It seems winter has finally arrived in Laramie. Please allow extra travel time so that you can get your student to school safely. Also, please encourage students to dress for the Wyoming weather. Sometimes fashion and appropriate dress are at odds, but it's always possible for a bus to get stuck or some other delay to occur, and students in shorts or appropriate coats may find themselves getting quite cold. Also, please arrange for your student to exit the school as soon as possible after school. If you are not able to pick your student up until 3:30 or 4:00, that means they are at the school, unsupervised for 30 minutes to an hour. If students are not staying for Scout Learning Lab or for another activity, they need to exit the building by 3:15 at the latest. If you are unable to pick your student up by that time, please make arrangements for alternative transportation, such as the bus, or for a different after school plan.
Please take the time to complete the school quality survey you received via email. You can also
access the survey through this link or on the LMS and District homepages. This data helps us identify areas we are doing well in as well as areas for improvement. Your feedback is important to us. Responses are anonymous and your answers will help guide our improvement as a school and a district.
There will not be Scout Learning Lab after school on Tuesday, December 5th. We have a staff meeting so staff will not be available to assist students. There will not be a late bus on the 5th, so all students should go home directly after school. Scout Learning Lab will resume it's normal schedule on Wednesday, December 6th.
The winter dance is Friday, December 8th from 3-5 pm in the LMS gym. All LMS students in good standing (not serving ISS or OSS on the 8th) are encouraged to attend. Admission is $4 and concessions are available. Dances are a great opportunity to celebrate and build community. Please encourage your student to attend. If you would like to chaperone, please contact Kevin at 721-4430.
You can nominate an LMS teacher for the Kiwanis Outstanding Teacher Award. Nomination forms are available in the main office. We have many outstanding teachers in the LMS community. Please consider nominating one of them.
The December PTO meeting is Monday, December 4th at 5:30 pm in the LMS cafeteria. Please bundle up and join us. The PTO is very active in supporting a variety of programming at LMS. We are always looking for new faces at our meetings. I hope to see you at 5:30 on the 4th.
Upcoming Events
- December 4 PTO meeting
- December 5 No SLL-staff meeting
- December 8 Winter dance
- December 20-January 2 No school-winter break