Monday, December 17, 2018

Week of December 17

The final week of school for 2018 is upon us.  As we look forward to the opportunities of a new year, it is also a time to reflect on the passing year.  The LMS staff is thankful that you are sharing your student with us and for your continued support.  We relish the opportunity to work with your student to develop new skills, reach their goals, and to help them become better students, friends, siblings, and people in 2019.  Our theme: Respect is earned, Honesty is appreciated, Trust is gained, Scouts are forever will continue to frame our collective work in the coming year.  With your continued support, we are looking forward to putting in the work to fulfill the spirit contained within our theme.

All teachers will be working with our friends from the Laramie Police Department after school this Wednesday to review and update our safety procedures.  This is part of a coordinated effort between the District and LPD.  All ACSD#1 schools are engaging in this training.  Due to this commitment, there will be no Scout Learning Lab or late bus after school this Wednesday.  Students should go home directly after school on Wednesday.

This Friday is our third spirit day for December as we are celebrating ugly sweater day.  Students and staff will be showing their school and holiday spirit by rocking their tackiest holiday sweater.  The class with the best participation will earn points towards the Scout Cup.  Encourage your Scout to show out on Friday with the best, or worst, sweater in Laramie.

Our attendance goal for the school year is 95%.  In November our attendance was 92.8%.  Please help us reach our goal by having your student in school, on time, ready to learn every day possible.  I know it can be tempting to add a day or two onto a break, but those days add up over the course of a school year and there is no substitute for first time instruction.  Friday will be a regular 'all' day and students will be dismissed at 3:00.  Thank you for supporting your student by having them attend school all week.

Upcoming Events: 
  • December 17                 Boys basketball informational meeting
  • December 21                 Ugly sweater day
  • December 24                 Winter break begins
  • January 7                       Classes resume after winter break 
  • January 18                     End of the first semester 

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Week of December 10

We are sprinting towards the winter break.  The last day of classes for 2018 is Friday, December 21st.  The 21st is a full day of school and students will be dismissed at 3:00.  It's also time for our next activity changeover.  Girls basketball and wrestling are finished and boys basketball and nordic skiing are beginning.  Boys basketball is open to 7th and 8th grade students.  Open gym is being held on the 12th, 13th, 17th, and 20th from 3:00-4:15.  The informational meeting is on December 17th at 5:30 in the LMS cafeteria.  Nordic skiing is open to 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students and practice is underway.  Skiers meet in the cafeteria after school.

Mrs. Heggie's cooking class recently competed in their annual cake decorating contest.  All of the cakes were fantastic and it was inspiring to see what the students created.  LMS students are very talented and that was evident in their cakes.  We'd like to congratulate all of the students who participated and we thank them for their hard work.  A special congratulations to the bakers of the first place entry 'Rocking Around the Christmas Tree'.  Great job Aubrey Howells, Libby Goodspeed, and Dalia Franco!

Our winter spirit days continue this week with Flannel Friday.  All members of the LMS community are encouraged to rock their favorite flannel this Friday to show their school spirit and fight off the winter blues.  The grade will the most participation will earn points towards the Scout Cup.

It's never too early to think about ordering your copy of the LMS Scout.  Yearbooks are $40 and can be ordered on  Be sure to claim your copy of this award winning publication before they sell out.  Scouts are forever, but the number of yearbooks is limited.  Don't be left out in the cold, order today.

Upcoming Events: 
  • December 10                 Wyoming Day
  • December 17                 Boys basketball informational meeting
  • December 24                 Winter break begins
  • January 7                       Classes resume after winter break 
  • January 18                     End of the first semester 

Monday, December 3, 2018

Week of December 3

It's hard to believe that December is here.  The school year is certainly flying by.  We are excited for an engaging, challenging, and fulfilling three weeks leading up to the end of 2018.  Winter break feels like a natural halfway point in the year, and psychologically it is.  However, the first semester actually ends on January 18th.  The two weeks after we return from winter break are crucial for consolidating learning and ending the first half of the academic year strong. Finishing on a high note sets students up for success in the second semester.  We understand that there are family obligations and other things that make adding a day or two on either side of a break tempting.  We ask that you have your student in school as much as possible as we continue to Strive for Five, where students have 5 or less absences for the school year.  There is no replacement for first time instruction and developing solid attendance habits in middle school set students up for success in high school and beyond.  If at all possible, please have your student plan to attend every class between now and the end of the day on the 21st.

