished in the first semester and we are looking forward to even greater things in the second semester.  As we begin the second semester, we need to clean out the lost and found.  It's starting to take over the cafeteria.  Please ask your student to check for any missing items this week.  On Friday, we're cleaning house.

For those of you that are long range planners, please note that the professional development day originally scheduled for Monday, April 12 has been moved to Friday, April 16.  In the likely event we are still in Tier II, this will allow us to follow our normal A/B schedule that week.  There will not be school or I/E on Friday, April 16.  There will be school on Monday, April 12. 

We have been utilizing tools from a program called Capturing Kids' Hearts this year.  Our goal is to build and sustain a culture of respect and belonging.  Something from CKH you can do at home is make one plate the “affirmation plate” at dinner. If possible, choose a plate that is a fun color or has a funky design so it stands out. Rotate it around the family and make sure someone different uses it each night. When someone has the plate, the rest of the family gives that person affirmations…and a lot of them! To find some fun conversation starters and other information, read the January CKH Family Newsletter. Make it a great week.  

Upcoming Events:

  • January 25 First semester report cards mailed

  • January 29 Lost and found cleaned out

  • January 29 Ice skating enrichment activity

  • February 15            No school 

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Week of January 18

This week we are following a modified schedule to accommodate winter WYTOPP testing.  Students test in the morning and attend their second semester classes on their in person day after testing.  There is no in person virtual learning this week due to testing. 

Wednesday is the first day of the second semester. Teachers have turned in final grades for the first semester  and report cards will be mailed out by next Monday.  Both the 6th and 7th grade achieved their first semester goals and celebrated by pieing a principal! You can see the 7th grade celebrating with Mrs. Burkhart on our Facebook page. 

As part of an upcoming equity audit from the Western Educational Equity Assistance Center (WEEAC), students fifth grade and up will be asked to participate in a survey about their experiences as students in Albany County School District (ACSD). 

This survey should only take between 15-20 minutes. Students are able to opt out or simply not answer any questions they do not want to answer. For anyone that would like an advanced look at the survey, links for the survey can be found below, and they will be posted on the school district website at the top of the “News” column.

Additionally, families who do not want their child(ren) to take the survey will be able to fill out a form that excuses their child(ren) from the survey. Those links will be available at the same location as the survey links. If no form is submitted by parents, WEAAC will assume the students have permission.

We are so proud of the progress our students made in the first semester.  Thank you for sharing them with us and for your support.  We are looking forward to even better things in the second semester. 

Upcoming Events:

  • January 18-19         No school

  • January 20 Second semester begins

  • January 20-22         WYTOPP Winter interim

  • February 15            No school 


Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Week of January 11

The first semester ends this Friday, January 15th.  Work submitted for credit needs to be turned in by the end of I/E on Friday.  Final grades will be posted by 8:00 am on Wednesday, January 20th and report cards will be mailed out by Monday, January 25th.  Students can work with their teachers after school from 3:05-3:35 or come in on Friday from 8:00-11:00 for extra help.  Please support your student in finishing the semester strong.  

The first week of the second semester will be a bit different.  There is no school next Monday or Tuesday, January 18th and 19th.  Wednesday, January 20th is an A day and Thursday, January 21st is a B day.  We are taking the WYTOPP winter interim test on those days.  Students will report to S4S and test in the morning.  They will attend all of their classes in the afternoon following an abbreviated schedule.  CBVI students will come in for testing from 11:30-3:30 on the 22nd.  For testing it is important that students are well rested and bring their Chromebooks to school fully charged.  We are looking forward to seeing where our students are at and helping them continue to grow. 

There will not be in person remote learning for students on their virtual days next week due to testing.  Friday, January 22nd is an incentive day so there will not be I/E that day.  Students who earned all C's or higher in the first semester are eligible for the incentive.  Students can learn more about first semester incentives on the Scout News class in Canvas. Finally, the 3rd edition of the Scout Shout is online.  Please check it out. Thank you for a great first semester.  We are looking forward to a productive second semester. 

Upcoming Events:

  • January 15               End of 1st semester 

  • January 18-19         No school

  • January 20 Second semester begins

  • January 20-22         WYTOPP Winter interim

  • February 15            No school 


Monday, January 4, 2021

Week of January 4

Welcome back! Hopefully everyone had a restful and fulfilling break.  It is exciting having A day students in the building today and we are looking forward to seeing B day students tomorrow.  Our students are the heart of LMS and we truly miss them when they are gone.  To get up to speed, please read the latest edition of the Scout Shout which dropped over winter break.  It's very well written. 

The end of the first semester is close at hand. The last day of the semester is Friday, January 15th.  All work that is being turned in for credit must be in by the end of I/E on the 15th.  Teachers will post first semester grades no later than 7:00 am on Wednesday, January 20th.  Report cards will be mailed out by Monday, January 25th.  If your student needs additional assistance, please have them come in this Friday and next Friday from 8:00-11:00.  We're here to help. 

Students have a four day weekend at the end of the first semester as there is no school on January 18th and 19th.  Classes resume on Wednesday, the 20th which is an A day.  We will be taking the WYTOPP winter interim on the 20th and 21st.  Students will report to S4S for testing and we will follow an alternative schedule on both the 20th and 21st with testing in the morning and classes in the afternoon.  School will begin and end normally on these days. Friday, the 22nd, is an I/E day.  We have having an incentive tied to the first semester grades students earned on the 22nd. 

We are looking forward to great things in 2021 and although we are happy to put 2020 behind us, we have learned a lot.  If you had told me we'd be doing blended learning, wearing masks, and social distancing a year ago today, I would not have believed you.  But we're making it work and students are learning. Thank you for your continued support.  We couldn't do it without you. 

Upcoming Events:

  • January 15               End of 1st semester 

  • January 18-19         No school

  • January 20 Second semester begins

  • January 20-22         WYTOPP Winter interim

  • February 15            No school