Celebration is an important part of our school culture and with this in mind, student government has been working hard to plan the last day of school on the 31st. All students will report directly to 2nd period next Thursday. They will remain there for about a half hour to take care of any last minute housekeeping needs such as paying fines or returning library books. Students will then go outside for a series of fun activities. After that, all students will report to the gym for a final all school assembly. Students will return to 2nd period for dismissal at approximately 11:30. It will be a fun way to cap off a great school year.
The last dance of the school year will be held after school on this Wednesday in the LMS gym. All LMS students in good standing (not serving ISS or OSS) are cordially invited. Hopefully all Scouts will come to the dance and shake a leg one last time this school year. If you are interested in chaperoning, please contact me via email or at 721-4430.
Upcoming Events:
- May 23 Last dance
- May 25 Elementary early release-full day at LMS
- May 28 No school-Memorial Day
- May 30 8th grade ice cream social
- May 31 Last day for student-early dismissal