Last week we addressed a situation in our PE locker rooms where bed bugs could have potentially been present.  We had the locker rooms professionally assessed and heat treated and they are now ready for use .  The service provider we contracted with also has dogs that are trained to detect the presence of bed bugs.  We will be following up with this intervention in January to help ensure that our locker rooms remain pest free.  We realize that our response to this situation could be improved and we are taking steps to deliver better customer service in the unlikely event of any recurrence. We apologize for the inconvenience and frustration you may have experienced as we dealt with this situation. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Kevin via email or at 721-4430.

The LMS student leadership team is building a float for this Friday's downtown parade of lights.  They are excited to show our school and community spirit.  This is the latest activity coordinated by the student leadership team to show school pride and to build connections with the broader community.  They are planning additional family nights in the coming months with potential themes such as an escape room and chili cook-off. Please keep an eye on this blog and the LMS calendar for information on upcoming events.

Upcoming Events: 
  • December 7                   Laramie parade of lights
  • December 24                 Winter break begins
  • January 7                       Classes resume after winter break 
  • January 18                     End of the first semester 

Monday, November 26, 2018

Week of November 26

We are thankful to be back in session after the Thanksgiving break.  The holiday is a wonderful opportunity to connect with family and friends as we reflect on what we are grateful for.  Vacation breaks provide natural milestones within the school year.  Looking at the calendar, we have four weeks of school until our next big milestone, winter break.  We are excited to work with all students to make the next month challenging, engaging, and fulfilling.  The first semester ends two weeks after the winter break, so now is the time to solidify our learning for the first half of the year and to lay the foundation for a strong second half.

The LMS student newspaper, The Scout Shout, has been released their latest publication.  Mrs. Baas, Mrs. Thomsen, and the dedicated students who make up the Scout Shout newsroom have been working hard to put together an informative and quality publication. Please click here to access the first edition of the Scout Shout for the 2018-19 school year.

As wrestling and girls basketball wind down, nordic skiing is set to begin.  Students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades can participate in nordic skiing.  Students must have a sports physical on file, a signed code of conduct, and provide their own equipment to participate in nordic skiing.  There is a nordic skiing informational meeting for students and families on Thursday, November 29th at 5:30 pm in the LMS cafeteria.  All students planning to participate in nordic skiing and their families should attend.

Upcoming Events: 
  • November 29                 Nordic skiing informational meeting 
  • November 29                 Nellie T. Ross' birthday 
  • December 24                 Winter break begins
  • January 7                       Classes resume after winter break 

Monday, November 19, 2018

Week of November 19

The Thanksgiving Break is upon us and we head into the holiday with heavy hearts.  Our condolences go out to the all those in the ACSD1 and Laramie communities who are grieving.  It is in times of tragedy that we are made acutely aware of all that we are thankful for.  Thank you for sharing your students with us and for your support.  We hope the Thanksgiving break provides an opportunity to spend time with your friends and loved ones.  As a school, we are looking forward to the break so we can recharge our collective batteries for the sprint to the end of 2018.

During professional development and Scouts for Scouts, we have been focusing on the cultivation and application of a growth mindset.  We believe that all students can learn and perform at high levels.  Intelligence and ability are not fixed qualities, but something that can be developed over time.  It's just like getting in shape to run a race.  In the beginning you can't run very fast or very far, but when you stick with it the miles can cruise by with ease.  Often we hear students say "I'm not a math person." or "I'm not creative."  The concept of neuroplasticity provides the scientific basis for adding yet to the above statements changing them to "I'm not a math person, yet."  With practice and support we all have the capability to build new skills and knowledge.  The short video below explains neuroplasticity and how we can used brain-based strategies to support increased student learning.

