Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Week of May 21

Our theme for the year is "If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you."  Our school community has embraced this theme throughout the year.  Our students have gained new knowledge, developed new programs, and become better students, friends, and young adults.  Our teachers have honed their skills, developed new lessons, and integrated technology in support of even greater student learning.  Our families have supported our growth through helping their students, attending events, taking surveys, and trusting us with their students each and every day.  The purpose of our collective work has been to get better.  We are so proud of all of our students and all they have accomplished this year.  They truly are amazing.  We will continue to work together to finish the year strong and to make next year our best yet.

Celebration is an important part of our school culture and with this in mind, student government has been working hard to plan the last day of school on the 31st.  All students will report directly to 2nd period next Thursday.  They will remain there for about a half hour to take care of any last minute housekeeping needs such as paying fines or returning library books.  Students will then go outside for a series of fun activities.  After that, all students will report to the gym for a final all school assembly.  Students will return to 2nd period for dismissal at approximately 11:30.  It will be a fun way to cap off a great school year.

The last dance of the school year will be held after school on this Wednesday in the LMS gym.  All LMS students in good standing (not serving ISS or OSS) are cordially invited.  Hopefully all Scouts will come to the dance and shake a leg one last time this school year.  If you are interested in chaperoning, please contact me via email or at 721-4430.

Another scheduling item of note, this Friday, May 25th is a full day at LMS.  The elementary schools have an early release on Friday.  We look forward to seeing our students all day this Friday.

Upcoming Events: 
  • May 23                          Last dance 
  • May 25                          Elementary early release-full day at LMS 
  • May 28                          No school-Memorial Day 
  • May 30                          8th grade ice cream social 
  • May 31                          Last day for student-early dismissal 

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Week of May 14

Many things are happening at LMS as we work towards the end of the school year.  A special congratulations to Mr. Reitzel and the LMS yearbook crew on being recognized by Walsworth Publishing.  Mr. Reitzel was presented with the Incredible Teaching Award and the LMS yearbook was inducted into the Gallery of Excellence.  There are still a few award-winning yearbooks for sale.  They are $40.00 and can be purchased in the main office.

The last dance of the school year will be held after school on Wednesday, May 23rd in the LMS gym.  All LMS students in good standing (not serving ISS or OSS) are cordially invited.  Hopefully all Scouts will come to the dance and shake a leg one last time for the 2017-2018 school year.  If you are interested in chaperoning, please contact me via email or at 721-4430.

The last day for students if Thursday, May 31st.  We will have an early release on the 31st so students will be dismissed at 11:23.  No lunch will be served that day.  Students may sign up for a sack lunch that they take with them when they leave for the day.  We will be following on a modified schedule on the last day.  Students will take care of any remaining housekeeping items first thing in the morning.  We will then go outside for a field day where students compete in various fun activities.  We'll head back in side for a whole school assembly and then students will be dismissed.  It should be an excited way to celebrate all of our successes from this year.

Don't miss out on the Scout Shout.  The newspaper crew has been working hard to deliver all of the hard hitting and exciting news on a monthly basis.  If you don't know where to find the Scout Shout, this video will guide you.  Ms. Walker and the students have done an amazing job with the Scout Shout.  Please take the time to check it out.

Upcoming Events: 
  • May 23                          Last dance 
  • May 25                          Elementary early release-full day at LMS 
  • May 28                          No school-Memorial Day 
  • May 30                          8th grade ice cream social 
  • May 31                          Last day for student-early dismissal 

Monday, May 7, 2018

Week of May 7

The end of the school year is barreling towards us at light speed.  It's imperative that we work together to close out the 2017-2018 school year on a high note.  Our theme for this year is 'If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you.'  We want to keep that in mind during this last month.  It can be tempting to want to coast into to the summer, but we want to slide in at full speed on the 31st, happy, exhausted, and satisfied with our efforts as we scream "Whoa what a ride!."  Thank you for your support in making the last month of school engaging, meaningful, and fun.

If you have not done so already, please make plans to join us for  the 31st Hapi-ness 5K this Saturday.  Registration begins at 8:00 am and the race starts at 9:00.  The Hapi-ness 5K began in 1987 in memory of Hapi Patterson, who passed away from leukemia that year.  Proceeds from the race support families in need.  This year student government is planning to help multiple families in need of assistance. There are LMS students that have family members suffering from cancer.  There are also multiple LMS students that were affected by the Wade's Trailer Court fire.  All profits will be applied to these areas of need. If you have questions about the Hapi-ness 5K, please contact Mr. Miller or visit the Hapi-ness 5K Facebook page.

Except for a few make up tests, WYTOPP testing is complete. Results will be sent to families this summer around the end of July.  This is a similar timeframe to PAWS.  Beginning next year, students will get their results a day or two after completing their test.  Thank you for supporting our goofy schedules during testing and for sending your student to school ready to test each day.

Sixth and eighth grade students will be taking the Preventative Needs Assessment survey on May 17th during their social studies class.  This survey is conducted by the State of Wyoming to determine if students in the state are making healthy choices and if preventative programming is effective.  Information regarding this survey was sent home with your student's 12-week grade report.  If you'd like to see the survey a copy is available in the main office or you can go to:
http://pnasurvey.org/Resources/docs/PNA Survey Instrument.pdf.

Upcoming Events: 

  • May 30                          8th grade ice cream social 
  • May 28                          No school-Memorial Day 
  • May 31                          Last day for student-early dismissal 

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Week of April 30

WYTOPP testing continues this week.  All LMS students will be taking the math test this Tuesday and Wednesday.  Other than those students who need extra time to finish or need to make up a test they missed, all students will be done testing on Wednesday.  Thank you for sending your student to school well rested and ready to test.  We realize that different schedules to accommodate testing can be stressful, but it's important that we complete WYTOPP so we can identify areas of celebration and look for ways to get even better as a school.

The 31st Hapi-ness 5K is on Saturday May 12th.  Registration begins at 8:00 am and the race starts at 9:00.  If you would like to receive a t-shirt, you must register by May 3rd.  The Hapi-ness 5K began in 1987 in memory of Hapi Patterson, who passed away from leukemia that year.  Proceeds from the race support families in need.  This year student government is planning to help multiple families in need of assistance. There are LMS students that have family members suffering from cancer.  There are also multiple LMS students that were affected by the Wade's Trailer Court fire.  All profits will be applied to these areas of need. If you have questions about the Hapi-ness 5K, please contact Mr. Miller or visit the Hapi-ness 5K Facebook page.

Speaking of Mr. Miller, we are happy to share that he has been named the Laramie Middle School Teacher of the Year.  Mr. Miller teaches computers, business, and student government at LMS. He coaches cross country, basketball, and track as well.  Mr. Miller also leads the student leadership team, WEB crew, and coordinates the sources of strength program. Mr. Miller's instruction is top notch and he is a dynamic member of the LMS community.  It was a difficult decision as there are many great teachers at LMS.  Again congratulations to Mr. Miller on earning the 2017-18 LMS teacher of the Year Award!

The Critter Creek 4H Club will be collecting gently used backpacks at the end of the school year again this year.  They clean the backpacks and fill them will school supplies before donating them to students next fall.  If you have a backpack that you don't intend to use after school is out, please consider donating it.  For more information you can call Valerie at 307-399-3759.

Upcoming Events: 
  • April 23-May 11           WYTOPP testing window 
  • May 1                            LMS choir concert
  • May 3                            PTO meeting 
  • May 28                          No school-Memorial Day 
  • May 31                          Last day for student-early dismissal