Monday, November 25, 2019

Week of November 25

It's Thanksgiving week and the LMS staff has a lot to be thankful for. We are thankful that you share your students with us each and every day.  We are thankful for your support.  We are thankful that you make your student's education a priority and we are thankful for the opportunity to be a part of the LMS community.  We wish you a happy Thanksgiving and hope you have an opportunity to spend time with those you care about.

Twelve week progress reports have been sent out.  It's amazing to think that we are 2/3 of the way through the first semester.  If your student has one or more deficiencies in their grades, please contact their teachers to arrange for additional time and support in Scout Learning Lab (SLL).  There is no SLL or late bus on Tuesday, November 26th. The next Saturday SLL Is on 12/7.

The month of December will be a busy one. The LMS PTO will meet on Monday, December 2nd.  All LMS families are cordially invited. Please note the next dance is Friday, December 6th.  Admission is $4 and concessions will be available.  All students in good standing are encouraged to attend.  LMS dances are from 3-5 in the gym and are not date dances.  If you are interested in chaperoning, please email Kevin or call me at 721-4430. 

The Student Leadership Team will be hosting a family night on Wednesday, December 18th.  More details are to come.  Also, we will be having our next incentive day on Friday, December 20th.  Students will be eligible to participate in the incentive day if they are effectively demonstrating their learning and getting to class on time on a regular basis.  The purpose of the incentive day is to build community and help students get caught up on their work before winter break.  To be eligible for the incentive students must have less than two tardies between 11/18 and 12/18.  They also must be earning all A's and B's.  If a student has C's they can still earn the incentive as long as they don't have any missing assignments after 11/18.  Students earning D's and F's, with more than two tardies, and/or with C's and missing assignments, will be given time to work. 

Upcoming Events:
        November 26                   No Scout Learning Lab or late bus 
        November 27-29              No school-Thanksgiving
        December 2                      PTO Meeting
        December 6                      Winter dance
        December 18                     No Scout learning lab-staff meeting 
        December 18                     SLT family night
        December 23                     Winter break begins

Monday, November 11, 2019

Week of November 11

We would like to thank all Veterans for their service and sacrifice.  The freedoms we love, cherish, and teach come at a price.  Thank you for giving to our country.  Your service is appreciated.

The student leadership team is holding a canned food drive this week  Students who wish to participate should bring nonperishable items to Mr. Miller's room during the week of the 11th. The grade that brings in the most food items will be rewarded with  pizza at lunch.  The SLT got a head start when they went trick-or-treating for food on Halloween.  Check out their haul below!

Middle school students, staff, and families are rabid consumers of social media.  As with many things, how adults interact and respond to social media is very different than how our students do.  Adult brains are physically different from adolescent brains and therefore we process the feedback we get from social media very differently.  This article from Psychology Today summarizes the impacts of social media on middle level brains and offers suggestions for monitoring use.  If your student uses social media, please consider monitor their usage time, following their accounts (all of them as they probably have more than one Instagram and Snapchat account), and encouraging non-tech social interactions.  There are many positive aspects to social media, but it can also have a very negative impact on students and their learning.  Please help us create and sustain a healthy school community by monitoring your student's social media.

Upcoming Events:

        November 15                     Hathaway Day
        November 27-29                No school-Thanksgiving
        December 2                        PTO Meeting
        December 6                        Winter dance
        December 18                      No SLL due to staff meeting
        December 18                      SLT family night
        December 23                      Winter break begins

Monday, November 4, 2019

Week of November 4

Our schedule this week is a little outside of the norm.  On Tuesday, November 5th students do not have school due to professional development.  Wednesday, November 6th is an 'even' day and Thursday, November 7th, is an 'odd' day.  Friday, November 8th, is an 'all' day.  We always have S4S on block days, so students will have S4S this Wednesday and Thursday.

The student leadership team is organizing a canned food drive the week of  November 11th-15th.  Students who wish to participate should bring nonperishable items to Mr. Miller's room during the week of the 11th. The grade that brings in the most food items will be rewarded with  pizza at lunch.

The district recently sent out a link to all families to complete the 2019 School Climate and Satisfaction Survey.  If you did not receive the link, it can be found on the front page of the District website.  Please take the time to complete the survey.  It provides us with valuable feedback at the school and District level.  This feedback allows us to identify areas of celebration and areas of growth.  Please contact Kevin at 721-4430 if you have any questions regarding the school climate and satisfaction survey.  We look forward to your feedback.

Upcoming Events
  • 11/5:              No school-professional development 
  • 11/11-11/15   LMS food drive 
  • 11/27-29        No school- Thanksgiving
  • 12/6               Winter dance
  • 12/18             Family night
  • 12/23             Winter break begins