Twelve week grade reports are coming in the mail this week.  Grade reports are send out at 6 weeks, 12 weeks, and semester.  Students who earn a failing semester grade may be required to attend summers school, which is tentatively scheduled June 3-20.  If your students is earning a failing grade, please contact her/his teachers to make a plan for them to improve their performance. 

Upcoming Events: 
  • November 20                 Twelve week grade reports mailed 
  • November 21-13            No school-Thanksgiving Break
  • November 29                 Nellie T. Ross' birthday 
  • December 24                 Winter break begins
  • January 7                       Classes resume after winter break 

Monday, November 12, 2018

Week of November 12

As we reflect on Veterans Day, we'd like to take a moment to thank those who have served or are currently serving.  Our country was founded when the bravest among us rose and up in defiance of tyranny.  Today we continue to live under the blanket of freedom that is protected by the men and women of our Armed Forces. LMS extends a heartfelt thank you to our Veterans.  Your service is deeply appreciated.

Unfortunately the use of e-cigarettes, commonly referred to as vaping, is on the rise in Laramie and across the country. Many of these products are manufactured to specifically appeal to young people.  Big tobacco needs to replace traditional smokers to maintain their bottom line, and vaping is one way they are doing it.  Why else would vaping fluid be made to look like candy and vaping devices made to look like school supplies? Juuling is a particularly popular is a type of vaping.  The juul resembles a flash drive and can be plugged into a USB port to charge.  The juul has two parts, the bottom part contains a battery and the temperature regulation system and the top part is the nicotine cartridge.  As you can see below, the juul, and other e-cigs, are designed to be concealed and used covertly in schools and other places.

Although vaping has been marketed as a safe alternative to cigarettes, that is not the case.  Nicotine is nicotine and the addictive properties and health risks of nicotine are well documented.  Vaping can also be used to deliver THC and other narcotics.  Many other chemicals are inhaled and exhaled when vaping and the long term impact of these chemicals, such as formaldehyde, is unknown. Bottom line, vaping is not safe, it's addictive, and it's against school policy.  Please review this presentation put together by Mr. Qualls and this article written by a high school principal to learn more about vaping. If your student is vaping, we're here to help.  We want all of our students to live healthy lives now and in the future, and that includes a life free from vaping.  Please let us know if you need assistance talking to your student about the dangers of vaping or helping them kick the habit.

This Friday, November 16th is Hathaway Scholarship day.  The Hathaway Scholarship makes a college education both affordable and possible for Wyoming high school graduates.  It is an enormous benefit of being a resident of our great state.  It's never to early to learn about the Hathaway Scholarship and the opportunities it may bring to your family.  Please click here to learn more about the Hathaway Scholarship.

Upcoming Events: 

  • November 16                 Hathaway Scholarship Day
  • November 21-13            No school-Thanksgiving
  • November 29                 Nellie T. Ross' birthday 
  • December 24                 Winter break begins
  • January 7                       Classes resume after winter break 

Monday, November 5, 2018

Week of November 5

We are especially excited for this week as we are kicking off the LMS Fall Food Drive.  All students are encouraged to bring in nonperishable food items.  Items that are collected will be donated to the Interfaith Food Pantry.  The grade that brings in the most food will earn points towards the Scout Cup.  The Scout Cup is a contest between the grade levels where grades earn points based on their participation in various school activities.  The winning grade for the food drive will earn 50 Scout Cup points and a pizza party.  Students who bring in a canned food item will also earn a $1 discount on admission to this Friday's dance.   Watch below to learn more about the food drive.

