Upcoming freshmen (current 8th graders) are meeting with staff from LHS during S4S this week and are encouraged to attend a welcome presentation with their families next Tuesday, February 18th at 7 pm in the LHS theater. Attendees will learn about graduation requirements and course selection for their upcoming freshman year. After the presentation, the academic wings will be open and teachers will be available to answer questions.
Today at lunch we distributed student passes to bus riders that are compatible with the ZPass program. ZPass is scanned when students get on and off the bus. This allows families that set up an account to track where and when their student got off the bus, check bus locations for their student, and receive notifications via email or text related to their student's bus. SafeStop allows families to see where a bus is located so student's can stay inside when a bus is running late do to weather and to stay informed of last minute bus changes. You can learn more about ZPass and SafeStop here.
This Friday is a half day for all students and staff. Students will be dismissed at 11:23. Students not riding the bus need to make arrangements to be off campus by 12:00. There is no SLL or late bus on Friday. We are having an incentive day for students on Friday as well. Students earning all C's or higher are eligible for the incentive. Students with lower grades will have time to work on missing assignments and other activities to demonstrate their learning. All students will conclude the day with an assembly. There is also no school on Monday, February 17th.
Upcoming Events:
- February 10 PTO meeting
- February 14 Early release for all students (no Scout Learning Lab or late bus)
- February 17 No school
- February 18 LHS registration informational meeting
- February 19 7th and 8th grade registration cards due
- March 9-13 Spirit week
- March 11 LMS family night
- March 12 Spring dance
- March 16 Spring break begins
- March 23 Classes resume