Last Friday was the six-week mark for the second semester. Progress reports will be going out through PowerSchool today. Please log into PowerSchool and review your student’s progress with them. It is a crucial time in our school year as students’ grades now serve as the foundation for the last twelve weeks of school. When reviewing your student’s report, identify areas of celebration as well as areas of growth. Please encourage your student to take advantage of the extra assistance available to them during class, Scout Learning Lab, and I/E. We also encourage families to reach out to their student’s teachers. They are here to help.
This month we are focused on helping students understand that courage is not a magical remedy for fear. Instead, courage is a choice to push through fear, self-doubt, and anxiety to do things that feel hard or frightening. Ask each family member to share something positive they want to do but have been afraid to try. Discuss what fears are getting in the way and steps to overcome those fears. Encourage everyone to try something new this month. Don’t forget to celebrate each family member when they do! Read more about courage in this month’s CKH newsletter.
Scheduling for the 2025-2026 school year is underway. Current 6th and 7th grade students have been given access to the course selection form. If your student has not submitted their course selection forms for next year, please have them do so as soon as possible. If students do not submit a course selection form, their courses will be chosen for them. Please click here to access the 7th grade registration form and click here to access the 8th grade registration form. Current 8th graders submit their freshmen registration forms to the LMS main office. Additional copies of the LHS registration form can be picked up in the LMS main office.
March is upon us. It’s important as we look forward to spring break in a couple of weeks that we focus on what we can do today to set our students up for success not only this week, but for the remainder of this school season. Please continue to emphasize the importance of attending school each and every day with your student and we thank you for your continued feedback and support.
Upcoming Events
3/3-3/7 National School Social Worker Week
3/7 Maintenance Employee Appreciation Day
3/18 Speech Language Pathologist Appreciation Day
3/17-3/21 Spring break
3/25 PAC meeting