A question teachers often hear is ‘Why do I have to learn this?’ It’s a great question and one that we will endeavor to answer throughout the year for various subject areas.  This month we are looking at English.  In 6th grade, students are learning to identify theme and to use evidence to support a theme in a complete summary. Theme is a universal message that applies to multiple areas of our lives.  Students apply themes when interpreting literature and visiting and interacting with students of other cultures.  Theme is an important part of movies and songs as well.  So why do 6th graders need to learn about theme?  They need to learn about it so they can understand movies!

Seventh graders are studying characters and looking at consequences of their actions.  They look at how they are affected when they choose to be confident in themselves and let what others say roll off their back versus letting what others say get under their skin and define who they are.  Students are asked to think about their own decisions regarding peer pressure and the consequences regarding those decisions. All students will have to deal with peer pressure in appropriate ways to navigate the world.  Developing self-confidence and determining what feedback is valuable is important in school, sports, and the world of work.  Seventh graders need to learn how the choices characters make in literature impact their lives so they can apply those lessons to their lives both in school and beyond.

Students in the 8th grade are learning to determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meaning.  They are analyzing the impact of specific words choices on meaning and tone, including analogies or allusions to other texts. The understanding of figurative language provides students with tools to be better speakers and writers in order to better communicate and express themselves in today’s world.  No matter what career choice students ultimately make, effective communication will always be essential for  success. If you can’t communicate you can’t get a job. So without mastering communication in 8th grade English, students might not be able to afford a house, car, food, Wyoming Cowboys tickets, and other essentials for living. 

Upcoming Events: 

  • November 5-9                LMS food drive
  • November 6                   No school-professional development 
  • November 9                   Fall dance
  • November 16                 Hathaway Scholarship Day
  • November 21-13            No school-Thanksgiving
  • November 29                 Nellie T. Ross' birthday 

Monday, October 29, 2018

Week of October 29

It's a spook-tacular week to be a Scout.  Students are allowed to wear costumes on Halloween.  They must meet the criteria laid out previously.  Which are basically: the student is identifiable, and excessive gore, excessive face paint, masks, and faux weapons are not permitted.  Students and their classmates must be able to participate in learning activities.  Students with costumes that do not meet these criteria will be asked to change.  Let's make this a fantastic Halloween.

One of the many great things about graduating from high school in Wyoming is that Hathaway Scholarship.  The Hathaway Scholarship is funded by a $400 million permanent endowment an all Wyoming students are eligible for the Hathaway Scholarship if they meet the criteria. This scholarship can cover significant portions  post-secondary education.  Please visit this website to learn more about the Hathaway Scholarship or email your questions in.

In order to make grades reflective of learning, the LMS staff has developed grading norms.  Some of our norms are related to late or missing work.  Students do not lose points if work is late.  Taking off points would be grade promptness, which is a behavior, as opposed to offering feedback on what the assignment was about.  However, turning in assignments on the last day of a semester from the first week of the semester is more about a grading game than a learning game. 

Late or missing assignments can be completed and submitted for credit in nine week intervals.  The first nine week interval ends this Friday.  Any work from the first part of the year will not be accepted for credit after Friday, November 2nd.  Assignments from Monday the 5th onward will be accepted through the end of the semester on January 18th.  Please check your student's grades in Powerschool and utilize Scout Learning Lab to help your student complete any missing work prior to this Friday.

Upcoming Events: 
  • November 5-9                LMS food drive
  • November 6                   No school-professional development 
  • November 9                   Fall dance
  • November 16                 Hathaway Scholarship Day
  • November 21-13            No school-Thanksgiving
  • November 29                 Nellie T. Ross' birthday 

Monday, October 22, 2018

Week of October 22

To begin this post, I'd like to share some of Dr. Yennie's words to frame why we have conferences. When I typed my first draft, I focused on the logistics of conferences, which are important and shared below.  But Dr. Yennie helped me remember the why of conferences.  Why we take the time to be intentional about discussing your student's growth, why we alter our busy schedules for conferences, and why in this age of digital communication, there is so much value in meeting face to face.

