Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Semana de 25 de mayo

La última semana del año escolar ha llegado y en algunas maneras no puedo creer que ha venido tan rápido, y en otras sentía como si nunca llegara.  Gracias por apoyar a su estudiante, nuestra escuela y nuestra comunidad durante esta pandemia.  Ha sido una situación desafiante y apreciamos su apoyo, su gracia y sus comentarios.  Hemos planeado varias celebraciones esta semana para marcar el fin de otro año escolar y reconocer a nuestros estudiantes.  

El personal de LMS va a pasar por Laramie el martes, empezando a las 3:00 pm. Esperamos ver a tantos de nuestros estudiantes como sea posible para desearlos lo mejor y agradecerlos por todo su trabajo duro.  Las rutas que vamos a tomar y más información se puede encontrar aquí.  El PTO de LMS va a reconocer a nuestros estudiantes de 8o con un drive through ice cream social miércoles, el 27 de mayo desde las 4:00 a las 6:00 pm.  Los pedimos que los estudiantes de 8o grado vengan por la vía circular enfrente del edificio para ser reconocido y recibir un helado.  Esperamos que veamos a todos nuestros estudiantes de octavo grado allí.

Si Ud. necesita devolver instrumentos de orquesta o un Chromebook, puede hacerlo esta semana.  Jueves, el 28 de mayo puede devolver instrumentos de orquesta desde las 9:00 am a la 1:00 pm. Favor de entrar por la verja al lado de las canchas de tenis y parar detrás del cuarto de orquesta.  Sr. Ryan estará allí para coleccionar sus instrumentos.  Se pueden devolver los Chromebooks en el carril de autobuses desde las 8:30 am a las 4:00 pm jueves, el 28 de mayo y viernes, el 29 de mayo.  Si no pudo recoger los contenidos de la taquilla de su estudiante, favor de llamar la escuela a 721-4430 para hacer una cita.  Los artículos que no se recogen para el 12 de junio se tirarán. 
Gracias por compartir su estudiante con nosotros este año.  No fue el año escolar que visualizaron cuando empezamos en agosto, pero lo hicimos.  Este año fue una experiencia única y aprendimos mucho sobre la importancia de comunidad, interacción social y colaboración.  Que tengan un muy buen verano.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Week of May 25

The last week of the school year is here and in some ways I can't believe it's come this quickly and in others it felt like it might never arrive.  Thank you for supporting your student, our school, and our community during this pandemic.  It has been a challenging situation and we appreciate your support, grace, and feedback.  We have several celebrations planned this week to mark the passing of another school year and to recognize our students.

The LMS staff will be parading through Laramie on Tuesday, May 26th beginning at 3:00 pm. We hope to see as many of our students as possible to wish them well and thank them for all of their hard work.  The routes we will be taking and more information can be found here.   The LMS PTO will be recognizing our 8th grade students with a drive through ice cream social on Wednesday, May 27th from 4:00-6:00 pm.  We are asking 8th graders to come through circle drive in front of the building to be recognized and to receive a sweet treat.  We hope to see all of our 8th graders there.

If you need to return orchestra equipment or a Chromebook, you can do that this week.  Orchestra drop off is on Thursday, May 28th from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Please enter through the gate by the tennis courts and pull up to the back of the orchestra room.  Mr. Ryan will be there to take your items.  Chromebooks can be dropped off in the bus lane from 8:30-4:00 on Thursday, May 28th and Friday, May 29th.  If you were unable to pick up your student's locker contents, please call the school at 721-4430 to make an appointment.  Items not picked up by June 12th will be disposed of.

Thank you again for sharing your student with us this year.  It was not the school year we envisioned when we started in August, but we made it.  This year was a unique experience and we certainly learned a lot about the importance of community, social interaction, and collaboration.  Have a great summer.

Upcoming Events

  • May 26                  LMS End of Year Parade
  • May 27                  8th Grade Ice Cream Social
  • May 28                  Orchestra Check In
  • May 28                  Chromebook Return
  • May 29                  Chromebook Return
  • August 20              6th Grade Orientation 

Monday, May 18, 2020

Week of May 18

Tomorrow is the first day for 6th grade students to pick up their belongings from their lockers and to return school materials such as textbooks, uniforms, band instruments, and library books.   Students' materials have been gathered and we're ready to hand them out. If students have medication at the school, this will also be returned at this time.  Seventh and eighth grade students can pick up their things later in the week.  Pick up times are as follows:

  • 6th grade: Tuesday, May 19th from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm
  • 7th grade: Wednesday, May 20th from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm
  • 8th grade: Thursday, May 21st from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm
  • Anyone: Friday May 22nd from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm

We are planning for a one stop exchange where families pull up in the bus lane and staff give them student belongings and collect items that need to be returned.  

If you have students in more than one grade, and don't want to make multiple trips, please come at the designated time for your oldest LMS student or on the 22nd.  For example if you have a 6th and 8th grader, please come on the 21st or 22nd.  If student belongings are not picked up on these dates, an appointment will need to be made to pick up belongings the last week of May or thin June.  Belongings not picked up by June 12th may be disposed of.  

Please note two important exceptions to the return of school property.  We are asking that students do not return Chromebooks or orchestra instruments on the dates listed below.  These items are still needed for the remainder of the school year.  Orchestra instruments and uniforms will be returned on May 28th from 9-1 and a later time outside of traditional business hours to be shared later.  The process for returning devices will be shared later as well.
We look forward to seeing families and returning students' belongings.  Yearbooks will be available for pick up and purchase during pick up as well.  Thank you for your continued patience and support.  Also, please check out the the latest edition of the Scout Shout.  It's a real page turner. 

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Week of May 11

We are entering the home stretch for virtual learning and the school year.  This the last week that new, required learning will be posted on Canvas and Schoology.  Students will have the weeks of the 18th and 25th the complete work and finalize the school year. To that end we're developing a process for students to retrieve materials from lockers and to return instruments, uniforms, books, and other materials. Once the process is finalized, we will share it with families. We are also working on end of the year concluding activities and celebrations.  We will find ways to recognize our students and bring closure to the school year.

Speaking of celebration and community, dust off your running shoes because the Hapi-ness 5K is this week.  Due to COVID-19, the Hapi-ness is virtual this year.  Please visit the Hapi-ness Facebook page and watch this video to learn more.  We hope you will participate in this new format of the Hapi-ness.  It's a great opportunity to support our community.

There are some additional resources to support students in their learning.  Virtual study halls are held Monday-Thursday for LMS students.  The Zoom link for study halls can be found on the LMS S4S page in Canvas.  The best way to access Canvas is through Classlink.  The district has also started a homework hotline for all students.  The homework hotline can be found on the virtual learning tools page on the ACSD1 website.  Click on this link and enter 'Parent' for the password to access the homework hotline.  The hotline will be staffed throughout the day and into the evening.

Thank you to everyone who completed the Virtual Learning survey.  We appreciate your feedback as we continue to improve at virtual learning.  Stay safe and stay strong Scouts.  We're all in this together.