With parent-teacher conferences this week, we get the opportunity to connect in the presence of old and new friends. We get to share the stories about children and their amazing learning and growth.  We get to hear dreams and aspirations. Please take the time to make meaningful connections this week.  Parent –teacher conferences are a great celebration and an important milestone. 

And now for the nuts and bolts.  There are only three days of school for students this week.  Students do not attend school on Thursday, October 25th or Friday, October 26th. Conference are from 3:30-7:30 on Wednesday and 8:00-7:00 on Thursday.  There will be no Scout Learning Lab (SLL) on Wednesday, but we will have SLL on Friday from 8:00-11:00.  Classes will resume on Monday, October 29th.  Please use this link to sign up for conferences if you have not done so already.  Because of the short week, we will be following our 'all' schedule on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.

Attendance is crucial to student success.  Our attendance mantra for this year is "Strive for Five" meaning our goal for all students is five or less absences excluding those absences related to school activities.  There are many factors that influence school attendance, and at times students need to miss school for illness or other reasons, but students need to be in school as much as possible as there truly is no replacement for first time instruction and the learning that accompanies it.  You might wonder, what's the big deal about attendance?

A study in Maryland found that only 49% of chronically absent middle school students graduated from high school on time compared to 70% of students who attended faithfully.  Another study in Pennsylvania showed that students who struggled academically and who were habitually absent were significantly less likely to close the achievement gap than their peers who also struggled academically but attended school regularly.  This research confirms what we already know, being in school is important.  Please do everything you can to help your student be in school, on time, ready to learn every day. Certainly we will do everything we can to help students who are absent get caught up on what they miss, but there's just no substitute for being in school.

The last class at LMS dismisses at 3:00 every day.  Unless your student is staying for SLL, or participating in an activity that starts right after school, they need to be out of the building by 3:10.  Some students are staying long after that creating supervision issues.  If your student is being picked up, their ride should be at the school by 3:10 or other arrangements need to be made.  If your student participates in an activity that has late practice, they need to make arrangements to go somewhere after school until practice begins.  They can not remain at the middle school until late practice starts.  There is no one available to supervise students during that time.  Thank you for your support.

Upcoming Events: 
  • October 24                     No SLL conferences 
  • October 24-25                Fall conferences
  • October 25-26                No school-conferences
  • November 6                   No school-professional development 
  • November 29                 Nellie T. Ross' birthday 

Monday, October 15, 2018

Week of October 15

Fall conferences are Wednesday, October 24th from 3:30-7:30 and Thursday, October 25th from 8:00-7:00.  Conferences are a great time to check in with your student's teachers and to offer feedback to help us support students more effectively.  Use this link to schedule your conferences.  If you can't remember everyone's name from back to school night, please review your student's schedule on Powerschool, consult the six week grade report that was mailed home last week, or view the staff listing page on our website.  If you are unable to schedule a conference with all of your student's teachers on the 24th or 25th, please contact teachers via email to set up another time to meet.  We hope to see you all on the 24th or 25th.  Spanish translation services are available all day on the 25th.

Halloween is approaching quickly.  In fact, based on the displays in the stores, we've been ready for Halloween since late August. Students are allowed to wear costumes on Halloween, however, there are guidelines for costumes.  Please review the video below from the student leadership team for more information.

There will be no Scout Learning Lab (SLL) this Wednesday due to a staff meeting.  There will also be no late bus.  All students not participating in school activities should leave right after school on Wednesday.  Also, please remember that while the elementary schools have an early release this Friday, the middle school will dismiss at our regular time of 3:00.

As you can see from the picture below, the LMS lost and found is way more lost than found at this point.  Please encourage your student to look for their missing items in the lost and found.  It is located in the cafeteria.  All items remaining after conferences will either be donated or disposed of.

Upcoming Events: 
  • October 17                     No SLL-staff meeting 
  • October 24-25                Fall conferences
  • October 25-26                No school-conferences
  • November 6                   No school-professional development 

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Week of October 1st

It's homecoming  spirit week at Laramie Middle School.  There are a variety of activities planned including dress up days, a football game, a volleyball games, and family bingo night.  Homecoming spirit week concludes with the LHS football game on Friday night. Please see the LMS Events Calendar for a complete listing of events.  The themes for the dress up days are:

  • Movie Monday
  • Twinning Tuesday
  • White Out Wednesday
  • Throwback Thursday
  • School Spirit Friday
Family Bingo Night is today, October 2nd, from 6:45-8:00 pm in the LMS cafeteria.  All LMS students and their families are encouraged to attend. There will be prizes, popcorn, and plenty of fun.  There is no cost to attend.  We hope to see you all tonight n the cafeteria.  It's the place to be!

Families whose students have a negative lunch balance began receiving text messages last Friday, September 29th.  These texts will be sent weekly to keep families informed of their student's balance. Lunch payments can be made online under the resources tab on the LMS website. If you have questions regarding your student's account, or feel you have received a text message in error, please contact food service at 721-4482. 

The State Department of Education has released WYTOPP scores from last Spring.  WYTOPP is the state mandated test students take each fall and spring to measure their progress and growth.  We use WYTOPP scores to examine our instructional effectiveness and to identify areas of celebration and areas of growth.  Students in all grades take the math and English Language Arts (ELA) tests.  Eighth grade students take a science test and seventh grade students take a writing test as well.  Our scores, as measured by the percentage of students who scored proficient or advanced, were higher than the state average in all areas.  We are excited for these results and look forward to working together to improve in the future.  Families will receive a copy of their student's scores with the six week grade report that is being mailed out this Friday.

State Average
LMS Scores

Upcoming Events: 

  • October 1-5                    Homecoming spirit week                      
  • October 2                       Picture retakes 
  • October 2                       LMS family night 
  • October 24-25                Fall conferences
  • October 25-26                No school-conferences

Monday, September 24, 2018

Week of September 24th

Another week is underway at LMS, but we begin without our students.  During Monday's professional development we are building skills to move effectively support students in crisis and to provide for the care, welfare, safety, and security for all students.  We realize that professional development can be a bit of a blessing and a curse.  A blessing at times as these days provide a long weekend for families to be together without missing school, and a curse in the same breath as families  may need to find supervision for their students during the day.  Please know that our work during professional development is crucial to our growth as a school community and we appreciate your support.

All students must have updated vaccination paperwork on file, filed for an exemption, or scheduled an appointment to become properly vaccinated or by state law they are not allowed to attend school 30 calendar days after the start of the school year.  Mrs. Woodhouse has been reaching out to all families whose students need to update their vaccinations. Beginning on 9/25/18, students lacking the proper vaccinations will not be allowed to attend classes.  If you have any questions regarding vaccination requirements, please contact Mrs. Woodhouse at 721-4430.

Picture retakes are Tuesday, October 2nd.  Students who did not have their pictures taken previously will have their pictures taken.  Students who had their pictures taken, but would like retakes should bring their original pictures with them.  Replacement pictures are free no charge if students return all of their original pictures. If you would like to order pictures online, go to and enter picture day ID CG218395Y1.

The upcoming shift in activities is evidence that the school year is flying by.  Cross country, football, and volleyball will be wrapping up soon and girls basketball and wrestling will begin the week of October 8th. Wrestling is open to students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades and girls basketball is open to female students in 7th and 8th grades.  Students must have a signed code of conduct and athletic physical on file to participate in activities.  If your student already participated in an activity this year, all of their paperwork will is on file. Please contact Mrs. Anfinson or Mrs. Burkhart.

Upcoming Events: 
  • September 24                 No school-professional development
  • October 1-5                    Homecoming week                      
  • October 2                       Picture retakes 
  • October 2                       LMS family night 
  • October 24-25                Fall conferences